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January 2025

Resource Spotlight:

Free Parish Formation Program: Into Life

"INTO LIFE: Love Changes Everything" is a free online formation program that includes 12 videos, support materials, and pastoral resources developed by the Sisters of Life.

Participants will be introduced to the theological framework used by the Sisters in their ministry to pregnant women, have the opportunity to pray and reflect, and discover what it truly means to walk with a woman through an unexpected pregnancy.

This resource can be used to help parishes spiritually and practically prepare to accompany mothers as part of their Walking with Moms in Need efforts. And while the program is designed to be completed in small, in-person groups over the course of 12 weeks, it can be adapted to a wide variety of formats, including personal use at your own pace.


In the News:

Kansas City: Archdiocesan efforts to walk with moms echo Nativity story

Debra Niesen

The Leaven

January 3, 2025

"...One of my favorite Christmas Day traditions is watching 'The Nativity Story' movie. After listening to the Gospel readings through Advent, visualizing the story only increases my awe and wonder. The more I reflect, the more I am struck by how the work of the pro-life community in the archdiocese is inspired by each event of the Nativity story.

The story begins when an angel visits Mary, a young virgin, and with her 'yes' to God’s invitation, the Holy Spirit comes upon her and the Son of God is conceived...

Mary faces many challenges with her unexpected pregnancy — the hardship of being poor, judgment from her community and uncertainty whether Joseph, her betrothed, would support her or leave her. Many in our community have experienced or known a loved one or someone who is facing this challenging situation in fear or anxiety.

... Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth for support and comfort. Our Gabriel Project ministry trains 'angel' volunteers to walk alongside pregnant women, offering friendship and guidance. Our Walking With Moms in Need initiative prepares parishes to be places of love and support. Some parishes offer the new Embrace Grace support group for single, pregnant women so that they can be in a community that knows God’s love for them and their babies...

Mary gives birth to an infant who was born to redeem the world. Every child is a gift, created in the image and likeness of God...

This new year, may we all be deeply inspired by the Nativity story and all we 'have seen and heard.'"


Prayer Intention

May we understand more deeply the difficulties of mothers in need and respond with increased care and support.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...

Full Prayer Guide

Prayer Cards Available

Our Prayer for Pregnant Mothers is available in English and Spanish for free download. It can also be ordered as a beautiful prayer card.

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