Retail Council of Canada
Conseil canadien du commerce de détail
Top Stories
À la Une
Walmart Canada Corp. is ramping up its food selling business in the West with the launch of online fresh grocery delivery in Vancouver as supermarkets across the country step up their fight against Inc. (Financial Post)
Saks Fifth Avenue has unveiled an impressive store in Calgary, spanning about 115,000 square feet over two floors. It's Saks' third full-line store in Canada.  (Retail Insider)

Canadian Stories
Nouvelles canadiennes
Vancouver-based ecommerce furniture retailer Article continues to see incredible growth in its operations with more revenue, more staff, more warehouses and a bigger headquarters. (Retail Insider)
Le géant français Décathlon, spécialisé dans la vente d'articles de sport à bas prix, prévoit ouvrir des magasins partout au pays. La première succursale canadienne ouvrira ses portes à la mi-avril au Mail Champlain à Brossard. (Le Journal de Montréal)

Steve Long, president of Long & McQuade Musical Instruments, says Ontario's new holiday pay calculation makes it 'economically unfeasible' to hire people on a casual basis. (Globe and Mail)
On Jan. 1, 2018, Montreal became the first major Canadian city to implement a ban on plastic bags through its enforcement of By-law 16-051, a by-law prohibiting the distribution of single-use plastic bags deemed detrimental to the environment by the city. (The McGill Tribune)
Les magasins phares de Montréal des détaillants de mode Dynamite et Garage sont sur le point de fermer, a appris Le Journal. Pas moins de 30 personnes devront donc se trouver un nouvel emploi sous peu. (Le Journal de Montréal))
The cans and can'ts for Calgary cannabis retailers are taking shape this month, but some prospective sellers are pointing out that perception could still be tainting the city's proposed bylaws. (Metro News) 
The developer who wants to build a massive commercial centre in the Town of Mount Royal said he plans to break ground this year - even if the Montreal Agglomeration Council doesn't back the project.  (Montreal Gazette) 
When the recreational use of marijuana becomes legal in Canada this summer, a handful of larger companies will be vying to become the dominant player in a massive new market. Branding and quality will be keys to success. With a limited number of licensed producers, which company is in position to become the go-to consumer choice ­- the Starbucks of the cannabis space? (Calgary Herald)
Labour groups and some politicians are pushing to repeal a bylaw that allows retailers north of Toronto to stay open on holidays such as Family Day. (Globe and Mail)
The list of the 10 best places to work in British Columbia was compiled by the job site Indeed, based on hundreds of thousands of company reviews from employees. View them here(Vancouver Sun)
The popularity of Black Friday sales in advance of the holidays boosted November's result while taking away from Decembers. (Toronto Star)
Eddie Lampert, the largest shareholder of Sears Canada, explains the financial situation around the retailer's final years. (Toronto Star)
The Manitoba government has selected a mix of organizations to handle retail sales of recreational pot when it is legalized across Canada later this year, including licensed producers, a medical clinic operator and First Nations communities. (Globe and Mail)
Minimalist Japanese retailer MUJI has just announced that it will open a store in April of this year at CF Richmond Centre in suburban Vancouver. It will be the third store in the Vancouver Area for MUJI, and the eighth in Canada when it opens. (Retail Insider)

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, on Nov. 8, 1926, Sonja Wettstein grew up in a privileged and cultured milieu. Her father was a highly respected lawyer. She had been studying to become an architect but never finished her degree as she contracted tuberculosis and was forced to retreat to a sanatorium in the mountains where she could recover. (Globe and Mail- For Subscribers Only)

Download the latest Salesforce e-book to get insights into shopper behaviour based on research of over 2,000 consumers across Canada, US and the UK. Increasingly, technology is empowering customers to research and shop in new ways and the next generation of shoppers expects even smarter retail experiences.

Independent Retail
Commerce  indépendant
After 50 years and three generations, the Papalia family is still on top of Ottawa's piano game. Saturday night the family marked that anniversary with a concert at Centrepointe Theatre - featuring performances by the Ottawa Chamber Orchestra and Juno-nominated pianist David Jalbert. (CBC)
With the redevelopment of Mirvish Village well underway and an entire block at Bloor and Bathurst streets where Honest Ed's once stood reduced to rubble, a row of three-storey buildings stands out like a sore thumb. (CBC)
How custom marketing tools have helped Canadian business owners drive more business. (Canadian Retailer)
The Detox Market, one of our go-to destinations for chic green beauty, has just opened up a new space right inside Toronto's commuter/traveler central, Union Station. (Fleet Street)
The Vancouver-based Comor Sports has as its motto Go Play Outside. And since 1974 the retailer has been helping a growing number of people do just that as the company continues to grow its footprint in the market. (Retail Insider)
Ontario's provincial government has published a series of children's books aimed at encouraging inclusion and acceptance of people with disabilities. (CBC)
Actualités, nouveautés, rencontres d'auteurs, entrevues... Notre journaliste vous informe de ce qui se passe dans le monde des livres. (La Presse)
Loss Prevention
prévention des pertes
Announcement follows U.S. government report that listed the Markham-based mall as one of the most notorious sources of pirated and counterfeit goods in the world. (Toronto Star)
Vol de données, surveillance, dépendance : les questions éthiques sont nombreuses lorsqu'on s'intéresse à l'industrie des jouets connectés. Comment baliser l'utilisation des données colligées par une poupée qui discute avec un enfant en recueillant ses confidences? La philosophe Marie-Hélène Parizeau nous présente les nombreux débats que génère cette nouvelle forme de jeu. (Radio-Canada)
More than ever, the wrong returns policy can make or break a fashion retailer.(Glossy)

Returns have long been the nemesis of many retail brands. When a product is returned or exchanged, not only does the retailer experience incremental supply chain costs, but often the item cannot be resold at the original price owing to damage, wear and tear, or obsolescence/devaluation given the passage of time - particularly an issue with fashion or seasonal merchandise. (Forbes)
U.S. & World Stories 
Actualité américaine et mondiale
Retail sales declined in January, but former Hudson's Bay CEO Jerry Storch says this is to be expected. (CNBC)

Weddington Way features a "virtual showroom" where brides and their far-flung friends - many of whom may be unable to convene for an in-person try-on session - can share and compare styles. Now Weddington Way is establishing a brick-and-mortar footprint, and will open its first Boston-area boutique inside the Banana Republic at the Natick Mall on Wednesday. (Boston Globe)

A push by Americans to fix up their properties has help boost the home-improvement chain's same-store sales by 7.5 per cent. (Toronto Star)

J. Crew has tapped Adam Brotman, Starbucks executive vice president of global retail operations and partner digital engagement, to become president and chief experience officer reporting to CEO James Brett, effective next month. (Retail Dive)

This fall, a 300,000-square-foot shopping mall will open in suburban northern California, built around a landscaped outdoor courtyard inspired by an Italian piazza. (Curbed)

H&M, once at the top of the fast fashion world, has fallen on hard times. In the face of big challenges, the chain is launching a new store concept - one with even lower prices. (Retail Wire)
Après la vente en ligne, les services informatiques, l'alimentation... Amazon s'attaque désormais à la santé, dernière illustration de la stratégie de croissance tous azimuts voulue par son fondateur Jeff Bezos, dont les ambitions semblent sans limites. (La Presse)

The nation's largest employer is retooling its people strategy for the digital age as it goes head to head with its biggest competitor, Amazon. (News 1130)

More people than ever have both a Costco membership and pay for Amazon Prime, according to a new survey, underscoring the direct competition between the two Seattle-area retail giants. (The Seattle Times)
Grocery Stories
Nouvelles du secteur alimentaire

Seattle-based coffee concept Starbucks has expanded its Starbucks Reserve concept further into Canada this year with its first location in southern Ontario, and its third in Canada. The interactive, premium coffee concept is proving popular, and currently operates only a handful of locations globally. (Retail Insider)
Amazon has rolled out its own food retailing business in India with a pilot in Pune, becoming the first foreign ecommerce firm to stock and sell food items directly to consumers. (Economic Times)
Face à la concurrence de plus en plus agressive des prêts à cuisiner, la jeune entreprise Cook it lève 1,6 million $ pour faire exploser sa visibilité dans ce marché hautement concurrentiel. (Le Journal de Montréal)
HelloFresh North American president Tobias Hartmann told Food Dive in an interview Friday that the company will likely overtake Blue Apron as the U.S. meal kit market leader by this year's second quarter. (Food Dive)

Give our readers something to chew on in Canadian Retailer magazine's 2018 Food & Grocery Issue.

Don't miss your chance to put your company in front of thousands of retail decision-makers in the 2018 Food & Grocery Issue of Canadian Retailer magazine.

Contact Mary Markou at [email protected] to learn more today!
Deadline: March 9. 2018

Loblaw Cos. Ltd.'s merger of its popular loyalty programs has led to some consumer headaches and profit-sapping charges in the fourth quarter but the retailer is pleased overall, its CEO says, with the transition to PC Optimum. (Financial Post)
Le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique a lancé une contestation formelle de l'interdiction par l'Alberta de l'importation de vins britanno-colombiens. (La Presse)
Ottawa is launching public consultations on planned new packaging rules to promote healthier eating habits. Health Canada wants to introduce a front-of-package nutrition symbol that will alert shoppers to items high in sodium, sugars, or saturated fat. (Grocery Business)
China's commercial culture has long been unfriendly to innovation. Hierarchical regimentation reigns. "Reform" is incremental. But the blistering success of Hema, a chain of supermarkets owned by e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group, proves large Chinese corporations do have the capacity to be revolutionary. (Ad Age)
Implantée dans la région de Québec depuis plus de 20 ans, la boulangerie artisanale Borderon et fils ouvrira une cinquième succursale dans ce secteur en pleine ébullition de la Basse-Ville de Québec. (Radio-Canada)
Technology Stories
Nouvelles technologiques
Since their debut more than three years ago with the launch of the Amazon Echo, smart speakers have often been seen as more novelty than valuable resource. (Progressive Grocer)
Online menswear specialist Indochino is a pioneer in the shift of e-retailers entering the realm of brick-and-mortar storefronts. Starting from a handful of "Traveling Tailor" pop-up shops across the U.S. and Canada in 2013, Indochino opened its first storefront a year later in Vancouver. (Bis Now)
Une nouvelle fonctionnalité a fait son apparition sur Facebook cette semaine. Il est désormais possible de publier des images en trois dimensions. Cette stratégie vise ultimement à intégrer la réalité virtuelle et la réalité augmentée au réseau social. (Radio-Canada)
Canada Post helping retailers of all sizes capitalize on the e-commerce opportunity. (Canadian Retailer)
Imagine being able to trace a piece of fresh fruit from your store back to the farm on which it was produced in a mere 2.2 seconds. This isn't a supermarket pipe dream - it's the power potentially unleashed by a new technology called blockchain.(Progressive Grocer)
Our survey of US shoppers has uncovered a wealth of findings on Amazon Fashion. Learn six takeaways (Fung Global Retail)

Belonging has always been an essential ingredient in the business of brand building. This fundamental human need has been increasingly on our minds as evidence of the fragile state of belonging in the world mounts. A decline in trust in institutions, economic divides, political partisanship and increased levels of isolation of loneliness due in part, paradoxically, to near constant digital connectivity, have all challenged our sense of belonging. (IBM)

Hear Kelly Mooney live at STORE 2018. Get your tickets here!
What makes a brand successful in the digital age? A joint study by SAP, Siegel+Gale, and Shift Thinking suggests that digital brands don't just do things differently; they also think differently. (HBR)
In this exclusive interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook, he explains the culture and approach that led to iPhone X, Air Pods, Apple Watch 3, and HomePod. (Fast Company)
With so many touchpoints in today's customer journey, email remains at the center of many retail marketers' digital strategies - and with good reason. (Total Retail)

According to a Nielson survey, by the second half of 2016, nearly one-third (29 per cent) of smartphone users in Canada were already using their phone to make mobile payments. (Canadian Retailer)

For four years, Taxi helped the retailer show its products could help real people equip themselves for life in Canada. (Strategy Online)
Gravity Partners wins two awards for helping the grocer refresh a classic holiday ad. (Strategy Online)
The furniture retailer and Taxi picked up two trophies for increasing foot traffic in stores through the "Part of the Family" campaign. (Strategy Online)
RCC Member Notices
Avis du CCCD
The government will eliminate Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums effective January 1, 2020. [Individual British Columbians currently pay $37.50 monthly for MSP premiums (although there are differing rates for low-income and households with more than 2 persons). Read more
The government of New Brunswick announced that it will be raising the province's minimum wage from $11.00 to $11.25 on April 1, 2018. Read more
The BC Government had tasked their Fair Wage Commission to report in two stages: (1) in regard to reaching a $15.00 minimum wage by 2021 by December 31, 2017, and (2) on how to address the difference between the minimum wage and the living wage in spring 2018. Read more

Our members have spoken and we are taking action. Join us from 7:30 - 11 am on March 28 for a special pop-up forum on minimum wage legislation and the impact on Canadian retailers. Visit

In the context of NAFTA negotiations, US Trade negotiators are asking that Canada dramatically increase its de minimis threshold ("DMT") from the current level of $20 CDN to a level equivalent to $800 USD. The DMT is the level below which imported parcel shipments by courier and post are exempt from sales taxes and duties. RCC is leading the fight against this US proposal and commissioned a detailed economic study of the issue by PwC.  (PwC | Retail Council of Canada) 


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Le CCCD souhaite offrir aux employeurs et aux chercheurs d'emploi un moyen d'établir une connexion. Si vous êtes un employeur, veuillez envoyer votre offre d'emploi par courriel à l'adresse  [email protected]. Nous publierons votre lien sur notre site Web. 

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March 28, 2018

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