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What's Going On at the Medical School? 

July 2022 Edition

Hello Wayne,

Clinical training at WSUSOM involves thousands of faculty and residents in nearly a hundred hospitals and clinics around Michigan. 

We value your contributions to the teaching of our students, but we have been historically week on communicating with you on what's going on at the medical school. To that end, and to overcome the logistical difficulties of electronic communication across many systems and firewalls, we have started an email distribution system that will hopefully find its way into your mailbox.

By using Constant Contact, we should be able to keep an accurate distribution list, but allow those leaving the system to unsubscribe. Our goal is to send brief, monthly updates and store the updates on our website for future reference. We will include all residents and faculty in our New Innovations student evaluation system, but will gladly add those not yet on that system, too. 

We hope you find these updates helpful.

Evaluations are Changing!

We've been working on a big project to find better ways to help your department get student evaluations completed earlier than they ever have before. For many years, we were happy with getting them back in 6 weeks. However, there are many changes that make it imperative that we receive evaluations within a week of the completion of the clerkship. This allows the clerkships, along with our enrollment management team, to post grades in time for our students' needs. 

Why the Deadline Change?

Students need and expect feedback on their performance so they can make improvements through the continuum of the year. This is one of the reasons we converted to an online grading system.

We are in an LCME year and timely grades are always a challenge for us, especially with the number of clinical partners and practices at which our students rotate. We need to have timely grades for our continued accreditation to keep teaching some of the best future physicians in the country.

As we are now in a quarter system, our students get their loan disbursements quarterly at the beginning of the month. If their grades are not back at that time, according to Federal Regulations, students cannot get their funds. This leaves the student with no rent money or food money while they wait for their grade. This financial obstacle is the main reason we need to get grades back within one week from the end of the clerkship.

What Have We Done to Make It Easier to Get Grades in Sooner?

  1. We've streamlined our part of the process, which was previously too slow. This includes getting test scores back in 24 hours and optimizing New Innovations to help the clerkship directors and coordinators finalize the grades quickly. 
  2. We allow the students to request evaluations from preceptors and residents. This way, they can get feedback in a more timely manner (while they are fresh in the mind of the preceptor) and also encourage more real-time discussion of their evaluation. It also saves processing and email time by allowing students to skip email steps and do it all from their smartphones. Using this system, Internal Medicine has been able to do all of their grades within one week of the completion of clerkships.
  3. Preceptors can do their evaluations on their phones, either using the NI app or the website on their phone. (Remember to use WayneUME as the Institution, as it is different than the residency NI site for those of you who use it for residency also.)
  4. We have worked to simplify the evaluation form, and will probably be able to include or switch to point of care evaluations (more like the resident systems) as our technology upgrades permit.  

M4 Senior Rotations

New Innovations allows students to select their evaluators for subinternships and electives. The elective evaluation is a more standard form. However, the subinternship evaluation is now based on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). This allows the resident or faculty evaluator to select statements describing the performance of these activities to better evaluate the readiness of the student for clinical residency.  

Faculty Evaluations

As a preceptor, every time you evaluate a student, New Innovations sends an evaluation form to the student to evaluate the preceptor’s teaching. 

Look out for more on receiving and using these reports for your personal and professional growth in our next edition of this newsletter.

Wayne State University School Of Medicine

540 E. Canfield Ave

Detroit, MI 48201

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