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Help heal your animals!  
Meditate with your animals for healing. 
Realize a new level of well being for your dog--and for other animals too! 
Learn to be the  
best animal Reiki practitioner you can be! 
Listen and heal with your animals with my
Be guided to healing with your animals: 
Want a Fun Way to Stay Mindful
of the Precepts?

I've created this lighthearted gift that will help you do just that!

Print it off and hang in your meditation space or office so you're reminded of the precepts throughout your day. Share with your friends. Enjoy! 

Strengthen your practice and understanding of these precepts by taking one or more of
my inspiring animal Reiki classes!
This Week's Special Subscriber Savings!
Reiki for Cats Audio 
***Offer Ends 10AM Pacific on Thurs., Nov. 19th***

Pay in full within 48 hours & receive the special price!

***To take advantage of this special offer, you must email me directly at ***

You will receive lots of information & practical tips for healing the cats in your life with Reiki in my 60-minute audio!  
Special Price:    $25

Regular Price:       $35 

We're about half way to our goal to sell 400 T-shirts! 

Share our campaign with your friends, family and even your vet! This new design is a fun way to support SARA and also share with people what you do! 

SARA's one-of-a-kind Unleash the Peace design is available in navy blue in the following styles: a unisex tee, ladies tee, youth tee, long sleeved tee and a hoodie!

If you have already ordered - THANK YOU !  If you haven't - now is the time
Thank you for your support of SARA!  

All Upcoming Classes

Begin Your Animal Reiki Journey &  
the New Year at BrightHaven! 
Reiki 1 & Animal Reiki Training: The Basics
Sat.-Sun., Jan 23-24, Noon-5PM
Get the new year off to the best start possible! Release stress & cultivate peace & wellness with the help of the BrightHaven animals.

Price as of Jan. 9, 2016:
50% of your tuition is donated to BrightHaven  

Have You Ever Meditated with a Tiger or Other Exotic Animal? 
Here's Your Chance!
Join Me at CARE Foundation in Florida in February 2016!
Learn how to live and be Reiki by attending one or both of these incredible classes! 

1)  Reiki 3 & Animal Reiki Teacher Training - Thur.-Sat., Feb. 18-20
Becoming a Shinpiden Level Practitioner is the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in your personal healing journey with the animals. Being able to connect energetically with the amazing animals at CARE makes this class truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Tuition: $1250 if you pay in full before Jan. 1st--then it's $1445 
 25% donated to the CARE Foundation

2)  Mindfulness with Exotic Animals - Sun., Feb. 21
Spend the day with CARE Foundation Founder/Director Christin Burford and me as we guide you on a unique journey to honor and appreciate the many animal species at this amazing place.

Prerequisite: Must be an animal lover!

Tuition: $200  
50% donated to the CARE Foundation

Share Reiki with Bahl-shoy!

More Upcoming Classes

The Power of Animals to Heal!
Wed.-Sun., May 18-22, 2016

***Open to All Animal Lovers!***   

Join us for a groundbreaking workshop that combines the power of animals to heal with the restorative benefits of meditation.

Tap into the power of peace and compassion to heal yourself
and your animals!

Want to learn more and to see a few highlights from our 2015 retreat -- all set to the sound of the medicine buddha chant? Watch this video!


My It's a Heartful Life Blog     

By Jeri Lawson
( G raduate of my November 2015 Animal Reiki 3 workshop at BrightHaven)

Being an energetic practitioner is a constantly evolving journey. The energy is always guiding me. Often I find many techniques that have worked so well in the past just fall away as new awareness arises.

In my practice now, I feel a deepening of the work, of the sacred space, how connected everything really is. "I" feel I am doing less, and my clients are receiving more. 
Jeri & friend

This shift has led me to the teachings of Kathleen Prasad. After watching her YouTube videos and reading her books, I decided to... Read more>>>

Bee Reiki &
Be Kind to Yourself!

Treat yourself with these items and more from the new Animal Reiki Source Bee Reiki collection!

Bee Reiki & be cozy with this stylish sweatshirt,
also available in light steel & pink.


Bee Reiki with this canvas tote -- a lunch with Reiki is the best!

May the animals light your way,


Kathleen Prasad
Animal Reiki Source