When you register, you will also be selecting your meal plan. Keep in mind you will not be able to make changes once you've submitted your payment.
- A phone list will be generated for all Convention attendees once registration closes. The phone number in your personal profile on the FA website is the number that will be included on the phone list.
A Sharing Session from Service Group Support will be held on Friday, May 31 from 3:00-4:30 PM.
- When planning travel for the Convention, note that dinner on Friday will be served from 5:30-7:00 PM. If you are going to arrive past 7:00 PM, you will need to bring your own dinner. The Convention will end at lunchtime on Sunday.
If you'd like to share a room or transportation with other fellows, fill out the Ride and Lodging Sharing Sign-Up Form. Responses are displayed on the Ride and Lodging Sharing List. Please note that you must be logged into your profile to sign up or view the list.
DRAFT copies of the schedule and meal plan are now available on the Business Convention page of the FA website.
Further information about the Convention is on the FA website.
For questions, please contact convention@foodaddicts.org.
In service,
The Convention Planning Committee