Education for the 21st Century
Dear Families,
What a pleasure to experience an in-person Winter Festival this year! Thank you again to everyone who volunteered, donated, attended and participated. As we go into our holiday break, we wanted to share all of the special things that have been happening around campus (including our SOCK DRIVE- see below!), remind you of upcoming events, and also emphasize that our Annual Giving Campaign concludes at the end of December. Thank you to all who have given or pledged, and we are so thankful for each and every donation that comes in. Each gift brings us closer to our goal. Each gift is significant and deeply appreciated.
Please join us for our Shepherd's Play (a Waldorf holiday tradition featuring WSOC faculty!) this Thurs., Dec. 16 at 6pm. Details below. This Friday, Dec. 17 will be an early release day with staggered pick up times. Details will be sent via ParentSquare and are also available now on our online calendar.
Wishing you (a bit in advance) a beautiful, restorative and joyful holiday break, and we will see you all back on campus on TUESDAY, Jan 4.
Alyssa Hamilton
WSOC Communications Coordinator
Annual Giving: Donate Before December 31
Leadership Circle Message
Dear WSOC Community,
Thank you for making our Giving Tuesday kick-off to Annual Giving a tremendous success! Your support has brought us just over 46% of the way to our $100,000 goal. That’s an incredible start!
We have 18 more days to go until December 31 to reach our goal of $100,000. Each and every dollar contributed empowers WSOC to turn challenges into opportunities and to strengthen our school for our students. We have 100% participation from the Board of Trustees and School Administration, and encourage everyone in our community to participate with us to get us to our goal. Please take a moment today to click the image above above make a donation.
We are also grateful for all of the hard work, service and planning of the entire school community that made last weekend's WinterFest 2021 a tremendous success. Being on campus as a whole community was a heartwarming and beautiful reminder of why we have chosen to serve and invest in Waldorf School of Orange County.
Together we are building community and helping to support Waldorf education for generations to come.
Together we are making a difference.
In Gratitude,
Your Leadership Circle
James Gaor and Amy Rasmussen, Board Co-Chairs
Kevin McDuff, School Administrator
Brooke Natzke, College Chair
Dave Burnett, WSOC parent & former Board Chair
"We've been at WSOC for 14 years. Our family supports the WSOC annual giving campaign every year to help close the financial gap and maintain the programs we want our children to experience. Some schools have lost their music, art, or sports programs – ours are thriving! Giving is also one of the ways we show our commitment to the school and community we love!"
You are invited to our Shepherd's Play this Thursday!
Come see your favorite faculty perform in this beautiful Waldorf tradition
Jay Briand
You have played many integral roles on campus over the years, and are now our new aftercare supervisor. How are you liking the position? What kinds of changes would you and Mr. Grady like to implement this year?
This is my 10th year here at WSOC and I’m so grateful to be part of this beautiful community. I’ve been dipping my toes here and there around campus to find growth within myself and deepen my knowledge and understanding for the Waldorf pedagogy.
Liking? I’m loving this new position! After assisting in the classroom for a number of years, it was time to see the children in a different light. "Change is not pleasant, but change is constant. Only when we change and grow, we'll see a world we never know." Mr. Grady and I would like to implement lots of craft, music, song, and rhythm and feed the children healthy, hearty, and whole meals! Leaving them with a smile as they make their journey home.
You've been working with children for a long time. Tell us about your water polo and swim coaching. What are some of your favorite things about working with kids?
When I'm not here at WSOC, I'm on the pool deck helping to train children ages 10 and under in Water Polo and Endurance Swimming. I've been coaching Water Polo and Swim for a little over eight years and currently am a coach at Costa Mesa Aquatics Club. My favorite thing about working with children is getting to watch their development and who they become over the years.
Many new parents might not know about your other life: you are a very talented performer. Can you share more about that?
At a young age, I was brought into the world of Polynesian dance. My grandfather owned a Polynesian entertainment company by the name of Tiare Productions and toured all of Germany in the early 1970s. His vision was to share the beauty of the Polynesian islands through song and dance. Today, my father has secured the role and the group is now called Tupua Productions. We perform in and around Southern California for many backyard luaus, festivals, and events including Anaheim's hotspot, Downtown Disney! I specialize in teaching Tahitian and Hawaiian dance, and will continue to grow with the evolution of dance and pass it onto my students. I am of Micronesian, Polynesian, and South American descent and have learned so much through the world of dance. I will carry on to express my love for this culture endlessly.
You also did a summer camp series here at WSOC teaching children about Islanders around the world. What did you focus on, and why?
We focused on song, dance, story and crafts of the Polynesian triangle. I wanted to use raw materials that our ancestors used to show the children what things can be made and how they can be of use, even in today's world.
What is your ideal vacation?
Tahiti or Hawaii. Even though I'm a total island guy, Havasupai Indian Reservation in Arizona would be great too - there are amazing water falls there - or even just the woods in a tent. I don't even need to glamp. Just nature!
Name three things on your bucket list.
To have land so that I can have a farm with chickens.
To have children.
You are going to graduate from our teacher training program in June 2022. Are you interested in teaching full time?
Yes, for sure.
If you had to choose, what is something you most appreciate about Waldorf education?
That we are able to meet each student at their age related capacity, in a school that brings out the gifts in each child.
Early Childhood Entry for Fall 2022
The deadline for application to Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten is January 4, 2022. If you have a child of age to enter, don't miss this important meeting. Our Early Childhood classes historically fill to capacity and we have a wealth of interest from new families this year.
Click the image to register for this event.
WSOC alum, guitarist Corbin Jacques (top left), and his band Greer are officially one of OC's hottest new bands, with a second EP poised to release by the end of 2021. They recently played at Ohana Fest in Dana Point and toured with the Flaming Lips last fall.
The band, (Jacques on guitar, bassist Seth Thompson, singer Josiah, and drummer Lucas Ovalle) who formed in 2018, grew up as typical teens. They were raised with social media and got into music from their parents, or in Corbin’s case, playing cello in the school orchestra at WSOC.
They listened to a mix of modern and classic music (Pixies and King Kruel), dove into Orange County’s punk history, and hung out in the local OC music scene. After forming a band to play at a high school homecoming dance, their music was such a hit that they played L.A.’s iconic venue The Smell just a month later.
After releasing their debut singles, “Song for Me” and “Bittersweet,” their fan base morphed them from a local band into a group that toured nationally with The Regrettes.
Click here to listen to their latest release, Happy People.
Click here for Orange Coast article, Band on the Rise, Nov. 2021
Company of Angels Holiday Shopping
Come shop your school store all this week before our Winter Break! Items are selling quickly.
SCRIP News: Scrip of the Month
Got Holiday Scrip?
Come visit Pam in the Company of Angels this week or during our special holiday hours this Sunday (schedule above). Doing your holiday shopping with Scrip is a wonderful way to support WSOC and satisfy your Scrip obligation at the same time!
SPOTLIGHT: Active Culture, owned by WSOC community members the Clapp family, is a warm and welcoming family-owned natural foods cafe and self-serve yogurt shop located in the heart of Laguna Beach (along with several other locations). They offer fresh, organic, and raw ingredients and are vegan/vegetarian/allergy friendly!
Mon 12/13, 6:00p - 9:00p • Board Meeting
Tue 12/14, 11:30a - 12:30p • Playgroup #2 Orientation
Tue 12/14, 3:30p - 4:30p • Boys Soccer vs. Samueli Academy
Wed 12/15, 7:00p - 8:30p • Early Childhood Information Evening
Thu 12/16, 11:30a - 12:30p • Parent Enrichment for Early Years parents
Fri 12/17 • HS Early Registration Deadline
Fri 12/17 • End of Playgroup Session 1
Fri 12/17, 12:30p - 2:30p • Winter Break Early Dismissal staggered 12:30
Sat 12/18, 9:00a - 4:00p • RIE class
Mon 12/20 - Mon 1/3 • Winter Break
Mon 1/3 In Service Day, no school for students
Sharing Together: Twelve Holy Nights in Orange County
Sharing Together: Twelve Holy Nights in Orange County
Dec. 26-Jan. 9
With heartiest welcome, please join us in celebration of the Twelve Holy Nights. Meeting together in each other’s homes —singing, reading, and discussion each evening of Rudolf Steiner’s profound Gospel lectures make this season a treasured highlight of the year.
This season, our 38th to celebrate the Holy Nights in Orange County, we’ll delve into the deepest meanings of the Gospel of St. John and Its Relation to the Other Gospels. Weekdays 7:00 pm; Weekends/holidays 4:00 pm. For more information, you may email
Click here to view meeting times and locations.
Community News & Announcements
Thank You to Our Goat Cafe Donors!
Thank you to the vendors who generously donated their delicious goods for our Goat Cafe at Winter Festival. We are so appreciative!
Marking a Milestone
Ava N. grade 7 and Kate N. grade 3 recently celebrated their grandfather's 99th birthday. Happy Birthday Walter McDaniel!
Waldorf Alum Connections
Did you know that AWSNA offered a continental New Year happy hour for alums across the continent? Seventy-five alums attended and it was a blast! Quarterly social events are now on the schedule.
Need an architect, an artist, an accountant? Support alum businesses and share with your community the alum business directory.
- The Continental Waldorf Alum Business Directory
- currently listing 125 businesses
- sharing alums' successes and endeavors far and wide
- Mentorship and Mentee Opportunities
- with 100s of alum registrants offering themselves up as mentors, the potential support for young alums is truly boundless.
- Alum Parent Registration
- the platform welcomes not only alums, but alum parents as well, with the hopes of parents sharing job postings and internship offerings
- School Community Pages*
- fully manage events and registration in one place
- integrated Zoom for events
- full fundraising capabilities offered directly through the WAC platform
- * offered for an additional annual fee
- Internship and Employment Postings
- Searchable Alum Map by location, industry, class year, school affiliation and more.
Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation
Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948
(949) 574-7775