Thank you to our Gold Premier Sponsors
Wednesday, September 1st
8:30-9:00am-Via zoom

Brandon Wray from the Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs will share with members about the many opportunities to hire veterans.
Free to members 
WWLCC Coffee Networking
Thursday, September 9th
Marous Brothers Construction, Inc.
Start your day networking with fellow chamber members. 
Bring your business cards &
name tag!
Everyone gets 1 Minute for their business commercial
Are you looking for employees?
Register for the Chamber of Commerce
Lake County wide job fair.
WWLCC Presents: “Leadership Nuggets for Business Bosses”
Breakfast at the Willoughby Hills Community Center
Wednesday, September 22nd 8:30-9:30am
Learn some of the ways these leaders found success through their leadership
Our panel speakers are:
Tim Bleich,
Vector Technical

Bob Fiala,
Mayor of Willoughby and
Past owner of tda Architecture

David Hegenbarth,
Federal Gear and Machine
Breakfast catered by: Regovich Catering

Breakfast Sponsorship available:$200
WWLCC Coffee Networking
Tuesday, September 28th

Start your day networking with fellow chamber members. 
Bring your name tag &business cards!

Everyone gets 1 Minute for their business commercial
Sponsorships Available
for the Annual Turkey Bowl
Save The Date for the 2021 WWLCC Turkey Bowl
Saturday, November 13th

Bowling teams to open on 9/13
Sponsorships Available

Exclusive Lane Sponsor-$250
11 available
  • Logo over exclusive land and in program
  • (1) bowling team of 6

Golden Turkey Sponsor-$350
  • Company name and logo on the Turkey table
  • Logo over exclusive lane and in program
  • (1) bowling team of 6

Program Sponsor-$350
  • Full page ad on back cover of program
  • logo over exclusive land and in program
  • (1) bowling team of 6
Did you know that serving on a Chamber of Commerce committee is a great way to get more involved in the community and also get to know more members?
To sign up for any of these committees call 440-942-1634 or
Program Committee

Help continue to bring engaging and resourceful programs and workshops for our chamber members to attend.
Volunteers meet once a quarter to manage the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce scholarship fund for businesses and students.
Public Affairs Committee
At this time, the WWLC Chamber of Commerce is seeking additional volunteers for our Public Affairs committee. This committee evaluates, reviews and in some cases takes action on bills and other initiatives that impact businesses. 
Golf Committee

Looking for golf lovers to join our fun golf outing committee for planning of the 2022 golf outing. 

Resources and support
for our members
What is TechCred?

Cultivate new employees!

The Individual Microcredential Assistance Program (IMAP).

Visit to learn more.
Get an SBA-Backed Loan!
Entrepreneur Series: Get Ready
Refinance Debt
Thursday, September 2, 2021
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
This program is designed for business owners and entrepreneurs who have high-rate debt and are thinking about refinancing it. Is an SBA-Backed loan a good solution for this type of project? What unique requirements would an SBA-Backed loan have? What special requirements does SBA have in this situation?
Buy a Business
Thursday, September 9, 2021
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
 Congratulations on your decision to buy a business! This program is for entrepreneurs who are considering methods to purchase an existing business. Is an SBA-backed loan a good option? What do you need to be aware of as you go through this process? We’ll cover SBA’s requirements for equity injections and business valuations, among other topic areas.
Get Startup Financing
Thursday, September 23, 2021
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
 So you want to get financing to start your own business from scratch? Can an SBA-backed loan help you with that? In this session we will be providing information to entrepreneurs about what they can expect when they apply for an SBA-Backed loan, as a startup operation.
SBA COVID EIDL Program Remains Available to Businesses and Non-Profits
In response to the continuation of COVID-19 and the Delta Variant, small business owners and non-profit organizations can still apply for the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for shortfalls in working capital. This 30-year term loan at a favorable interest rate (3.75% fixed for businesses and 2.75% fixed for nonprofits) has no pre-payment penalty or fees. There is also an 18-month moratorium on payments of principal and interest; interest does accrue during that period. This program is set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2021. 
Small Business News from SBA's Office of Advocacy:
Small Business Facts – Supply Squeeze: Small Business Commodity Challenges
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, small businesses are struggling to obtain the goods they need to operate, impacting their recovery. 37.2% of small businesses reported having domestic supplier delays in the second week of June 2021 and increases in commodity costs are a growing concern. Going forward, small businesses and their advocates will need to carefully monitor changes in commodity prices. Learn more
Did you know that you can share these Chamber benefits with your employees?
Get a free ad!

Help us help you! 
More members mean more opportunities to build your network! 
Send the chamber your business referral. If your lead becomes a member, you receive a free exclusive e-mail ad
(value $75).