Community News & Announcements
Education Community Forums 2018-19 - Washington Unified is in a continuous state of growth as we strive to strengthen our efforts to better serve our families. We are hosting a series of community forums highlighting these efforts and our district-wide road map for success.
Students, families, teachers, staff, and community members are invited to join us for a discussion on:
- District Vision and Mission
- Districtwide Budget
- Student Achievement
- School Climate
Please help us by sharing the REVISED
community flyer online and in the community.
We hope to see you at one of our schools!
All Charities Raffle - On Friday, October 19th, the West Sacramento Foundation hosted its annual All Charities Raffle benefiting all non-profits that serve the West Sacramento community. Participating groups sell raffle tickets for $10 each and earn $9 for each ticket sold. The remaining $1 goes back to the Foundation to cover costs and help build next year's grant pool.
This year the WUSD was represented by several schools and school groups receiving a generous amount prize money totaling more than $20,000! We would like to extend our gratitude to our amazing community partners at the West Sacramento Foundation. THANK YOU!
Flood Preparedness Week - On Thursday, October 25th some of our energetic Elkhorn Village Elementary School Tigers participated in a news conference as part of 2018 California Flood Preparedness Week!
As part of the activities, students played West Sac Flood Protect’s fun and interactive Flood Challenge computer game educating them on what it takes to Plan. Pack. and Protect. in case of a flood event. When each student completed the game, they signed a pledge to Plan. Pack. and Protect. The certificate was printed out for them to take home to their families to talk about the importance of flood protection but also about emergency preparedness.
Deadline to register is November 7th, then CalRTA will randomly select 25 teachers and notify you via email. If you have any questions about this or anything related to CalRTA please contact them directly at
. Thank you and good luck!
Solar Suitcases - Thank you to the Rotary Club of West Sacramento Millennial for delivering a check for $2,000 Mrs. Garcia’s class at Westmore Oaks Elementary. This donation goes a long way to assist the students as they prepare for this year’s Solar Suitcase project. The students are also hard at work, currently building a stand-alone Solar Charging Station!
Upon completion, this year's solar suitcases will be shipped to needy schools in Kenya along with hand-written words of encourage from our very own Westmore Oaks students. Stay tuned for updates later this year!
The Bryte Café - This Fall the Bryte Café is open every Thursday from 10:15-11:15 am and operated by second-year
River City High School Culinary Arts students offering a new student-created menu every two weeks.
Meals can be ordered for takeout or sit-in service and range from $10-$13. The Café schedule is structured as it is to accommodate student class schedules and times.
On October 11th, the culinary arts students will be offering a "Mid-term Brunch" from 9:00-10:30am. There will be hot stations, buffet, and more—last year’s “Mid-term Brunch” was a sold out event so please call ahead!
This program is a phenomenal opportunity for our aspiring students to attain valuable hands-on experience while engaging with members of our community.
Please help us our by sharing this information with friends, family, and neighbors and do not hesitate to contact the
Bryte Career and College Training campus at (916) 375-7901 ext. 3301.
State Treasurer Visits WUSD - Standing before kindergarten students, parents, and faculty at Stonegate Elementary School, California State Treasurer John Chiang, West Sacramento Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, and Washington Unified School District (WUSD) Board President Norma Alcala today announced a key component of the “West Sacramento Home Run Initiative,” providing a $100 seed deposit into a city-sponsored 529 college savings account. The goal is to help create a college-bound culture in the city in order to increase college graduation rates among the city’s students.
The program is supported by Treasurer Chiang’s ScholarShare 529 savings plan — a nationally recognized and popular tax-advantaged college savings program that encourages families and friends to save for a young person’s future education. ScholarShare 529 accounts have been found to increase educational opportunities by reducing the financial barriers many students face to attend college.
California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) - At the April 12, 2018 WUSD Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved
Resolution No. 1718-22 indicating their intent to transition Board elections from at-large to by-trustee area elections by the November 2020 election. The transition will not affect the current November 2018 elections however, the Board has been in the process of drafting the trustee area maps for several months.
On September 19th we wrapped up our fourth and final community forum discussing the CVRA and what it means for our school district and community.
The final public hearing and adoption of the maps took place at the September 27, 2018 Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting where the Board of Trustees adopted the “
Green Map.”
With the adoption of a map now complete, the next phase of the implementation will be determined in the coming weeks by the Board of Trustees and shared with the community.
In the meantime, we would like to encourage members of the public to visit our
CVRA web page to find out more about the process. Should you wish to provide feedback regarding the CVRA, please do so by submitting a “CVRA Inquiries Form” located at the bottom of the web page.
The mission of the Washington Unified School District,
, is to challenge and support each student to develop effective critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills as a life-long learner acting in an ethical manner to serve a broader community through a community of learners characterized by:
- Engaging learning experiences in safe, positive environments;
- Highly-qualified, reflective and adaptive educators;
- A culture of innovation responsive to student needs and aspirations;
- A community promoting family involvement, strong partnerships, and school pride.