Priceless Professional Development:
Volume 7, Issue 75                                            February 2015


"Baby it's cold outside..."  Do you know the song?  It's been playing in my mind as the wind whips outside my office and I keep getting winter weather alerts on my iPhone!  If it's cold where you are - I hope you are safe and warm.  For fun don't miss this month's Video: What to Do When It's Really Cold Outside.  You might get some ideas for entertainment!


Just last week I published my very first Podcast: The Power of Focusing Strengths.  (More about the Podcast, here.)   In it I share stats about how important using strengths are to workplace engagement,and I interview a colleague and client, Sandie Peterson, about how she uses the DISC Assessment with Leaders and Teams. 


That Podcast dialogue caused me to go back to my Newsletter Archives to find this video article: The Fastest Way to S.O.L.V.E. Communication Problems in the Workplace... (You can watch the video here and then, if you want, go the web page for the descriptors and memory jogger card.) 


Five Steps to S.O.L.V.E. Comunication Problems



**This month's article includes a video, a simple five step process for using the DISC Assessment and a downloadable Memory Jogger Card for helping improve communication with others. Get the handouts here.

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podcastThe Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast - Now Available!!  

I felt relief, pride, fear and joy last week - when I pushed the PUBLISH TO ITUNES - to upload my first Podcast.    


Relief because the first one's done!


Pride because I studied how to do it, bought all the stuff, created a plan, and I did it!


Fear because it's not perfect and maybe others will 'ding' me for that. 


And finally joy - because it's just fun to create things that you hope will be of service to others. 


If you'd like to check it out - you can listen, download and subscribe here:  Wake Up Eager Workforce. 

  • Episode #1: The Power of Focusing on Strengths and Using the DISC Assessment
  • Episode #2: MORE Motivation in the Workplace - The Workplace Motivators
  • Coming Next Week: Episode #3: The Three Biggest Interview Mistakes 
  • Coming in Two Weeks: Episode #4: How to Lead, Train and Retain the Millennial Generation
This podcast is for leaders, trainers and consultants who are focused on improving employee selection and providing professional development to create a Wake Up Eager Workforce.  Each podcast includes: tools, tips, best practices, interviews and whatever else I come up with! :)
coldThis Month's Video: Just for Fun! What to Do When It's Really Cold Outside...
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This Just for Fun video goes with my February 2015 newsletter article.  At the time of pulling this newsletter my hometown, Atlanta, Georgia, is getting Winter Weather Advisory Warnings.

It's been a cold and snowy season all over the United States.  In honor of all the cold and snow - and with appreciation for someone who's looking at how to make the best of what is - here's a cool video of a six things to do when it's really cold outside.  The first one made me catch my breathe! All ideas are cool... Enjoy! 

Helping Leaders, Trainers and Consultants, Everywhere, Build a Wake Up Eager Workforce!

Suzie Price
office phone: 770-578-6976 770-578-6976770-578-6976
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