Education for the 21st Century
Dear Families,
This is a busy and exciting month for WSOC! We have a DEI Parent Conversation, May Faire, our annual Spring Community Forum, High School Arts Festival, 8th Grade Projects and much more.
Please don't forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the newsletter and "unclip" the rest of your content so you don't miss anything.
Happy Monday!
Alyssa Hamilton
WSOC Communications Coordinator
With the end of the school year fast approaching, here's a quick short-list of our events you won't want to miss before we part for the summer. Mark your calendar!
- May 10, 5:30 PM - DEI community meeting
- May 12, 13 & 14 - 8th Grade Project Presentations
- May 21, 10 AM - High School Arts Festival
- May 22, 11 AM - May Faire
- May 31, 5:30 PM - Spring Community Forum
- June 1, 6 PM - High School Performing Arts Presentation
- June 3, 7 PM - Spring Concert (Grades 4-8)
- June 10, 7 PM - Senior Play
- June 17 - 8th Grade Promotion
- June 18 - 12th Grade Graduation
More detailed information for all of these events can be found on your Parent Square calendar.
During cleaning of our conference room last week, WSOC Parent Handbooks from the 1990s were discovered and given to me for safe keeping. I want to know as much of the history of the school as possible, so it was a treat to look through these old handbooks. I saw some familiar names—the longevity of so many at WSOC speaks volumes about their dedication and love for the school. And at the front of the handbooks, I found a Rudolf Steiner verse that I know well. It begins:
To wonder at beauty
Stand guard over truth,
Look up to the noble,
Resolve on the good . . .
I had repeated that verse every Monday morning for the past ten years at my former school, but it wasn’t until last year that I connected the verse to the philosophical transcendentals: the true, the good and the beautiful.
In a 1923 lecture, Steiner said: “Through all of the ages of man’s conscious evolution these words have expressed three great ideals: ideals which have instinctively been recognized as representing the sublime nature and lofty goal of all human endeavour.”
Steiner has said that the primary function of education is to exercise the students’ faculties of thinking, feeling, and willing. These basic human qualities manifest as truth, beauty, and goodness, and these are reflected in science, art, and religion. “You must be for the children the representative of the good, the true, and the beautiful,” Steiner instructed teachers in seven lectures published as The Kingdom of Childhood: Introductory Talks on Waldorf Education. “The children must be drawn to truth, goodness, and beauty simply because the children are drawn to you yourself.”
I am grateful that our teachers who work so hard to reflect these basic human qualities for our students through the distinct stages of childhood, with the early childhood program that provides a nurturing environment for children through the first seven years where the world is experienced as being good, with the grades experience that touch the students feelings and enliven their creative forces through a view that the world is beautiful, and in the high school through the development of the mind through exploration in the pursuit of truth.
Kevin McDuff
School Administrator
Upcoming Events - Join us!
Watch for detailed information about the May Faire Program and Schedule next week!
- Wear white or pastels
- Bring a mess kit if you want to eat or drink - we're attempting a zero-waste event!
- Consider carpooling or ride-sharing - parking will be available in Fairview Park as well as our neighborhood and parking lot
- Please drop off your $20 per family donation in the front office toward the wholesale purchase of flowers
- $1 Tickets for Games, Crafts, Snacks and Beverages are available in advance in the Company of Angels beginning Monday, May 16. Purchase early to avoid the wait.
- Entry to the Festival is free
Spring is a time of awakening from the slumber of winter. It is the season of renewal, rejuvenation, and rebirth. May Faire is an annual outdoor festival that welcomes the spring. Modeled on May Day, this tradition is celebrated by Waldorf schools all over the world. It engages students with the larger community and celebrates the spirit in which Waldorf schools nourish and support the child’s connection to nature and the seasonal cycles. Cultivating an awareness of our seasons serves as a reminder that the Earth is a living being, one which we depend upon and respect.
The most iconic element of May Faire is the children’s Maypole dance, celebrating a centuries-old tradition brought to America by European settlers. May Day, typically celebrated May 1, has a significant connection to the Roman festival of Floralia, which celebrated the fertility of springtime. Flora – the Roman goddess in whose honor the festival was held – was the goddess of flowers, many of which burst into full bloom in spring.
May Faire is a curriculum event because celebrating the seasons and our world is a fundamental part of who we are as a school. We wear white or light pastels to serve as a backdrop for the splendid beauty of the flowers that adorn our campus. Our children wear flower crowns and dance and weave ribbons around the May Pole. We play games and music, make crafts, frolic with our kids and enjoy homemade treats with our friends and neighbors. This celebration of spring ties us to our greater human family, past and present, in a tangible and powerful way. It reminds us to be thankful to the planet we call home. Thank you for joining us in this joyful and meaningful celebration of new beginnings!
8th Grade Project Presentations are this Thursday, Friday and Saturday
8th Grade Projects are a right of passage at the Waldorf School of Orange County, providing an opportunity for students to experience the accomplishment of completing a long-term commitment to one topic of research and study. Working with mentors and experts in their areas of interest, the projects foster relationships, develop fortitude, and highlight the courage it takes to speak and engage an audience.
Thurs & Fri 7 - 8:30 PM | Sat 10 - 12:30
Eurythmy Hall
All are welcome to join us to marvel at the work they have completed and the skills they have gained.
“I always really appreciated the High School Arts Festival, as it was an opportunity to see the gorgeous fruit from the Waldorf curriculum on display. We still have a few treasures acquired from that event that we get to enjoy every day!” - Lisa Sterling Arnquist, WSOC alumni parent and former Board member
"The thing I miss the most about WSOC is the extended family of caring adults that we had- all those familiar, loving faces of people who knew your child and your family and genuinely cared about each other. Now that we are out of the school, I find that encounters and gatherings with such a community is rare in this world. I am so happy I took advantage of every festival, open house, every poetry night, etc. The High School Arts Festival in particular was always a highlight! It’s hard to recreate these moments once we leave the school and all the children go their own way." - Darshi Balasuriya, WSOC alumni parent
The High School Arts Festival will present both visual arts created by the students as well as a performance of Eurythmy with live music. The event is open to all and is an ideal way to see the fruits of the students' labors this year. All are welcome!
All are welcome - join us!
Several months ago, community members gathered to share their thoughts about our school's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion for all. Since then, our committee has continued discussing ways in which we can further this shared work with parents.
All community members are invited to participate in this follow-up conversation. Please join us!
WSOC Art Fundraiser for Ukraine
When world events present us with a challenge so overwhelming that we simply don't know how to help, it's easy to simply spiral. Leave it to Waldorf students to see a problem and set to finding a way to support!
Hannah L., Grade 11, knew that the war in Ukraine was certainly not creating the only group of people needing help in a time of crisis, but she was called to do what she could after reading about the children who were suffering. "There are four Waldorf schools in Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Krivij Rig and Kiev. These young people are losing family, homes and classmates. They're losing everything. I knew that my classmates would want to help, so I coordinated an Art Sale of student and faculty work to raise funds to support those who are suffering." With the help of classmate Luke W., Hannah collected over fifty pieces of art from students in Grades 4-12 to reproduce and sell. The artworks cover a variety of mediums and themes. "There's something for everyone," says Hannah.
Shortly after Hannah and Luke began their efforts, The Associated Waldorf Schools of North America sent a letter to its member schools:
AWSNA and WECAN want to convey how saddened and outraged we are by the escalating war on Ukraine and for the pain, suffering, and the resulting loss of life. We express our deepest sympathy and solidarity with all who are fighting against the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding. Waldorf education has a vital role to play in this global moment. Waldorf principles support our schools and guide our students to form habits of heart and mind and action that equip them for civic involvement and the creation of a more just and inclusive society. Waldorf education embodies civic values, tolerance, and volunteerism to shape the future. AWSNA and WECAN are re-committing to nurturing each child's potential through Waldorf education to help build a world that strives for peaceful resolution of conflict and disagreement.
AWSNA and WECAN are joining our colleagues in the international Waldorf movement in raising funds to support Waldorf communities in Ukraine during this time of great suffering and violence. An emergency support fund is being coordinated by the Friends of Waldorf Education (Freunde der Erziehungskunt Rudolf Steiners e.V.), through which various and evolving needs of our Ukrainian friends can be addressed. At the moment, Ukrainian children and families are being supported in finding places in Waldorf Schools in Europe, and Waldorf families throughout Europe are opening their homes to them. Financial support is being sent to Ukraine to support the Waldorf teachers who have lost their income due to the closing of schools, and emergency pedagogy teams will be working with traumatized Ukrainian children. The types of support will continue to evolve in order to meet the most urgent needs.
The funds raised by WSOC will be added to those collected by AWSNA. "We are scanning and printing at a professional fine art studio in order to reproduce the work at the highest quality. Your reproductions will be printed on high quality paper and will be as close to the original work as possible. We know you will be pleased with the results!"
If you'd like to support the students' humanitarian efforts, please consider purchasing a piece of artwork. 100% of your donation will go toward the emergency fund described above.
Register today! Spots are going fast! We have a fun and diverse range of options for Early Childhood through High School. Click image for interactive WSOC Summer Camp brochure and registration.
Faculty Spotlight:
Kim Eijpen, High School Science Teacher
You grew up in a small town in Scotland. Tell us about it! What did you do for fun as a youngster? Well, it was more a medium sized town! I had a very happy childhood and recall lots of time spent in the woods around our house as a child in elementary school. As a teen I like kayaking, mountain biking and hiking- I was very involved in our local Scout group (Which is co-ed in Scotland) so lots of outdoor stuff - camping, rappelling and the like. Super fun times.
As a graduate student, you spent a great deal of time studying glaciers all around the world, from Canada to Nepal. What was one of the most harrowing or most exciting things that happened while you were traversing these icy environments?
I don't know that I had any super harrowing experiences. One time while on Ellesmere Island in the High Arctic, my ATV ran out of gas, my field assistant had to tow me back to camp and we were both worried we wouldn't make it! We were MILES away from camp so we were both relieved to see those tents come into view and we made it safely back. Another time on that island I got out of my tent early in the morning and saw something white moving on the sea ice......terrified it was a bear. I woke my assistant up and grabbed the shotgun. Turned out to be an arctic hare! I wear glasses for distance now!
You learned about Rudolf Steiner when studying for a diploma in Naturopathy in Scotland. What was your "a-ha" moment, when you knew you wanted to dive deeper into Waldorf education?
Anthroposophic medicine looks at the whole person, it works with the body to support healing and this just makes sense to me. When I heard about Steiner and his schools which similarly view the entire child and not just the intellect I knew it would be a school I'd want my children to attend.
You came to California from the UK when your oldest son Jamie, now a high school junior, was playgroup age. Did you know back then that you eventually wanted to teach?
I actually taught college classes and adult education evening classes before I had Jamie, and I LOVED teaching. My path was always to teach at the university level - but it turns out there is nothing better than teaching high school students in my opinion!
You are passionate about earth science, both in and outside the classroom. How does Waldorf education enliven the sciences?
Waldorf education embraces phenomenological teaching through experiences and this couldn't be a better model for sciences. This method of teaching engages students and brings the subject alive. Once you have lived into an experience you are much more likely to retain information and understand the subject matter. I attended a regular High School in Scotland but the methods of teaching were similar. My teachers really brought the subjects to life and I really hope that I am doing the same with my own students.
Grade 5 Explores the Sequoias
Grade 5 recently went on a Botany field trip to Sequoia National Forest. They enjoyed hikes, observing and learning to "breathe" with nature and appreciate it. They also got to experience a beautiful snowstorm, witnessing the spring flora being covered by a blanket of fresh snow!
Track and Field Delivers Camaraderie and Fun
On April 29, WSOC hosted the 2022 7th/8th grade Waldorf Track and Field meet. The three other schools in attendance were San Diego, Sparrow and Maple Village. All together, about 120 athletes competed in six running events and five field events. Out of the 45 medal categories, WSOC brought home 33 gold, 23 silver and 23 bronze medals.
"A very impressive showing," said Games teacher and event leader Brad Holm. "Our students celebrated not only our athletic achievements, they also enthusiastically cheered for the visiting athletes to push our students to run even faster, throw further and jump higher. Our students also felt the support from our lower grades classes that were able to watch events throughout the day. As the third grade cheered for one of our seventh graders during the hammer throw I overheard her saying, "They know my name?" A great day and a good time for all of us."
Thank you to all of the parents who supported the day and who came out to cheer for the students. A special "thank you" to WSOC parent Derek M. for running the high jump events as well as Geoff S. and Aiko B. for their photography.
Grade 4 at Mission San Juan Capistrano
"After learning about early California history, the fourth graders visited Mission San Juan Capistrano. The fun started with a bus trip there, a first for most of the students! I am so proud of how well the students represented our school with their respectful behavior, engagement, and participation. One of the docents remarked at how impressed she was with the students . She said she had never had a fourth grade class ask such thoughtful and interesting questions. I was so pleased that the students were able to recall what they already knew and apply that knowledge to what they were experiencing at the mission. It was a beautiful day." - Ms. Schwarz, Grade 4 class teacher
11th Grade Inspires
Grade 11 wrote and performed their own unique monologue as a part of the English and Performing Arts curriculum. The students each created a character through their writing and then brought that character to life on stage. The class shared an exceptional evening of vulnerability, expressing emotions of joy, pain, sadness, regret, love and great humor.
We're so proud of these young adults as they show us just how capable they are to share themselves with the world. Their support of one another, and their ability to stand alone on stage, inspire us all.
We love our Parent Leaders!
We wanted to extend a huge thanks to our wonderful Room Representatives. These parent leaders are helping to strengthen our shared efforts and to enhance our community-building. We are so grateful to you for your time and talents!
Malia Designs was formed to increase economic opportunity for women in Cambodia and to support organizations that fight human trafficking in Southeast Asia. Their fair trade fashion products are made by small social enterprises that employ talented artisans in Cambodia. Through these partnerships they connect makers to Western markets, expanding their access to sustainable income and safe and dignified working conditions.
Come check out their collection in Company of Angels and support a very important cause!
Scrip of the Week:
Pilar's Wellness Collective and Apothecary
WSOC Parent Alumni Pilar Chandler has joined our scrip program with her company, Pilar's Wellness Collective and Apothecary, offering a generous 20% rebate. Visit Scrip Coordinator Pam Lusk in The Company of Angels to learn more about purchasing Scrip! Don't forget you can encourage your family and friends to buy Scrip, too, to add to your family account.
High School International Exchange Returns to WSOC!
After a pandemic pause, we are so excited to welcome Elodie H. to our 11th Grade. Elodie is visiting as an exchange student from the Ecole Rudolf Steiner de Lausanne, Switzerland. Her host, Hannah L., said she is grateful to be hosting an exchange student after having missed the opportunity last year due to the pandemic. Stop and say "hello" if you see Elodie on campus. She'll be with us through the end of the school year.
Our first Burrito Friday was a sell out!
Thank you to all of those who purchased from, and donated to, our 8th Grade fundraiser. 8th Grade students and parents will be back again every Friday morning with fresh, warm breakfast burritos. Come and get 'em!
If you arrived last Friday after we were already sold out and were disappointed, we're so sorry. Please consider a pre-order for the Fridays ahead. A delicious burrito will be waiting for you!
To Pre-Order - Use Venmo below
Tue 5/10, 5:30p - 6:30p • DEI Community Forum
Wed 5/11, 9:00a - 10:30a • Walk Through the Grades
Wed 5/11, 6:00p - 7:30p • Ms. Christiane Grade 1 Parent Meeting
Wed 5/11, 6:30p - 7:30p • Grade 9 Parent Evening
Thur 5/12 - Sat 5/14 • Grade 8 Projects
Thu 5/12, 8:45a - 9:45a • Parent Enrichment for Early Years parents
Mon 5/16, 6:00p - 9:00p • Board Meeting
Tue 5/17, 6:30p - 8:00p • Grade 6 Parent Evening
Wed 5/18 • Playgroup/Bridge Parent Meeting
Wed 5/18, 6:30p - 7:30p • Grade 2 Parent Evening
Thu 5/19, 8:45a - 9:45a • Parent Enrichment for Early Years parents
Sat 5/21 • May Faire set up
Sat 5/21, 10:00a - 2:00p • High School Arts Festival
Sun 5/22, 11:00a - 2:00p • May Faire
Mon 5/23 - Thu 5/26 • HS Grade 11 Botany Field Trip
Adult Education
Fri 5/20, 5:00p - 9:00p • Adult Education Program Grades (Foundation Studies: 7pm-9pm)
Sat 5/21, 8:30a - 4:30p • Adult Education Program (all)
Waldorf Alum Connections
Did you know that AWSNA offered a continental New Year happy hour for alums across the continent? Seventy-five alums attended and it was a blast! Quarterly social events are now on the schedule.
Need an architect, an artist, an accountant? Support alum businesses and share with your community the alum business directory.
- The Continental Waldorf Alum Business Directory
- currently listing 125 businesses
- sharing alums' successes and endeavors far and wide
- Mentorship and Mentee Opportunities
- with 100s of alum registrants offering themselves up as mentors, the potential support for young alums is truly boundless.
- Alum Parent Registration
- the platform welcomes not only alums, but alum parents as well, with the hopes of parents sharing job postings and internship offerings
- School Community Pages*
- fully manage events and registration in one place
- integrated Zoom for events
- full fundraising capabilities offered directly through the WAC platform
- * offered for an additional annual fee
- Internship and Employment Postings
- Searchable Alum Map by location, industry, class year, school affiliation and more.
Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation
Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948
(949) 574-7775