Association for Responsible Alternatives
to Workers' Compensation

Our list of QCARE employers is growing each week. More than 300,000 employees in Texas are now working under QCARE-designated injury benefit programs.

Here's what Tim Osmond, Senior Manager of Walmart Claims Services, Inc. has to say about QCARE:
"Walmart is a proud member of ARAWC and was one of the first companies to receive a QCARE designation in Texas. We are very excited by ARAWC’s development and launch of QCARE to signify Texas employers with responsible injury benefit programs. The standards of QCARE reinforce Walmart’s commitment to our associates."

Tim Osmond, CPCU, AIC
Senior Manager
Walmart Claims Services, Inc., Casualty Claims Administrator for Walmart, Inc
What Is QCARE?
QCARE (Qualified Compensation Alternative for Recovering Employees)​ is a simple, voluntary, no-cost, online designation to recognize employers with a responsible Texas injury benefit program that satisfies high industry standards.
I f you have any questions, feel free to contact me ( ) or ARAWC’s Association Administrator ( b or your trusted adviser.
Thank you.
Jeff Strege
ARAWC President
@ 2019 Association for Responsible Alternatives to Workers' Compensation (ARAWC).
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