News & Updates
Summer 2021 | Issue 2
WYEMSA just turned 2!
Since June 2021, WYEMSA has:

  • Influenced legislation in 2020 which blocked a bill that would allow mid-level practitioners to act as EMS Physician Medical Directors
  • Influenced legislation in 2021 in the passage of Senate File 53, Ground Ambulance Service Provider Assessment Act 2021 (upper payment level)
  • Contracted with the Wyoming Office of EMS to deliver over 1,230 Automatic External Defibrillators to Wyoming law enforcement vehicles
  • Partnered with Savvik Buying Group, Aflac, and Globe Life Family Heritage Division to provide benefits to our members
  • Recruited Corporate Sponsors Braun Northwest and Arrow Ambulance
  • Appointed representation to the Governor's Health Task Force
  • Received Governor's Proclamation for National EMS Week for both 2020 and 2021
EMS Leadership Summit 2021
Lakeside Lodge, Pinedale
September 23 - 25, 2021
Registration coming soon! Keep an eye out on the WYEMSA website for more information
Jackson Hole Fire/EMS Paramedic Kevin Grange introduces his newest memoir with Wild Rescues
"I was motivated to write Wild Rescues to shed light on, and celebrate, the amazing work that rural and remote first responders do. Wyoming EMTs, paramedics and firefighters often face long transport times to the hospital, limited staffing and the challenges of snow, ice and freezing temperatures and yet, they still manage to get the job done and save countless lives. I'm continually impressed by the first responders I work with in the Cowboy State. I'm honored to work alongside them and they inspire me to be at my best." 
- Kevin Grange
Kevin Grange is a Firefighter Paramedic and an award-winning freelance writer with an emphasis on the medical field, adventure and travel.

Kevin's new book, Wild Rescues, details his experiences as a paramedic with the National Park Service.

Wild Rescues is a fast-paced, firsthand glimpse into the exciting lives of paramedics who work with the National Park Service: a unique brand of park rangers who respond to medical and traumatic emergencies in some of the most isolated and rugged parts of America. In 2014, Kevin Grange left his job as a paramedic in Los Angeles to work in a response area with 2.2 million acres: Yellowstone National Park. Seeking a break from city life and urban EMS, he wanted to experience pure nature, fulfill his dream of working for the National Park Service, and take a crash-course in wilderness medicine. Between calls, Grange reflects upon the democratic ideal of the National Park mission, the beauty of the land, and the many threats facing it. With visitation rising, budgets shrinking, and people loving our parks to death, he realized that, along with the health of his patients, he was also fighting for the life of “America’s Best Idea.”

In June 2015, Berkley Books, published Lights and Sirens, Kevin's true account of going through UCLA's renowned Daniel Freeman Paramedic Program and practicing emergency medicine on the streets of Los Angeles.

In 2011, The University of Nebraska Press published Kevin's travel memoir, Beneath Blossom Rain, about his 24-day trek through the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan.

When he's not at the fire station or his desk, Kevin can be found skiing, hiking and mountain biking in the wild areas around Jackson Hole.

Instagram: @kevin.m.grange Facebook: Kevin Grange
Corporate Sponsors!
Member Benefit Highlights
PLEASE contact these companies. They are supporting WYEMSA members with discounts and group pricing. Get deals and show your appreciation!
Members of the WYEMSA are eligible for special discounts from Aflac. For questions, information, or how to sign-up, contact:

Denise Roller
Members of WYEMSA, both as professionals and as individuals, automatically receive discounted prices through the Savvik Buying Group. Contact:
1-888-603-4426 or . See their list of vendor partners at
Family Heritage Plans Cover:
● Cancer (affects 3 out of 4 families, 1 out of 3 adults)
● Heart Attack and Stroke (every 40 seconds someone in the US will suffer a heart
attack or stroke)
● Accidents and Injuries (90% of accidents happen off the job)
● Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Hospitalization
Upcoming Events
Please see our website for upcoming events
The Wyoming Emergency Services Foundation, sister organization of the WY EMS Association, is a charitable organization designated as a 50(c)3 by the IRS. Donations made to the Foundation may be tax exempt. Contact for more information.