Issue No. 191 | Apr. 9, 2020
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Reading
We recommend reading this article that has been making the rounds on WeChat: an interview with 张伦 Zhang Lun, a visiting scholar at Harvard, released March 27, 2020.

In the article, Zhang discusses why he believes the pandemic will re-shape the international order. "我们正在经历“第三次世界大战”,疫情将引发世界格局的重大变革". Zhang also explains his view on how differences in civic culture have influenced nations' responses to the pandemic.
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
k ě gē kě qì

Meaning : lit. you can sing or you can cry; fig. deeply moving / happy and sad / inspiring and tragic

Original : "在这场严峻斗争中,湖北各级党组织和广大党员、干部冲锋在前、英勇奋战,全省医务工作者和援鄂医疗队员白衣执甲、逆行出征,人民解放军指战员闻令即动、勇挑重担,广大社区工作者、公安干警、基层干部、下沉干部、志愿者不惧风雨、坚守一线,广大群众众志成城、踊跃参与,涌现出一大批可歌可泣的先进典型和感人事迹。"

List of Edible Animals
SixthTone reported today: " Dogs Absent From China’s Latest List of Edible Animals ," citing an official document from China’s Ministry of Agriculture, released Wednesday, which proposes a list of "31 terrestrial animals that farmers would be allowed to raise for food or other commercial purposes." This whitelist has been released for public comment following China's nationwide ban on eating wild animals since February.

You can read the draft document here (scroll to the bottom 附件 section to download).
Interpretation Practice
While simultaneous interpretation is not for everyone, it does make for an intense language learning exercise. Practicing Chinese-English interpretation can help sharpen your listening and speaking skills, and is an efficient way to identify knowledge gaps.

If this sounds interesting to you, check out these practice Chinese-English interpretation dialogues provided by the blog of Carl Gene Fordham. The dialogues cover a range of topics and provide a transcript and reference translation so you can double-check your work.
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