February 2018
  WVPCA Weekly Outlook Newsletter
     A Newsletter on Community Centered Healthcare

We offer this publication as a member service of the West Virginia Primary Care Association (WVPCA).

If you have questions regarding our organization, WVPCA membership, or if you have content to suggest for this newsletter, please contact Kelsey Clough, Education and Communications Coordinator, by email or by phone at (304) 346-0032.


West Virginia Primary Care Association
1700 MacCorkle Avenue
Charleston, WV 25314-1518
Quick Links: In This Issue.....


Cynthia Persily: Despite staffing, payment challenges, local mental health providers hold on to patients 
Read the entire op-ed, originally from the Charleston Gazette-Mail  here

Senate budget deal would give a boost to health programs 
Read the entire article, originally from West Virginia Public Broadcasting  here

What West Virginians need to know about the new federal spending bill
Read the entire article, originally from West Virginia Public Broadcasting  here
CHC Funding Cliff is FIXED 
Last Friday (February 8), Congress passed a continuing resolution to fund the government that included two years of funding for Community Health Centers. 

The package allocates an additional $600 million for health centers over two years and also includes funding for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) for two years. 

Thank you to everyone who called, sent message and spoke up for Community Health Centers in West Virginia and across the country! You helped to fix the cliff!
New Webinar Opportunity- Connecting Health and Home: How One CHC is Providing Home Visit Services
The West Virginia Primary Care Association (WVPCA) invites you to register for Connecting Health and Home: How one CHC is Providing Home Visit Services, a one-hour interactive webchat scheduled for February 22, 2018 at noon. Join us as Robert Haddix and Allyson Scott discuss Valley Health Care's Home Visit Program. During the webchat, they will share strategies for providing effective and efficient care for complex patients through home visits.
Additionally, WVPCA School-Based Health Coordinator John Kennedy will discuss the Huntington Quick Response Team's strategy for home visits and ways their model of care for patients who have received emergency medical care for drug overdoses may be adopted by health centers as another tool in the effort to reduce the opioid crisis.
For more information, or to register, please find the flyer here
WVPCA Launches Emergency Preparedness ListServ
The WVPCA recently  launched an emergency preparedness listserv.  This listserv serves as a portal to keep health centers informed on news and updates with emergency management, as well as giving health centers a chance to interact with one another. 

If you or anyone from your organization would like to be added to this listserv please contact Ruby Piscopo, Ruby.Piscopo@wvpca.org
Grant Opportunity | School-Based Health Center Capital (SBHCC) Program 
HRSA recently announced a grant opportunity for School-Based Health Center Capital (SBHCC) Program. The closing date for applications is February 17, 2018. 

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, eligible applicants must be a SBHC or a sponsoring facility of a SBHC applying on behalf of a SBHC. A SBHC: (i) Is located in or near a school facility of a school district or board, or a school facility of an Indian tribe or tribal organization; (ii) Is organized through school, community, and health provider relationships; (iii) Is administered by a sponsoring facility; (iv) Through health professionals, provides primary health services to children in accordance with State and local law, including laws relating to licensure and certification; and (v) Satisfies such other requirements as a State may establish for the operation of such a clinic. A sponsoring facility of an SBHC includes any of the following: (i) A hospital. (ii) A public health department. (iii) A community health center. (iv) A nonprofit health care agency. (v) A local educational agency (as defined under section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 USC 7801). (vi) A program administered by the Indian Health Service or the Bureau of Indian Affairs or operated by an Indian tribe or a tribal organization.

Additional information is available here
Traumatic childhood events common in WV, report says 
The Charleston Gazette-Mail  recently ran an article (available here) regarding a new report released by the West Virginia Adverse Childhood Experiences Coalition. Please find an excerpt below. 

A statewide coalition of groups and people who want West Virginians to understand the connection between childhood trauma and health outcomes later, such as addiction, released a report last week that showed traumatic childhood experiences are common among West Virginians. 

The report found that 55.8 percent of West Virginia adults reported at least one "adverse childhood experience," with the most common being substance abuse in the household, and the authors noted that people who report higher numbers of adverse childhood experiences are also more likely to develop their own problems with substance abuse. 
State NewsStateNews
WVU Offering a Certified Tobacco Treatment Training Program | May 18 & 19 and June 1 & 2
The West Virginia University (WVU) School of Dentistry, in cooperation with the Office of Inter-professional Education presents "A Certified Tobacco Treatment Training Program (CTTTP)". The four-day course will run May 18-19 and June 1-2, 2018 at the West Virginia University Health Sciences Center in Morgantown. 

Professionals in the fields of medicine, dentistry, social work, pharmacy, nursing and public health will present evidence-based strategies to assist patients and clients interested in tobacco cessation. 

The training is recommended for physicians, physician assistants, dentists, dental hygienists, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, physical therapists and other health care providers who encounter tobacco using patients/clients. 

View the flyer here for additional information and continuing education credit information. Registration is available here
AHA and HRSA Offer Target BP Webinar for Health Centers 
 HRSA, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, is offering a "Target: BP" webinar on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. The one-hour webinar begins at 1:00 PM EST and will feature Mike Rakotz, MD, FAHA, FAAFP, VP of Improving Health Outcomes for the American Medical Association and Paul Mather, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA, FESC, FACP, President of the American Heart Association's Great Rivers Affiliate Board of Directors. 

Webinar participants will be able to:
  • Identify the importance of blood pressure control.
  • Describe the updated American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association's blood pressure guidelines and classify patients into each category.
  • Apply Target:BP M.A.P. framework to improve blood pressure control for patients.
  • Recommend and apply practice protocols to improve hypertension treatment.

For more information, or to register, click here

Registration Open for WVPBRN Retreat 
Registration for the 5 th Annual West Virginia Practice-Based Research Network (WVPBRN) Retreat is now open. This year's retreat activities will include poster and oral presentations highlighting current WVPBRN projects, a PBRN successes and challenges panel, and networking opportunities to discuss future projects and initatives. Deadline to register for the retreat is February 13, 2018. Please feel free to contact Andrew Denny, Network Coordinator (304-581-1922) or Stacey Whanger, Network Manager (304-581-1821) if you have any questions.

Click  here for more information. 

Hepatitis C Overview Webinar Scheduled Feb. 27 
The WVU Health Sciences Office of Continuing Education recently announced a new webinar,  Hepatitis C Overview . The webinar is scheduled for February 27 from 12:00 - 1"30 PM. 

This program is designed for local/regional health care providers, specifically physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurses.

Click  here  to view the flyer and  here  to register. 
National NewsNationalNews
Registration is open for the HRSA Healthy Grants Workshop May 30-31 
Registration is now open for the HRSA Healthy Grants Workshop scheduled for May 30-31, 2018 at HRSA's headquarters (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD). Registration, FAQ, draft agenda and logistics information is available here

The workshop is limited to 200 active HRSA grantees. For more information, reach out to workshop staff at 2018HealthyGrants@hrsa.gov
Webinar Opportunity - Get Ready for National Infant Immunization Week 
The Virtual Immunization Network is hosting a the "Get Ready for National Infant Immunization Week 20158!" webinar on Wednesday, March 7 at 12:00 PM EST. This one-hour webinar will discuss planning tools, digital communications resources and CDC activities planned for National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). NIIW will be held April 21-28, 2018.

The Houston Health Department will also share lessons learned from NIIW 2017, including outreach to pregnant women about infant immunization, as well as plans for this year. 

Registration is available here
Hepatitis C Infection: Updated Information for Front Line Workers in Primary Care Settings 
The National Center for Health and Public Housing is hosting a one-hour webinar on February 14 at 2 PM to discuss Hepatitis C. This webinar will review the ABCs of HCV infection as well as HCV drug therapy management in primary care.

For more information, or to register, click here
Live 5-Part BPHC Compliance Webinar Series offered 
Beginning today, January 23, and ending February 20, NACHC and Feldsman Trucker Leifer Fidell (FTLF) are offering an updated live session of the popular webinar series, The New Health Center Compliance Manual & Its Impact on the Program Requirements.  The series is designed to provide FQHCs with technical assistance on implementation of the manual - and now includes tips for the new Site Visit Protocol, which is BPHC's assessment process beginning January 22, 2018.
340B Updates
New Webinar: Realizing the Full Potential of 340B Pharmacy Benefits 
Sage Growth Partners is offering a one-hour webinar on February 15 from 2-3 PM EST. The webinar will discuss the following:
  • The pros and cons of three approaches to delivering 340B pharmacy services
  • How one FQHC with 21 locations and 180,000 annual medical encounters benefited from using a 'global managed services' model
  • How to select a 340B partner that will best serve your health center and your patients
For more information, or to register, click here

Mandatory Re-certification Period Will be Feb7 - March 7, 2018
Health   centers are required to recertify the accuracy and completeness of yourinformation on the HRSA 340B database (OPAIS) annually; failure to recertify by the deadline will result in loss of 340B eligibility for at least 3 months. 

New Health Center Sites Can Register Through March 5 to Start 340B Eligibility on April 1
HRSA is again extending the deadline for health centers to register their new delivery sites in order for these sites to become eligible to participate in the program on April 1, 2018.  While other types of providers faced a January 15 deadline, health centers have until March 5 to register.  At this time, health centers should contact Apexus directly to register a new site.  Note that the extended deadlines do not apply to new contract pharmacy arrangements, and that sites registered after the March 5 deadline will not be eligible until at least July 1.
340B Pharmacy Hours on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 2:00 ET will focus on self audits 
Office Hours are a new monthly opportunity for health center and PCA staff to discuss and learn about 340B/pharmacy activities.  They are held the third Thursday of each month at 2:00 Eastern.  Each session begins with brief updates followed by a short presentation on a specific topic; the bulk of the time is left for Q&A and discussion.  To join, click here.   (This link will work every month going forward, and you must use it to access call-in info; Office Hours are free and pre-registration is not required.) This month's Office Hours, at Thursday Feb. 15 at 2:00 ET, will focus on self-audits.  We strongly encourage you to submit your questions in advance.  A recording will be available in MyNACHC afterwards.  

For more information, contact Colleen Meiman at cmeiman@nachc.org
Community Health Center ResourcesCHCresources 
ECRI Institute 
The  ECRI Institute  offers numerous policy templates that can be used as guidance consistent with the needs of community health centers. To take a look at their library of policy templates, click  HERE .
If you are not an ECRI member, creating a free account before accessing these materials is required. ECRI Institute resources are provided for free on behalf of HRSA.

To Access Policies: 
  • From the main page, click on the clinical risk management link on the left hand side of the page
  • Click sample policies and tools listed under tool-kits on left side of page
Click on the + sign to access individual templates.
Tracking and Referral Resources Available at ECRI
ECRI has released a Test Tracking and Follow-Up Toolkit and the Get Safe! Communication Ensuring Care Coordination of the Medically Complex Patient.  All resources are provided for free by ECRI Institute on behalf of HRSA.  If you do not currently have access and would like to set up an account, just email them or call (610) 825-6000.  For those who have already registered on the site, the links will take you to these tools.  

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial/Chief Operations Officer
Clinical Consultant
Director of Health Center Operations
John Kennedy  
School-Based Health Coordinator
Staff Accountant
Education & Communications
Member Relations Coordinator
Outreach & Enrollment Coordinator 
Data Analyst
Data Services & Integration  Speci alist
Quality Improvement Coordinator
To sign up to receive the WVPCA Weekly Newsletter, click HERE

West Virginia Primary Care Association
  1700 MacCorkle Ave. Charleston, WV 25314| (304) 346-0032 | WWW.WVPCA.ORG