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January 2024

Regina's Story

Regina shares the story of how her local parish supported her when she was a single mother of six young children.

Today, she helps serve mothers in the same parish through Walking with Moms in Need.

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Upcoming Parish Webinar

Join this live webinar to learn how you can start Walking with Moms in Need in your parish today! Join us as we discuss best practices, tips, and creative ideas with examples from ministry efforts across the country.


In the News:

Chairman Calls for Support of Moms in Need

Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge

Bishop of Arlington

Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities

January 16, 2024

"...We remain steadfast in our commitment to work for the legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death. This is a responsibility that we all must share – especially now when this very protection is being undermined. As more and more states are impacted by sweeping new proposed laws and ballot referenda to enshrine abortion-on-demand, it is critical that everyone, whatever their role, take the initiative to learn about such threats to life in their area, and to then speak out compassionately with their family, friends, colleagues, and representatives. The truth is seldom easy, but it is necessary. The truth is with us.

At the same time, we recognize that often the most immediate way to protect babies and mothers from abortion is to thoroughly surround mothers in need with loving support, 'walking with' them in their journey of motherhood. Each of us is called to radical solidarity with women facing an unexpected or challenging pregnancy. Each of us is called to help mothers in our own community secure material, emotional, and spiritual support for embracing the gift of life. Likewise, we must also support policies that assist women and their children and help families to flourish. I thank the millions of Catholics who are already personally living out this Gospel call, and I humbly invite dioceses, parishes, and individuals to come alongside vulnerable mothers and children through our nationwide, parish-based initiative, Walking with Moms in Need."


A call to solidarity

with ‘moms in need’

Editorial Board

Our Sunday Visitor

January 2, 2024

"...In the wake of Dobbs, those who would defend the unborn must double down on efforts to provide a robust network of support to women before, during and after pregnancy. This network includes the counseling, medical care, financial assistance and emotional support that make giving birth and raising a child seem like a real possibility...

...resources exist to offer such women genuine choices and extensive support, not just during pregnancy but in the journey of motherhood that follows. We need to demonstrate, through both reason and faith, how choosing to give birth rather than have an abortion can offer hope to mothers, in some cases providing the spark that lights the way out of an abusive or exploitative situation. We also need to let women know that these resources exist, and that help is close by.

This must happen at a local level, and every Catholic parish in America can do it. By implementing the USCCB’s program “Walking with Moms in Need” our parishes can become centers of life, places that provide essential care for the needs of mothers and children. Walking with Moms in Need includes a comprehensive parish action guide, which parishioners can implement to make their parishes centers of welcome to women in need. According to the 2014 statistics mentioned above, 24% of women who have abortions identify as Catholic; it stands to reason that parishes could have reached some of them and provided resources that might have changed their minds. Of course, as Catholics, we practice charity to all, and parishes’ capacity to help mothers extends to the surrounding community.

Central to the pro-life message is the affirmation of women’s inherent strength and capability to embrace motherhood. Celebrating the brave mothers who have chosen life for their sons and daughters, and ensuring they have the support they need can inspire confidence and hope, reinforcing the idea that motherhood is not a journey of solitude but one of community and support.

As Catholics, we must actively engage with, support and advertise the crisis pregnancy safety net in our communities. Establishing “Walking with Moms in Need” in your parish is critical to assist women and children with their concrete needs, while respecting the sanctity of life at every stage. As Catholics, we’re committed to upholding the dignity of life and support those who carry the gift of life. In this, we stand together — “with every woman, for every child” — in a journey of hope and unwavering support." 


Louisville: Mothers in need supported by collection

Ruby Thomas

The Record

January 11, 2024

"The money placed in a second collection basket over the weekend of Jan. 20-21 may make a difference in whether a new mother and her baby have a roof over their heads.

The yearly Opportunities for Life Collection is taken up throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville near the anniversary of the Jan. 22 Roe vs. Wade decision, and it benefits expectant and new mothers. 

The 2023 collection brought in $42,000, and the funds made all the difference when a young immigrant woman needed help paying rent last fall, said Nancy Brown, a member of St. Agnes Church’s Walking With Moms in Need committee. The woman had just given birth and was on maternity leave. 

...The agency provided $1,000 to pay one month of the woman’s rent.  

'It was wonderful to be able to help someone in such a crucial time in their life,' said Brown, noting that the woman had emigrated from India two years earlier and had no family nearby. 'She was lovely, a good person just doing the best she could.' 

Walking With Moms in Need committees have taken root at several parishes around the archdiocese since the national initiative was launched locally in 2023...

The designated fund provides emergency financial assistance to expectant mothers and new parents. Since the launch of Walking With Moms in Need, the fund has assisted moms through the parish-based program...

Deacon Bowling said the fund will be more important than ever as more parishes express interest in forming Walking With Moms in Need groups. 

St. Agnes’ Walking with Moms in Need committee said the members, mostly women, became like 'adopted grandmothers' to the mother they helped. The baby was born in early fall of 2023.

They met the young mother through a referral from the Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center near the end of her pregnancy. Committee members provided encouragement and used money from a parish fundraiser to supply her with essentials, such as a car seat, a stroller, a changing table, diapers, wipes and gift cards for groceries.

The mother is now independent, but committee members are still a part of her life, Brown added."


Prayer Intention

May we understand more deeply the difficulties of mothers in need and respond with increased care and support.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...

Prayer Cards Available

Our Prayer for Pregnant Mothers is available in English and Spanish for free download. It can also be ordered as a beautiful prayer card.

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

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