JULY 2023



It's Officially Summer!

Western Wealth Communities operates in some of the hottest and most humid climates in the country. In addition to observing safety protocols for surviving summer, outlined in our HR section below, we wanted to provide some helpful reminders and tips for staying cool while keeping it professional.

Summer Work Attire:

  • Opt for lightweight trousers (look for cotton or cotton blends)
  • Consider breathable fabrics: cotton, silk, and linen
  • Wear comfortable shoes (if you're a heels-wearer, keeping a pair of flats nearby can be helpful for a long, hot day of touring)
  • Keep a blazer or cardigan at your desk for the chill that a high-powered office air conditioner can create

Tips for Cooling Down Quickly:

  • Portable fans can be really helpful
  • Drink lots of water
  • Apply cold to key points: held against the inside of your wrist, the back of your neck, your temples, or even the back of your knees

Please also ensure you're wearing sunscreen! Whether you're in direct sunlight all day or for just a few minutes at a time, it's so important to protect yourself from the sun's harsh UV rays.


Top 10 Things to Know About Jana

  1. Who is your hero? My husband, Craig, has been my greatest strength in the darkest times. He never wavers in his commitment to his family and has proven the meaning of true love over the past 20 years. It's not perfect, but it's worth it.             
  2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere on a beach where I can see the sun set or rise over the water. That is my happy place.  
  3. What is your biggest fear? Loss of a love, whether it's a family member or friend, losing someone I love affects me so profoundly. Human or Furry!    
  4. What is your favorite vacation? A cruise thru Alaska with my family was the best vacation ever. We went on a terrific train ride through Canada from Seattle, which was fantastic, and then a week-long Disney Cruise to see whales and glaciers and took a helicopter ride to go on an actual dog sled race. So memorable! Like, who does this!
  5. What would you change about yourself if you could? I wish I were not so emotionally invested in my job. I get attached to people and places quickly, so it is hard to let go and take some of the bad stuff that comes with this position.  
  6. What makes you angry? People who intentionally harm or put down others. There is just not enough care or respect in the world anymore, and it's disheartening.            
  7. What motivates you to work hard? Seeing my team succeed and feel good about what they have done, being a part of something that makes a difference.    
  8. What is your favorite thing about your career? Seeing the long-term results of someone's success. Several people still work with me today, who have come up from a Porter to a Manager or a Leasing Agent to a Regional.  Knowing I was a small part of them being their best makes it all worth it.
  9. What is your biggest complaint about your job? Mean, nasty people for no reason. We should always be kind. Lately, some residents, vendors, and others have lost the ability to communicate in a kind, calm manner.  Kill them with kindness is always my go-to.      
  10. What is your proudest accomplishment? My kids! I am so proud of what wonderful, warm, caring people they are. I feel like I have raised two kind, respectful, and hardworking people, which is a lot to say in this day! I don't know what I did to deserve my husband and kids, but I have been blessed beyond my dreams with them.

Welcome to the Team, Michael!

Enjoy this wonderful interview with WWCo Texas' newest Regional Vice President!


Thank You, Maintenance Team Members!

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Thank you to all of our hardworking and dedicated Maintenance Professionals who have been battling this summer heat! No one cares for our residents or our communities more passionately than you! We appreciate everything you do on a daily basis to keep our properties running smoothly and our residents happy! You are amazing! #TMV


It's our favorite time of year! We've Got Your Back 2023 is officially underway! This charitable initiative aims to provide backpacks filled with school supplies to every child across all of our communities. WGYB helps school-aged children start their first day off on the right foot, and relieves the financial burden from their families and the educators who spend more than $820 out-of-pocket annually on school supplies for their classrooms.

If you and your team have not begun planning your events, please ensure you commit to this as soon as possible. Click the button linked below to review our 2023 Look Book. There is a wealth of resources, ideas, and information to ensure your event is a success!



Las Brisas

Villas De Azul

2025 West

Sedona Ridge

Regency Park

Valley Oaks



July 12 | 4pm - 6pm

July 13 | 3pm - 5pm

July 13 | 4pm - 6pm

July 18 | 4pm - 6pm

July 19 | 4pm - 6pm

July 20 | 3pm - 5pm

July 20 | 4pm - 6pm









If your community was not selected as the location for a main event, you will still need to host a back-to-school party for the children and residents of your community. You will be provided a $300 - $400 budget for planning your event and are welcome to choose a date that best suits your team and residents. Please be mindful of the class start dates for the school districts in your area.

*All party planning costs should be charged to your p-card and billed back to our parent company, Western Wealth Capital.

2023 Look Book
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Charity Drive Wrap Up

June 30th will conclude our Health and Wellness Drive. Thank you all for doing everything you could to get your residents, vendors and team members involved in this amazing cause. These hygiene items are going to make a profound impact on those in need. You should feel proud!

Photos of your donations will be requested at the conclusion of the drive and a winner will be determined by our leadership team. More details coming soon!

Car Raffle Tickets for Charity!

Get your tickets now for the Arizona Multihousing Charitable Foundation's (AMCF) annual car raffle for charity! This year they're raffling off a 2022 Chevrolet Trax! 

Find out more and purchase your tickets by clicking the button linked below.

The winner will be drawn on November 30, 2023. Need not be present to win.

All proceeds benefit UMOM New Day Centers, Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center (SARRC), the Resident Relief Foundation, and the Julie Hurst and Steve Peters Education Fund.

Sponsored by Kwik Tow.

Purchase Tickets


Recruitment Documents

All recruitment forms and documents can be found in Insperity and Edge2Learn.

Insperity: Under 'Forms and Policies'

Edge2Learn: Document Storage > Human Resources > New Hire/Recruiting



Revenue Management Secrets

Do you want to know the secret to stable occupancy and manageable ATR? Lease Expiration Management is the secret!


Pro Tip: When a resident says they want to renew their lease, double check your Expiration Management Graph in LRO to confirm that we still have availability for that lease term. If not, let's see if we can offer them another lease term where we have room in our schedule to help keep your property stable! 


You can find the expiration management schedules in LRO in "$ LRO" > Expiration Management > Expiration Management Graph


Friendly reminder to please make sure all ePremium invoices are being processed monthly to avoid insurance disruptions.

Please review the calendar invites prior to accepting or declining. The body of the invitation will provide details on where the training will be hosted and what time it will begin. Additionally, dates may be adjusted to accommodate business needs.

If you are scheduled to attend an in-person training, please be respectful of the training team's time and do not no-show and make sure you arrive on time.



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If your property is struggling with leads or leases, we're here to help! In order to get you the marketing assistance and recommendations you need and in a timely manner, please complete these two steps:

  1. Ensure your monthly marketing audit has been completed within the past 30-days
  2. Fill out our Request for Additional Marketing Support form

Both of these forms are linked in the buttons below! If you have any questions, we're happy to help.

Marketing Audit Form
Marketing Support Form

Like, Follow & Share!

Did you know Western Wealth Communities is on Social Media? We regularly share company updates, celebrate holidays and important milestones, and spotlight team members and communities!

If you are sharing something to your own channels regarding WWCo, don't forget to tag us! We love to see you in your Orange Army gear, shouting out our company culture, or showcasing all the cool things you're doing at your properties. And who knows... maybe you'll see your own content reposted to the WWCo pages!



Given our industry and the number of residents that live at our communities, it is inevitable that a crisis will occur onsite which requires support from the Corporate Office.

In the Event of a Crisis

  1. Immediately dial 911
  2. Notify the Manager & contact your Regional Manager
  3. Regional Manager to contact Jennifer Staciokas, RVP, Lindsay Duffy & Heather and Heidi with the Ferraro Group

What is a "Crisis"?

Any situation that requires the staff to call 911 Emergency Services, and/or if media is present onsite. Some examples of a crisis situation might include:

  • On-property death (resident, guest, or other), no matter the cause.
  • Crimes/incidents that have drawn the attention of the media, or that may pose a life-safety concern for other residents. Ex:
  • Police pursuit of criminal on-property
  • Resident barricaded in apartment with explosives or weapons
  • Natural disasters such as flood, fire, hurricane, etc. causing significant damage to the community, and/or loss of life (est. +$25k in damages)

*When in doubt, it is best to contact your Regional Manager and RVP.

In the Event of a Crisis

Our company's goal is to protect its residents, owners, and company from the consequences of misinformation or mischaracterizations by the media. This policy addresses media contacts/inquiries that from time to time occur onsite and at the Home Office. If doubt arises about any issue relating to the media, immediately speak with your direct supervisor, who will raise the issue with their respective Regional Manager, RVP, Jennifer Staciokas and Lindsay Duffy. All crisis Management conversations should include The Ferraro Group, our designated PR company.


Every occurrence associated with a Western Wealth Communities property that might attract media attention needs to be immediately reported to the Regional Manager, RVP, President, Director of Marketing and Training, and Ferraro Group. There are no exceptions to this requirement.


No Western Wealth Communities associate should ever speak on the record to a reporter about information related to their employment with WWCo or information involving the residents of WWCo, without specific clearance from the RVP, Jennifer Staciokas, and/or Ferraro Group.


In the case of a crisis, the Company will authorize an official spokesperson, the choice of whom will depend upon the circumstances. All media is to be directed The Ferraro Group, our official spokesperson for WWCo. Contact your Regional Manager or Regional Vice President with any questions/concerns.


In the event that you are contacted by the media, your response should be along these lines:

"I know you need help and we respect that request, but please understand I'm not the spokesperson for the company. Let me take your contact information and someone from our organization will get back to you as quickly as possible."

*Record reporter's name, phone number and reporting outlet.

  • Do not say "no comment", regardless of the situation!
  • If you receive an email from the media, do not respond. Forward the reporter's email to Jennifer Staciokas, Lindsay Duffy, your RVP, Regional Manager and Heidi/Heather with the Ferraro Group. They will consult and provide further guidance and the appropriate response.

Associates have the right to politely ask a member of the media to leave the property out of consideration for their residents and their right to privacy. You should say:

"We appreciate why you are here, but please be aware that the safety and privacy of our residents is our number one priority, and you will need to film from off-site."

If the unwanted visitor refuses to leave, the manager may call 911 and ask that the police issue a trespass warning against the individual. (This is usually a last resort.)

WWCo & PR Contact Information:

Jennifer Staciokas



Mobile: 469-233-0101

Lindsay Duffy

Director, Marketing & Training


Mobile: 480-290-0817

Tim Ruditys

Regional Vice President, AZ/NV


Mobile: 602-618-9822

Michael Izenberg,

Regional Vice President, Texas


Mobile: 602-715-2139

Heather Austin

The Ferraro Group, PR Firm


Mobile: 602-738-9252

Heidi Goitia

The Ferraro Group, PR Firm


Mobile: 928-220-1747

For more details, please refer to the WWCo Media Protocol document on file.


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It's Time to Prepare for Hot Weather Safety

Employees who work in outdoor environments or on job tasks in areas where the environmental risk of heat exposure is present, are at risk for developing heat illness if they do not protect themselves appropriately. In this safety communication, we want to improve employer awareness regarding heat illness symptoms, discuss ways to prevent it and what to do if symptoms occur.


According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), heat is the leading cause of workplace fatalities among all weather-related phenomena. Excessive heat exposure can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke if not treated properly. Excessive heat can make preexisting health problems like heart disease, asthma, and kidney disease worse. Workers in agriculture and construction are at the highest risk, but the problem affects all workers exposed to heat, including indoor workers without adequate climate-controlled environments. 


Here are a few important reminders for all team members:

  • Seek adequate shade throughout the day. The shaded location should be open air or have ventilation.
  • 10-minute breaks each hour
  • Unlimited cool water or other hydrating beverages (note – beverages such as coffee or carbonated beverages containing caffeine are not considered hydrating beverages)
  • Time to acclimate by gradually increasing exposure time in hot conditions over a 7 to 14-day period. New workers may need more time to acclimatize compared to employees who already have recent experience working in hot environments.
  • A “buddy” system on hot days and job rotation to limit exposure.
  • First aid to an employee who experiences symptoms of heat illness or injuries.

Symptoms of heat illness or injury include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Cold, pale, or clammy skin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Fast, but weak pulse

If an employee experiences the symptoms of heat stress mentioned above, then do the following:

  • Move the employee to a cool place, loosen their clothing, and keep their body cool
  • Give the employee hydrating fluids. Beverages with electrolytes are ideal
  • Allow the employee to rest until they feel better
  • If the employee loses consciousness, call 911 immediately

Safe summer work was the topic of Insperity’s April Safety webinar. You can access this session, plus other past sessions by visiting the Recorded Safety Webinars page.


What is Capital Expenditure?

A capital expenditure is a durable lasting upgrade, alteration, or enhancement of the property which significantly increases the value of the property or substantially prolongs the useful life of the asset.​

  • CAPEX/renovation projects are coded to Renovations GL account series 8xxx.​
  • Replacements are coded to the Replacements GL account series 7xxx.​

What is the Difference Between a Capital Expenditure vs. Repair?

A repair on the other hand includes both routine and preventative maintenance, work performed to repair an asset when it “breaks” or work performed to restore an asset to the original condition.​

When determining whether an expense is a capital expenditure or repair and maintenance, ask yourself if it:​

  • Has a useful life of more than one year
  • Extends the useful life of a building component or other asset
  • Is expected to significantly increase the value of the investment
  • Is in excess of the $250 threshold

*If you answered yes to the above, it can be classified as a capital expenditure.


AP and Accounting Training

When: Starting in July - the 18th of each month from 9am-10:30 MST. 

What: all things accounting 

Financial close calendar, PME, AME, RA workbook, financial review calls, bad debt/allowance for doubtful accounts, capital expenditure policy, AP process, AVID, and Concur 

Friendly Reminder from AP: Deposit Accounting

When sending a move out statement to AP@westernwealthcommunities.com for resident refunds, please ensure that you are receiving RPM approval prior to submitting the move out statement to AP. 

Additionally, please label the PDF and the subject line of the email as follows:  


Thank you!


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