A Message from the Principal
Willow Springs Middle School Principal Newsletter - January 31, 2019


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Dear WSMS Parents and Guardians,

We had a great week of student presentations compliments of the WSMS PTA.  On Monday, our students heard from Carolyn Brown on anti-bullying and kindness through her program "Hey dude, Nice shoes."  Then on Wednesday and Thursday, our students heard from the Grant Halliburton Foundation on how to engage in a healthy lifestyle.  Please spend some time visiting with you son or daughter this weekend about both of these topics.

Carolyn Brown  Haliburton

Have a great weekend!

Kent Messer
Willow Springs Middle School
1101 West Lucas Rd, Lucas 75002
Office: 469-742-8417
Mobile: 214-293-9938


WSMS Yearbook Extended Sales - deadline is  February 1
Happy New Year! Now that we are in 2019, the last day to order a yearbook approaches in less than a month. Order online to guarantee your child's 2019 yearbook with an extended sale until February 1. We will need to give our yearbook order number total to our publisher and need an accurate sales count so please do not miss this deadline. We cannot guarantee your child a yearbook if you miss the order deadline. Click here to place your order today.

2019-2020 Registration Meetings
It is time to begin the process of registering current 6th, 7th, and 8th graders for the upcoming school year at WSMS and LHS!  Middle school and high school counselors will begin speaking to students in late January about elective classes, core class selections, how to register online, and what to expect in the 2019-2020 school year. Parent Registration Presentations will be held on:

  • Parents of current 8th graders:  At LHS, February 11, 6pm Parent Registration Presentation
  • Parents and current 8th graders:  At LHS, February 11, 6:30pm LHS Elective Showcase,Immediately following parent meeting
  • Parents of current 6th graders:  At WSMS, February 26, 9am-10 am - Parent Registration Presentation
  • Parents of current 7th graders:  At WSMS, February 26, 11am-12 noon - Parent Registration Presentation
  • Parents of current 6th graders: At WSMS, February 27, 5:30pm-6pm - GT Information Meeting-- DATE CHANGED
  • Parents of current 6th graders: At WSMS, February 27, 6:00-7:00pm - Parent Registration Presentation-- DATE CHANGED
  • Parents of current 7th graders: At WSMS, February 27, 6:30pm-7pm - GT Information Meeting-- DATE CHANGED
  • Parents of current 7th graders: At WSMS, February 27, 6:00-7:00pm - Parent Registration Presentation-- DATE CHANGED
For a complete registration timeline, please click here.   Contact the Student Support Center at 469-742-8422 if you have any questions about these dates.

WSMS Cheer Tryout Meeting - February 12
Coach Strange and Coach Wiggins are asking the parents of any student interested in cheer to attend the informational meeting on February 12th at 5:30 pm in the WSMS Library. This meeting will cover tryout requirements and discuss the difference between the three different teams your student might be placed on based on their tryout scores. We will also go over the cost for your student to be a WSMS cheerleader and answer any questions you may have about the cheer program. Please email kali_strange@lovejoyisd.net if you are unable to attend this meeting and your child is interested in cheering at WSMS next year.

WSMS 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney - March 1
On March 1st, WSMS will hold our annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the WSMS gyms from 4:30--6:00. The cost is $40 per team and each team can consist of 3-4 players.  Students are welcomed to come and watch this tournament free of charge. We will have pizza, snacks, and water for purchase. All items can be purchased for $1.00.

More information to come about parent chaperone sign ups .

WSMS Cheer Tryouts - March 20 - 22
Students who are trying out for 7th or 8th grade cheer will meet in the main gym at WSMS from 4:30-6:00 pm March 20th and 21st to practice and prepare for tryouts which will be held on March 22nd from 4:30-9:00 pm in the WSMS Main Gym. Please email kali_strange@lovejoyisd.net if you have any questions about the WSMS cheer program or if you missed the informational parent meeting on February 12th.

Academic UIL - Save the Date
Academic UIL competition is on the horizon, and we are looking forward to attending this year's competition on April 12 and 13, 2019 at Coppell MS North!  All students in grades 7 and 8 are eligible to try-out for a team. Students may compete in as many events as they would like as long as the events they enter compete at different times during the competition day. Students who make the team (3 members plus one alternate for most teams) will begin practices as determined by the team coach.  Practice days and times will vary with each competition and coach. Tryout dates, times, and locations will be publicized in early February, and team practices will begin the week of February 25th. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Rogers at laura_rogers@lovejoyisd.net.

Save the Date: STAAR Testing This Spring

Campus Information and Reminders

WSMS Color Guard Competition Results
Congratulations to both our 7th and 8th grade teams.   The 7th Grade team came in 4th in their class, and the 8th grade team came in 1st in their class!

Color Guard

WSMS Chess
On Saturday, October 14th, Hagio Pang and Emily Perry represented Willow Springs Middle School at the 8th Annual Scott Watson Memorial Chess Tournament in Irving,Texas. They played against other local schools earning 3rd Place in the Middle School Championship!!! The trophy will be brought to WSMS for the display case.

WSMS Geo Bee Results
Last week, WSMS hosted our annual Geo Bee.  Congratulations to our winners: 3rd Place - Humzah Ahmed (8th Grade), 2nd Place - Lauren Dumin (8th Grade), 1st Place - Katherine Smith (7th Grade)

PTA Reflections
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the PTA Reflections contest this year! We had a total of 29 Literature entries and 68 Visual Art entries. Our students did a fantastic job of interpreting the theme and creating beautiful works of art. Entries were recently judged at the Council lever with two of them moving on to State, listed below.   Click here for the Council level results.

Aaratha Devakumar - 7th Grade

Visual Arts
Jocelyn Kim - 7th Grade

Student Attendance
One of our continuing focus areas for this year is to increase our student and teacher daily attendance on campus.  Research shows that the more students are in class with their teacher, the more they will learn over the course of the school year.  The more students learn, the more success and confidence they will have in middle school. To promote this, we will be recognizing students and staff who have perfect attendance during each six weeks.  Please assist us by working with your son or daughter to ensure they are getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and are taking care of themselves overall. In addition, our new state accountability system uses student attendance as criteria for evaluating the performance of schools.  We also receive state funding based on our "Average Daily Attendance" of students that are present after 10:00 AM. As you begin to plan out of town trips this spring, please consider keeping your children in school through the Friday before each break. Let's work together to encourage our students to be in class every day.

2 rd Nine-Weeks Student Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to our students who had perfect attendance for the entire first semester.

First Semester Student Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to our students who had perfect attendance for the entire first semester.

Winter Illness
Since we are entering the FLU season, we just wanted to remind you of the District Policies about students attending school with illnesses. Students MUST STAY HOME from school if they have experienced vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever of 100.0 or higher in the last 24 hours, without the use of medications to lower the fever, or stop the vomiting or diarrhea. This will help prevent the spread of illnesses to other students and staff as well as prevent your own child from contracting another illness since their immune system is already still low and trying to recover from their previous illness. Please read the attached letter about Flu from the CDC by clicking  HERE.

AIM for Success Student Survey Results
On November 27th and 28th, WSMS students attended the AIM for Success program. Aim for Success addresses the problems of teen pregnancies, the escalating STD epidemic and emotional pain often associated with teen sexual activity. The speakers encouraged students to abstain from sex until marriage so they could have an easier time reaching their goals and dreams. At the end of the presentation students took an anonymous survey. The survey compares WSMS Students with other students across the country who have also participated in the program.
To see the results of the survey, click here .(Survey results are attached). If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact WSMS counselors, Kathy Stone or Kay Bordelon.

Inclement Weather
School closures will be determined based on safety. In the event of a school closure, notifications will be announced on the district's website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. We will also announce any closure through the media and by phone. Links to our social media accounts are shown below.

Lovejoy ISD App
The Lovejoy ISD App is available for download on both Apple and Android devices.  To download the app for Apple devices, please click here .  To download the app for Android devices, please click here .  

Twitter and Facebook
Are you following the district on Twitter ?  Have you liked us on Facebook ?  Join us on social media for news and announcements.

Reporting an Incident at WSMS
One of our top priorities at Willow Springs Middle School is to ensure the safety of all of our students.  Our most important asset in this is the eyes and ears our students can provide us on campus. We will begin using the Safe Schools Alert System this year for students and parents to report incidents they are aware of happening.  You can access the system by going to www.lovejoyisd.net .  Under Quick Links click on "REPORT IT!"  You will have four ways to submit an incident.  Furthermore, you will receive an access code to follow the progression of how an incident is being handled.  

January Student Nutrition Newsletter
Please click here to view.

LISD Calendar
Please go here for LISD calendars.

7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Wylie Cooper
A Team: Won 30-6
B Team: Won 23-14
C Team: Won 25-20

7th Grade Boys Basketball vs Wylie Cooper
A Team: Won 47-32
B Team: Won 40-26
C Team: Won 35-19

8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Allen Curtis
A Team: Won 21-20
B Team: Lost 19-25
C Team: Lost 16-25

8th Grade Boys Basketball vs Allen Curtis
A Team: Lost 22-43
B Team: Tied 34-34
C Team: Lost 15-40

Wrestling Update
2019 Middle School State TEAM CHAMPIONS!!
What a great week this was for our wrestling program!  Willow Springs won the State tournament by 46.5 points over the second place team!  Our boys came out champions over 40-plus teams including the likes of big schools such as Allen, Rockwall, Southlake and many more.  
Middle School state championship results:
Our middle school men and women competed in the middle school state championships in Southlake this past weekend.  We had 31 men, three women compete, and we were able to bring home 10 state placers.
Our men's team was of course STATE CHAMPIONS!!  Our women's team finished 9 th out of 16 teams!  Congrats to all of our wrestlers and thank you to all of our parents who came out to support!
Our individual state placers were:
6 th -Mercer Ashley
5 th -Brantley Bruner
3 rd -Bennett Slaughter, Eva Underwood, Ella Weston
2 nd -Chris Dechant, Brindley Eaton, Nick Garcia, Anthony Morgello
State champion-Jackson Dubree
For complete results from this event, please click here .

C Team Basketball Tournament Results
*7th Grade Girls - 7th Grade Lady Leopards C Basketball Team took 1st place in the District Tournament.
*7th Grade Boys - This past weekend, the C team competed in their district tournament. In the first game the Leopards defeated Ford 29-25 to move onto the next round. The semifinal game was against Ereckson, who the Leopards had previously lost to but not this time as the Leopards played a terrific game winning by a score of 35-25 to reach the finals. In the championship game, the Leopards again faced a team who beat them before. Once again, the Leopards were up for the challenge and were not going to be denied. In a back and forth battle, the Leopards were able to make clutch free throws down the stretch to secure a 25-23 victory and win the district tournament.
*8th Grade Boys - C Team beat Wylie McMillan 25-23 and then lost to Allen Curtis 32-29 in the semi-final game.

WSMS Track and Field - Save The Dates


Volunteers are Needed
There are several volunteer opportunities available this month.  Please consider helping out where you can. We need volunteers in the CAT as well as in the Student Store.  Both opportunities are easy to do and don't require a lot of time or experience.
To volunteer for the CAT, please use this link:
To volunteer for the Student Store, please use this link:
To sign-up to donate items for the staff and teacher luncheon on February 13th, please use the following link:

Upcoming General Meeting Parent Presentation
Our next General Meeting will be Tuesday, February 12th at 10:00am in the band hall at Willow Springs. Immediately following our meeting will be a Parent Presentation from Kathy Daley on "Building Resiliency in our Teens"  We look forward to seeing you there.

Kasey Havens
WSMS PTA President 2018-2019

Circle of Partners

For your mortgage needs we hope you will consider  Black Swan Mortgage Pro . Stephanie Cigainero, owner of  Black Swan Mortgage Pro  is pledging 10% of her pay on Circle of Partners transactions, which will be matched by her employer  Movement Mortgage . Stephanie has been in the home loan mortgage business since 2006 and may be reached at 469.531.0257 or at https://movement.com/lo/stephanie-cigainero/ . She is married to her best friend and Australian native, Josh. They have two daughters, Aspen a 5th grader at Sloan Creek and Maia. They are a host family to foreign exchange student Alessia Bellometti.  

Lovejoy ISD is pleased to welcome Tutoring 101 to the Circle of Partners. Tutoring 101 and Lovejoy ISD have formed a revenue generating/sharing partnership to bring their services to Lovejoy families. Please see below for several offerings.

Private tutoring is available for students in grades K-12 in all subjects. Tutoring 101 recommends once a week tutoring for an hour to increase grades and learn subject matter more deeply. A once a week appointment usually results in an increase of one letter grade or more. Turn those C's into B's.

What is your SAT/ACT score? Want a better one? What do you need it to be?
Invest in a PSAT/SAT/ACT Prep program not just a class. Tutoring 101 helps high scorers get top scores, average students raise their scores and poor test takers achieve the scores colleges want. Tutoring 101 students have earned admissions and scholarships, and have saved thousands of tuition dollars every year.

Classes are conveniently located at Lovejoy High School. Call 972.359.0222 or email Robyn@Tutoring101.com for additional information.


District and Other News

Foundation for Lovejoy Schools
Denim and Diamonds - The Party - Saturday, February 2

Denim & Diamonds - The Party

Title Sponsor Audi McKinney, a Sewell Company

Presenting Sponsor Lee Lewis Construction and also sponsored by
Corgan Architects, Grateful Lovejoy Family, Michael and Roxana Denham, Jones Carr McGoldrick LLP, JCM Mediation, Homes by J. Anthony, Tim Jackson Custom Homes, Al and Kelli Litchenburg, Owens Realtors, William Anthony Homes, Renfrow Dunaway Group, Glenn and Ashley Shooner, Cleve Adamson Custom Homes, Stephanie and Sean McCaffity, Dale Carnegie Training - Ryan Akins, Fairway Independent Mortgage and Henri and Allison Friloux, Samantha and Matthew Poulton, The Walker Group - Coldwell Banker Apex,  Commercial Bank of Texas, Estate Life Magazines, GolfSwing.com, RBFCU, Linebarger Goggan Blair and Sampson LLP, Carey Lynn Photography, Matlock Real Estate, Reinhard Real Estate, Missy Hobgood Fournet, spot1media. The beer sponsor is Andrews Distributing and the wine sponsor is the family of Caroline Swanson.

and join us at the event to have the opportunity to bid on these fabulous items:
Audi for All Seasons
Bird Hunt at Bethel Ranch for Four Hunters
Lovejoy Football Game - Dinner in the Press Box
With Autographed Lovejoy Football Helmet
Christmas in Orlando, Florida (Condo for Eight)
Seagrove Beach Cottage for Six
Christmas Break Skiing in Angel Fire (Condo for Six)
Wine Dinner at Waterboy Farm for Ten
Royal Chef Dinner for Ten in Your Home
Maggiano's Wine Dinner for Fifteen
Two Orchestra Section Tickets to Hamilton at Dallas Music Hall with Hotel Stay
Allen American's Premium Luxury Suite for Ten+
Delta Charlie's Dallas Sightseeing Flight and Dinner for Two
Fogo de Chão Experience for Lovejoy
Ultimate Passport Trip
Five Nights in your choice of one of 24 Exclusive Properties

Name a Grant
If you desire to donate to a specific school or classroom grant, this is your chance.  There are 71 grants from which to choose this year at Denim & Diamonds. The grants that do not get funded at the event on Saturday will move to the online auction next week.  Grants range in value from $128 for Lucy Calkins Supplemental Books for the "How to Writing" Unit to $2,500 for a Sphero BOLT Power Pack Robot. Click here to view the full list of grants.

Denim & Diamonds Online Auction
Tuesday, February 5 - Tuesday, February 12
In addition to the array of fun donations from the Lovejoy staff, most of the auction items that the Foundation has received will be in the online auction this year. The entire community will have the opportunity to bid and win some fabulous items.  The link to the bidding sight will be available on Tuesday. Check the Foundation website and Facebook page for up to date information.

A Message from the President of the Foundation
"I am excited to announce that Vicki Deerman has accepted the position as Executive Director of the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools. Vicki has been involved in the Lovejoy community for over 25 years as a Lovejoy parent and volunteer. She served as a director of the Foundation for 6 years and then spent 6 years as Executive Director prior to retiring 2 1/2 years ago. We are excited to have her as our Executive Director and hope you will congratulate her on this position." - Henri Friloux, Foundation for Lovejoy Schools Board President    


Save the Date - March 2 - STEM Festival and Open House for Prospective Families
Save the date! Lovejoy ISD will host the second annual STEM festival on March 2 at Lovejoy High School. The event will be held from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. We hope you will join us for an exciting day filled with fascinating speakers, hands-on experiments, Makerspace, student exhibits, robotics lab, cool contests with prizes, food trucks, and much more.

An Open House for prospective families will be held during the STEM festival. We hope you will invite your friends and family members who are interested in Lovejoy to join us for this event.  Check out this video to see all the fun events and activities coming to the STEM Festival.

Look for more details in the next edition of Email Express.


STEM Festival T-Shirt Design Contest
Calling all students! Submit your entry for the design of the STEM Festival 2019 t-shirt.  Click here for details.


New! Lovejoy Student Hosts Toy Drive
Lovejoy High School Freshman, Katie Berman, requests your assistance with a toy drive she is organizing to benefit Ready Fighter One. Following you will find information from Katie:
"My plan is to host a toy drive from February 4 - 15. We are collecting items to donate to hospitals that treat children's cancer. Ready Fighter One was my friend MJ's last wish. MJ was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer, and passed away on the 11th. We are collecting:
Video Games
Board Games
Boxes for donations will be located at all campuses. MJ's school would not allow us to host the drive. I thought the next best thing would be to host it at Lovejoy. My team and I would handle all the details all we need is your support and time."
For additional information please contact katie.berman@icloud.com.

Young Men's Service League
You are invited to The Lovejoy Chapter of the Young Men's Service League (YMSL) annual informational meeting on February 4 , 2019  at 6:30pm at Creekwood United Methodist Church, 261 Country Club Road, Allen. The meeting will be held in the church sanctuary. YMSL is a service organization and four year commitment in which incoming 9th grade boys (current 8 th grade boys) and current 9th grade boys may join with their mothers. Come learn about the opportunities that this fantastic organization has to offer. You will learn about membership and its 4 year requirements.

Lovejoy Gifted Association Announces Rocket Build and Launch Events
3...2...1... Lift-off!

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first people to land on the moon with the Lovejoy Gifted Association's Rocket Fest.  The Lovejoy Gifted Association is partnering with the Dallas Area Rocket Society (DARS) for their annual LGA Rocket Fest. This event is suitable for students in grades 3 thru 6.  Participants may choose between a basic and an advanced rocket model.

There will be a Rocket Build Party in the Sloan Creek Cafeteria on Wednesday, March 6th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm where a volunteer from DARS will talk the junior rocket scientists through building the basic rocket step-by-step. Participants purchasing the advanced rocket may pick up their build package that same evening and are welcome to start building at SCIS or build at home.

The rocket launch will be held on Sunday March 24 in the front parking lot of Lovejoy High School at 12:00 noon, where volunteers from DARS will provide the launch equipment and make sure the launch process happens in a safe and orderly fashion.

You may reserve a spot and purchase your rocket kit from the Lovejoy Gifted Association Store at https://my.cheddarup.com/c/rocket-fest-2019 no later than Feb 17th, 2019. Each rocket package comes with rocket engines for two launches. Please note that junior rocket scientists must be accompanied by an adult at both events. The Lovejoy Gifted Association is a non-profit organization that supports the G/T programs across all schools in Lovejoy ISD. The LGA Rocket Project is a fundraiser and proceeds will flow back into Lovejoy ISD. If you have questions, contact Jay van Rijn at jeroen.van.rijn@gmail.com.

Hop Into Spring Chess Tournament - March 30
This annual Lovejoy Tournament continues to be a hit around the metroplex.  Come join your fellow chess players on March 30 at Sloan Creek for a wonderful day of chess play. This five round tournament awards the top three players in each section a trophy and fourth place receives a chocolate bunny. Gather up a team from your school and compete together.  Registration is going on now. Please visit North Texas Chess Academy's website to register.

Lovejoy Offers Group Counseling
Lovejoy is offering group counseling for students for a variety of areas. The groups will meet weekly, during school hours, and will be facilitated by Lovejoy's Social Worker, Noelle Gove, LCSW. The overall goal of the counseling groups is to address student's social/emotional needs that may be impacting their experience and success at school. Groups are being offered, based on need, to every campus in the district, grades K-12.

If you are interested in your student participating in a group, please click here to complete the interest form. Noelle Gove will be in contact with parents regarding further details of the group and to obtain consent for student participation. This form is not a consent for counseling, but rather a survey of interest.

Little Leopards Toy Drive!

To Benefit the Children of Little Leopards
Sponsored by the LHS Work-Based Learning Program
*Accepting new to gently used toys for children birth-5 years of age

Early Childhood- Little Leopards:  Play food, Outside Toys, Musical Toys, Books
School Age:  Legos, K'nex, Kinetic Sand, Sports Balls, Dolls, Shopkins, Dollhouses

*Toys may be delivered to any  Lovejoy campus or the Administration building, or collected upon request until Feb. 15, 2019
For more information: sancy_fuller @ lovejoyisd.net

Lovejoy Lacrosse - Boys' and Girls' Teams Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for the boys' and girls' 2019 Spring season of Lovejoy Lacrosse. Join the most exciting, fastest-growing sport in the country.

Register now for Boys and Girls: Grades Kindergarten through High School

Visit www.lovejoylacrosse.com for information regarding the program and the upcoming Spring season.

Hurry, as rosters are filling quickly!