March 8, 2019
WUSD Community Highlights
Dual Language Success – We are so proud to announce that Elkhorn Village Elementary School was spotlighted in a recent Dual Language publication for their continued success in offering bilingual education for Spanish-speaking families in our community.

Elkhorn Village has had a long history of providing this support for families but that is not to say the school and staff have not faced their share of challenges to keep the program operational and continuing to strengthen it for future generations to take advantage. 

Find out more about how they have managed to achieve success by reading the Dual Language article. More information about the program is available on the Elkhorn Village Elementary Spanish Dual Immersion web page.
Youth Symposium - On Saturday, March 9, 2019, Riverbank Elementary School is partnering with the wonderful team of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. to host this year's Youth Symposium open to ALL local middle and high school students!

Below are links to the event flyer and registration forms are available in multiple languages. The forms can be scanned and emailed to assistant principal Carmelita Goldsby at [email protected] or submitted in person on the day of the event. 

The symposium includes workshops on robotics, financial literacy, Zumba / run-jump-throw, cyber safety, and a beat the clock math game. As always, the event is FREE and breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided. We hope to see you there!

Riverbank Elementary School
1100 Carrie Street, West Sacramento
Registration Time 9:30 a.m. Event Time 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Event Flyer - Registration Forms: English, Spanish, Russian
Parent University - On Tuesday, March 12, 2019, Southport Elementary School is hosting a Parent University Night that is open to ALL WUSD families to attend!

The challenges our parents face can seem insurmountable at times. Come join other parents in our school community and learn more about how to navigate through these challenges to further support your child’s educational journey. 

This event will have 9 informational presentations ranging from math and reading games, online safety, how to prepare for state-wide assessments at home, and student empowerment and character building. The evening culminates with a Kevin Bracy rally. 

Southport Elementary is taking care of dinner and child care will also provided. Help us spread the word and we hope to see you there! 

Southport Elementary School
2747 Linden Road, West Sacramento
5:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Board Brief for February - In an effort to keep our community up-to-date and informed of actions taken by the WUSD Board of Trustees, we will be sharing Board Briefs on a regular basis. Board Briefs are a short summary of key actions taken on WUSD Board of Education agenda items. We hope you find this information helpful:

Before and After School Care - The Washington Unified School District Board of Trustees have been committed to and investigating options for expanding before and after school child care services for our families for the 2019-2020 school year. At the February 28, 2019 regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Trustees approved expansion of before and after school care for our schools through YMCA and Champions. The District's ASES Program will also continue to provide after school care at the current five locations.

We are currently meeting with both YMCA and Champions on the process needed for our families to sign up for services based on their needs of next school year. Please be on the lookout for more information and how to sign up in the very near future.

Teaching and Learning - The District is in receipt of a grant to provide additional support to our academic progress. The Board of Trustees approved the continued services and work of standards aligned instruction through Rigorous Curriculum Design (ICLE) and continued training and services from Julie Webb for Guided Reading instruction. Our teachers and administration have been working hard in these areas to address the academic needs of our students. We are grateful for these one-time additional resources to support our students.

Facilities - There will be a lot of summer work on our facilities. The Bryte campus will be completed with the modernization of classrooms for a BioMedical CTE (Career Technical Education) pathway. In addition, the Middle College High School will be relocating to the completed Bryte campus for the next school year. The Fallbrook campus will be under construction starting this summer for a modernization of the entire school for Westmore Oaks School to relocate for the 2020-2021 school year. 

For more information on other discussions and actions of the Board of Trustees, please visit our website to connect to our Board Agenda Online web page. 