Dear St. Martin's Family,
On Sunday we will begin our Holy Week observance with Palm Sunday. I invite you to join us as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus once again. In the next week, we will go to Jerusalem with Jesus and experience God's mighty works and love for us.
Palm Sunday marks Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The ancient tradition of the church links the crowd's shouts of "Hosanna!" on Sunday with their cries of "Crucify him!" on Friday. For this reason, we will hear Mark's account of Jesus' suffering, death, and burial as part of this service.
On Thursday, we will gather for Maundy Thursday to remember Jesus' new commandment: "Love one another." Maundy comes from the Latin mandare, which means "to command." We will wash one another's feet, as Jesus' washed his disciples feet. We also will celebrate the final Eucharist before Easter, remembering Jesus' institution of the Eucharist in his final meal with the disciples.
On Good Friday, we will gather twice, once at noon for an interactive Stations of the Cross service and at 7 PM for the proper liturgy of the day. As we remember Christ's suffering and death, we also remember how Jesus' final hours reveal God's incredible love for us. As one of my favorite hymns puts it, "Therefore he who shows us God helpless hangs upon the tree; and the nails and crown of thorns tell of what God's love must be."
We will begin our Easter celebrations with the Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday at 7 PM. This ancient service begins with recounting God's relationship with humanity from the covenant with Abraham through the children of Israel's return from exile. In the midst of the world's darkness, we will kindle new light and proclaim God's enduring love for all creation. We will renew our baptismal vows and celebrate the first Eucharist of Easter.
It is an honor to walk the way of the cross with you this year as your Interim Rector. My prayer is that our Holy Week services will help you to experience God's love for you in new ways and encourage you to share God's saving love with those around you.
Christ's peace,
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~ The Rev. Joshua Rodriguez-Hobbs, Interim Rector | |
Join us for Worship every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. | |
Get Yourself In Our Parish Directory
This Sunday we have slots available to get your picture taken for the parish directory. Sign up to secure your time slot. Not available this Sunday? Not to worry there are additional dates and times available. Vestry members, Jeannine Mogavero Theoret, Wendy Gatanas and Judy Bonnano are creating a new parish directory. If you already have a favorite photo, please email it to Judy Bonnano, with your updated contact information. Sign up today.
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Easter flower Memorials and Dedications
Deadline this Sunday March 24
We are accepting sign-ups now for those who wish to dedicate flowers to give glory to God and bring focus to the cross during our Easter service. To make your dedication please use the forms in Sunday’s bulletin or complete our online form. Forms should be submitted by Sunday, March 24.
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Tuesday Night Lenten Program: Taste and See
Tuesday, 26, 5:30 p.m. (Parish Hall)
Join us each Tuesday in Lent and Holy Week for a simple dinner and an intergenerational program. We will gather to hear the story of Jesus’ experiences in Holy Week using an interactive storytelling format. Volunteers needed to bring soup to share. If you’re willing to help provide dinner, please click here to sign up. For questions contact Rev. Josh.
Popsicle Playground Playdate
Sunday, April 7 following the 10:00 a.m. service
After church we are hosting a popsicle playdate to connect parents of Sunday School age kids. Join us on the playground behind the church. Spend time with other parents, Rev. Josh and Rev. Nathan while the kids play. For details contact Rev. Nathan.
VBS Is Back!
Save the date - July 22-26
St. Martin’s is excited to launch Vacation Bible School this year! Open to kids Pre-K through 5th grade. Full day ($75) and half day ($50) options will be available. For details and to register click here. Contact Tabitha Carman.
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St. Martin’s Trivia Night
Sunday, April 14, 5:30 p.m. (Parish Hall)
Come out for an evening of fun, fellowship, food and TRIVIA! Join us in Parish Hall on Sunday, April 14 starting at 5:30 p.m. for food, followed by Trivia beginning at 6:00 p.m. A chance to win prizes, bragging rights and support the 2025 J2A Pilgrimage class. TICKETS include dinner and trivia: $20/person, $10/for 10 yrs and under, $60/family. DON’T FORGET TO BRING CASH the night of the event for exciting extras. For details contact Rachel Erdman.
Church Office Closings
Church office will be closed on Friday, March 29 and Monday, April 1, 2024 in observance of Good Friday and Easter. Please contact the church office with any questions,
Deep Dive Into Sunday Bible Study
Sundays April 7 - May 19, 9:00 a.m. (Parish Hall)
Want to understand Old Testament history better? Want to see how Israel’s experience of God intersects with their experience? Join us and take a deep dive into the Book of Kings, exploring the story of Elijah and Elisha. These two prophets will bring us face to face with political crises, theological challenges, and our own struggles to be a people faithful to God. Together we will work to sharpen our skills at reading the Bible and draw strength, courage, and hope from the ministry of these two prophets. For details contact Greg Church.
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Palm Sunday, March 24
8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Services of Holy Eucharist
with Palm Procession
Maundy Thursday, March 28
7:00 p.m.
Proper Liturgy for Maundy Thursday
and Stripping of the Altar.
Good Friday, March 29
12:00 noon
Interactive Stations of the Cross
7:00 p.m.
Good Friday Liturgy with Choir
Great Vigil of Easter, March 30
7:00 p.m.
Baptism and First Eucharist of Easter
Easter Day, March 31
8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Worship Services
11:00 a.m. Egg Hunt
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Walk the Labyrinth
Labyrinth walking is a practice used for spiritual centering, contemplation, and prayer. We will have our labyrinth in Parish Hall following our Maundy Thursday service through Good Friday. All are invited.
Overnight Prayer Vigil
All are welcome to remain for prayer and meditation in response to Jesus’ plea to his disciples, “Can you not pray with me one hour?” Sign up today for one of these hour-long opportunities to stay awake with Jesus from Maundy Thursday, March 28 to Good Friday, March 29. For safety we need at least two adults signed up per hour. Sign up here or in the narthex.
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March Outreach Collection:
The Way Homes
The Outreach Offering will be on the second Sunday of the month and will go to support the The Way Homes. The Way Homes provides a healthy drug and alcohol-free environment for individuals who have committed to a 12 step program with Jesus Christ as our higher power. Those residing in the home are expected to live and encourage others to live scripturally. If you want to learn more about The Way Homes’ mission visit their website. To donate online click here and put The Way Homes in the memo area. For details contact Kathy Berge.
Prayer for the Victims of Addiction:
O blessed Lord, you ministered to all who came to you: Look with compassion upon all who through addiction have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy; remove from them the fears that beset them; strengthen them in the work of their recovery; and to those who care for them, give patient understanding and persevering love. Amen.
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Bingo Night at Light House Shelter
April 5, 4:30-7:00 p.m.
St. Martin’s will be sponsoring a pizza night at Lighthouse Homeless Prevention Center on the first Friday of every month. This is a great opportunity to be with our neighbors by sharing a good meal, and playing a few rounds of Bingo with them. Children must be at least 11 to volunteer. Please sign up so we have a head count.
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SPAN Opportunities for March
We at St Martin’s supports SPAN's mission, serving our neighbors to help them through a critical or emergency situation with our year round collection. March’s SPAN theme is “Spring Cleaning.” Please donate household cleaning items: soaps, laundry detergents, sanitizing wipes and sprays. Additionally, sanitary items and baby diapers especially in the larger sizes are especially helpful. Of course we’re also happy to collect anything else you’re willing to share. Donations can be dropped in the bins marked “SPAN” in the Narthex. Click here for details about SPAN.
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Search Committee Members: John Theune (Chair), Sandi Blair, Sam Burdette, Ardath Cade, Greg Church, Rob Fraser, Tim George, Derek Heiss, Porter Hill, Prince Jernigan, Mark Kellogg, Mike Radike, Tony Shaffer, Susan Shingledecker, Amy Tate, Marcia Taylor, and Patti Zielinski | | | |
Sunday School and Youth Programs
Classes Sundays from 9:00-9:45 a.m. (Arrival time 8:45-9:00 a.m.)
Sunday School (K-Grade 5): SMES Art and Science Rooms
Rite-13 (Grade 6-8): Lower Heck Hall
J2A (Grade 9-10): Lower St. Martin’s House
Confirmation Class/YAC (Grade 10-11): St. Martin’s House
Children’s Chapel
Children’s Chapel happens during the 10:00 a.m. service, from before the reading of the Gospel to the Peace. Children from 3 years old to 2nd grade are invited to experience an age appropriate Liturgy of the Word led by Children’s Chapel adult leaders. Contact Rev. Nathan for details.
Interim Rector’s Bible Study
Mondays, 11:30 a.m. (St. Martin’s House)
Join Rev. Josh for a weekly drop-in Bible study. Bring your Bible (or borrow one from the Church office) and a brown bag lunch as we study the Gospel of Mark. Contact Rev. Josh.
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Parents’ Group
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. (Parish Hall)
Each week we explore different aspects of faith-based parenting and join in fellowship. This group is geared for parents/guardians of school-aged children, but is open to all who wish to attend. Click here for a schedule of events. Contact Chris and Liz Lucas.
Shepherd Group
Thursdays, 4:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Group discussion of the readings for the upcoming Sunday. All adults welcome. For zoom link and details contact Susan Griesmyer.
Our nursery is available from 8:45-11:30 a.m. on Sundays for infants and children ages 3 and under. Located in Parish Hall, see an usher for directions. Contact Rev. Nathan for details.
Bible Challenge Book Study
Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. (St. Martin’s House)
The Bible Challenge group will start a 10-week study of the book of James. Join us beginning January 2 on Tuesdays upstairs in St. Martin’s House at 7:00 p.m. The study guide can be purchased through Lamplighters International. Here’s a link. Contact Cindy Neseth, (443) 534-3277.
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SMES Gala Tickets Go Live!
Don't miss our School's largest annual fundraising and social event, the Gala & Auction on April 6, 2024 at Chartwell Golf & Country Club! Tickets go fast, get them while you can. Early-bird pricing for individual tickets and reserved tables is available before March 9th! There are many opportunities to help the event become a success. For sponsorship and donation opportunities, click here. Questions? Email Christina Hanson.
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Cabaret Performance & Silent Auction to Benefit SPAN!
Broadway Bonanza is an exuberant and occasionally irreverent salute to a wide array of Broadway and movie musicals. This upbeat “backstage tour” includes a smorgasbord of show tunes hand- picked from more than seven decades of Broadway’s best! Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. (doors open at 3:30 p.m.) One-hour show plus intermission. Tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance, click here. 100% of the net proceeds go to support SPAN. Performance held at St. Martin’s-in-the-Field, Parish Hall, 375 Benfield Rd, Severna Park.
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Good Friday Stations of the Cross ~ March 29, 12:00 noon (Manresa)
Join fellow Christians in an ecumenical service alongside the Severn River. Gathering at 11:30 a.m. with music at 85 Manresa Dr., Annapolis, MD. Rain or Shine. Click here for details.
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Your Prayers are Invited... |
Prayer is the universal way people of faith stay connected, both with one another and with God. I invite you to pray daily for our parish family, for your own needs, and in thanksgiving for all that God has blessed you with this day.
NEW PRAYERS FOR OUR PARISH FAMILY: Ed, Emmett, Cynthia, Lois, Olivia, and Dora.
FOR THOSE IN NEED OF ONGOING AND LONG-TERM PRAYERS: Sara, Gloria, Jared, Clyde, George, Geoffrey, Joe, Bill, Lee, Jax, Sumner, Sarah, Candy, Ellen, Brody, Matt, and Kyle.
FOR THOSE CELEBRATING A BIRTHDAY: Robin, Emily, Dave, Samantha, Jonathan, Jeff, Kyle, Rowland, Samuel, Faren, Cece, and Amelia.
FOR THOSE CELEBRATING AN ANNIVERSARY: Andy and Marcia Taylor, Dan and Bambi Sturgeon, Jarod Hanson and Corry Yeuroukis.
| Lee Marston's brother, John H. Marston, II, passed away on Monday after a long illness. Lee and the Marston family appreciate your prayers at this time. |
Let us know if you have a specific prayer request so we can hold you in our daily prayers.
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375 Benfield Road, Severna Park, MD 21146
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