October 2023





Wondering, Wandering and Wheeling

Centered the Stories of Northeast End Residents

in the History of our Town

Many thanks to all who attended our Quarterly Community Table Gathering on October 5, it was a beautiful night of storytelling, learning history and building community. Longtime residents, Ms. Geraldine Hall Taylor, Ms. Wilma Dunston and Ms. Sara Morris shared their stories about what the Northeast end means to them and told the history of landmarks like the corner of Taylor and Juniper and the DuBois Center. With the support of our leadership team, the staff of the Wake Forest Historical Museum and the Alston Massenburg Center and the donation of transportation from Olive Branch Baptist Church and Friendship Chapel Baptist Church, we learned the deep and rich history of our neighbors. Learning about the community we serve is an essential part of our mission to both provide food and learn the history and systems that necessitate our services. We look forward to gathering again in the new year!

Please check out the ALBUM of this gathering!

Served Since April 2020: 32,067

At Hope House in 2023: 3,300

OBBC in 2023 (service began on 3/1/23) : 3,232

Gwen Jeffries and Romeo's Pizza

by VISTA Member Emily Baird

One volunteer who has made an impact from the day I started working with WFCT is Gwen Jeffries. Gwen dedicates her time every Monday and Wednesday to deliver meals to the elderly who can't come to our meal distributions. It never fails that we see Gwen every day that we serve coming to pick up the meals so that she can serve others. She has done this for years and I feel that she is a true representation of what Wake Forest Community Table stands for. She shows how this community supports one another and that the kindness of everyone involved is how we are able to continue to operate and grow. We are so grateful to Gwen and all of our amazing volunteers!

We are always so excited to gain another community partner, and Romeo's Pizza is the first partnership developed during my time with WFCT. What stood out to me about this partnership is that this was because of individuals passionate about our mission. Having people who believe in our mission enough to help us connect to sponsors like these shows me the true meaning of our organization. Romeo’s has agreed to be a sponsor for our meals and has already made a significant donation of Pizzas. Donations like these make a huge difference in what we are able to do. We can’t wait to continue our partnership with Romeo’s!

Learn more about sponsoring an evening of meals!

Emily's Time So Far

So far my time with Wake Forest Community Table has been nothing short of amazing! During the past several weeks I have worked on system development, volunteer engagement, partnerships, and more. I have recently created our business domain which now means you can reach me at emilybaird@wakeforestcommunitytable.com. Beginning to set up these lasting systems is something that is incredibly exciting and a stepping stone for me to continue to build the capacity of WFCT over the next year. 

Some things I have observed during my time so far:

We harness the aspect of community and it is at the heart of what we do. We are unlike a food pantry in the sense that we provide readily prepared meals to enjoy, but also because we encourage everyone to gather, eat, and connect. 

We have the most amazing set of volunteers and they help us run this organization. Saying I am amazed with how this non-profit runs due to the dedication of volunteers is an understatement. It never ceases to surprise me of all we are able to do because of the kindness and generosity of people in our community. 

Being an AmeriCorps VISTA is no easy task, but simply due to the support, love, and kindness of everyone around me, I know that this will be one of the most rewarding years. Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me with open arms and has allowed me to step into this position which has taken a lot to get used to. As we all know, I have big shoes to fill after Joy Shillingsburg who has done so much for this organization!

Thank you,

A Balance for MS Foundation and Iota Iota Chapter for your continued volunteer partnership.

Optimists of Wake Forest for sponsorship and volunteers.

Wake Forest Women's Club for providing diapers as well as handmade hats and scarves.

Click HERE if your family, church, business or club would like to sponsor a meal. Your generosity keeps our program strong!

WE NEED Drivers: Due to increased partnerships with the restaurant harvest program, the Produce Box and Forks we have openings for volunteer drivers!

Each week our meals, produce and extras get to our community with the help of a dedicated team of drivers. Thank you:

  • Thomas Chema-Pizza Hut Harvest
  • Mynn Paige- Starbucks Harvest
  • Rose Hiebert-Forks Cafeteria
  • Lucinda Clifton- Forks Cafeteria
  • Gwen Jeffries-delivers to 12 residents

If you would like to volunteer as a food mover see all the details and SIGN UP HERE.

Our Meal Sponsoring Partners This Quarter:

  • Hope House and Friendship Chapel Baptist Church (3rd Monday/mo)
  • Wake Forest Baptist Church (2nd and 4th Wed/mo)
  • Chick Fil A Leadership Club at Heritage High School (quarterly)
  • Forks Cafeteria (quarterly)
  • Hope Lutheran (fifth Wednesdays)
  • Romeo's Pizza (quarterly)
  • A Balance For MS Foundation (September)
  • Optimists of Wake Forest (August)
  • YOU! Thank you donors!

We are thankful for the continued support of Starbucks and Pizza Hut and now Chick Fil A for providing extra food each week to distribute with our meals!

We are thankful for the continued support of Communicopia for donating a year of PR services to help us share our message and mission with the community. Our website, newsletter and newly created flyers have been a labor of love for this awesome community minded small business!

Visit our Website