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Vol. #07, Issue#82
September, 2015

driving blind performance dhasboard Imagine - a Senior Vice President from your company has asked you, at the last minute, to drive downtown to sit in for her at an important meeting. You're happy to go. You want to represent her well.

You rush out of the office, hop in your car, close the door, press the start button and just as you put the car in reverse you notice something weird.

Your dashboard's covered up and disabled. What the heck? You can't see the how much gas you have, you can't set your GPS to the meeting location and once you get going you won't be able to see if you're driving too fast or too slow.  

Will you get to the meeting? Maybe. Will you be late or have an incident along the way? Probably.

You need your dashboard - it's a big part of helping you get where you want to go every time you get in your car. And thank goodness you don't have to worry about your dashboard being disabled. I mean who's going do something like that to your car, right?  

Every day employees are at work trying to get to where their manager and company wants them to go but they're 'driving blind' because they don't have a clear picture of the top priorities and focus areas are for their job.

The job "dashboard" for most employees, most of the time, is unclear.  They don't know what's expected, what's most important or how they're being measured - so they're often moving too slow or too fast, taking the wrong route or ending up in a ditch, on the side of the road.

This month, on the Wake Up Eager Workforce podcast, I interviewed Talent Connections Founder Tom Darrow about hiring and retention trends, and Cobb EMC's Director of Talent Management Ron Younker about performance management.  Tom talked about the importance of identifying key criteria for each job. Ron shared how important it is to be clear about expectations. 

Here's a process I use all the time to help leaders identify key criteria for success and performance expectations for a position, a tool you can use in hiring and performance management.  It's simple, powerful and will help you communicate exactly what superior performance is in the job.

Don't let your people drive blind, give them a dashboard.  Here's how:
Create a Performance Dashboard in Three Steps - R.P.M.
Create a Performance Dashboard in Three Steps - R.P.M.

Most Recent Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast Episodes:
Hear Talent Connections Owner and Founder, Tom Darrow, a leading Atlanta Businessman and Community Leader share this wisdom and insights from 30 years of professional experience in helping national corporations formulate strategies to turn employees into their most valuable competitive advantage.
Listen & Read Show Notes, Now!
Hear Cobb EMC's Director of Talent Management Ron Younker and I talk about how to have those tough conversations. He shares - a Performance Management Litmus Test, a Bright Idea: Peer Mentoring for Growth and Support for Leaders and One Thing You Should Always Do When Having Tough Conversations
  Listen & Read Show Notes, Now! 
This Month's Video...  Just for Fun!
Jeff Gordon
We have MANY conversations about cars and racing at my house. Because of this - I tend to use car analogies and acronyms in my consulting and training work.

With the Price family being 'car crazy' and the topic this month being about dashboards AND with NASCAR Four-Time Champion Race Car Driver Jeff Gordon retiring this year, I thought I would share this Just for Fun video of Gordon pulling a prank on a car salesman. 

Lots of fun and unexpected! You won't believe what he does.

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Suzie Price
Priceless Professional Development
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