Ohio Department of Medicaid Freezing Level of Care Waiver Disenrollments for Six Months

The Ohio Department of Medicaid has announced that, for six months, it will freeze disenrollments from three Ohio Medicaid Waiver programs regarding people it alleges no longer meet the "level of care" required to participate in the program.  

Why is this important?

In Ohio, Medicaid Waiver programs allow people with serious care needs to receive care outside of an institution.  For instance, a person can stay in their home instead of a group home or nursing facility.  This allows people to...


From Our Blog: Which School District is the BEST?

So many of my clients ask me what school district is the best for students with disabilities.  That's a really tough question to answer!  I've had families who are very happy with a district's services for their disabled child in the same city where I've had many complaints and, conversely, I have clients who are disappointed with the offerings of highly rated districts.  So it truly comes down to how a particular district is equipped to meet your child's specific needs, and what your expectations are as parents: we all value different things.  That's my lawyer response...all gray!
That being said, there are better chances of finding good special education services where a district is...

Volume 6, Issue 4


We are pleased to announce that  Attorney Janet Lowder has been named an Accredited Estate Planner® designee by the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils.

Upcoming Events

Senior Planning Series
Join Attorneys Blaine Brockman and Tabitha Woodruff to learn what you need to know as you and your family prepare for the years ahead.

10/12: "They"ll Take My House:"
           Unraveling the Myths of

10/26: Financial Planning for Medicaid:
           Strategies to Employ, Pitfalls to

11/9: Hard Decisions About Long-term
         Healthcare: Factors to Consider

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Montgomery Inn, Dublin
4565 West Dublin-Granville Road

Complimentary, l ight appetizers served

To register, call 614-879-4143 or e-mail

Trustee School
Saturday, October 29  
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Montgomery Inn Dublin

In this complimentary session, learn the nuts and bolts of trust administration, including:

- Trustee responsibilities, taxation and
  reporting requirements

- Government benefit basics and how
  trust administration can impact those

- Using care managers to ensure quality
  of life

To register, call 614-879-4143 or e-mail

Turning Your Obstacles into Opportunities