CFNS news & updates
December 3 | Fall 2020
We've Moved!
The team at the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia is excited to share the news that, due to space limitations in our office at suite 806-1888 Brunswick Street, we have moved down the hall to suite 819. Our new space now has enough room for the team to be able to work together while social-distancing.

We look forward to having visitors drop in once COVID-19 restrictions allow. Please feel free to give us a call once this happens and we'll be happy to arrange a tour! 902-490-9916.
Website Changes
2020 has been a year that no one will ever forget. We Nova Scotians have dealt with a lot of adversity but we have shown great resilience and really come together. We are grateful to have been a part of the coming together, and that has meant we have gotten busier.

In response to that, we have discovered that our current website has had limitations and hasn't been serving our clients as well as they should be served, so we have embarked on a new website build. This will come in two phases - the first with a temporary site that will have more basic information, but it will be viewable on all devices, including smartphones and tablets - something which our current site doesn't allow. This will be launched by January 2021.

The next phase will be a brand refresh and a very robust website that will do much more for all of our clients than ever before. We expect to launch this in summer 2021.

In the meantime, if you have have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Stacey at 902-490-9916 or via email at
Nova Scotia Nonprofit COVID-19 Coalition
The Nova Scotia Nonprofit COVID-19 Coalition was convened in May by CFNS and the Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia (CSCNS) in response to the impact that the pandemic has had on the not-for-profit sector. The Coalition is made up of a group of 15 organizations that represent a wide array of needs across the province. Over the past six months the Coalition has grown to 212 members and 57 non-members, and has hosted 20 weekly virtual Open Forums with over 1000 registrants. The Coalition is also working with government to establish long-term solutions that will benefit the nonprofit and charitable organization sectors. The Open Forums are held on Tuesday mornings at 9am, always featuring some great speakers and they are open to anyone who would like to attend. Please visit the Coalition website for more information.

New Funds
Greater Love Fund
Greater Love Canada is a youth-founded, non-profit organization dedicated to showing those experiencing homelessness that they are loved, and cared for. They do this by empowering young adults across Canada to spend time with and build friendships with those on the streets. Launched in Halifax in 2017, Greater Love Canada has grown to over eight cities, with 200+ volunteers, and more than 2000 hours on the streets.

The Greater Love Fund was launched to raise funds that will go directly to supporting the people the organization serves on the streets. This includes care packages (with food, essentials, etc.), hosting dinners for those on the streets, and by expanding the reach of their organization throughout the country.

As we are approaching the coldest months of the year, donations to the Greater Love Fund make a significant impact in the lives of many people struggling to meet life's basic necessities.
Fund for Gender Equality
CFNS recently had the opportunity to participate in a new fund for Gender Equality that will provide $120,000 to local organizations working to support women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender-diverse individuals working towards a future grounded in equity, inclusion and justice. The Fund for Gender Equality is part of a five-year initiative to advance gender equality in Canada, led by a collaboration between participating community foundations, Community Foundations of Canada and the Equality Fund, with support from the Government of Canada. We received 13 applications from Halifax and Sydney between November 3 - 30, 2020. Evaluations of the applications are currently taking place.
Interested in Starting Your Own Fund?
If you are interested in making a difference with your philanthropic dollars, CFNS can help you make informed decisions about charitable giving for the greatest impact.

We are here to guide you through your options, and identify a sound strategy for meaningful philanthropy. We offer you the opportunity to work with our experienced staff to develop a fund that meets your mission and annual giving plan; and, if you wish, involve your family members in your charitable activities.

Community Foundation of Nova Scotia has over 12 years experience working in the province and we’ve earned a track record as a reliable steward of financial investments that meet individual investment goals and charitable aspirations. We’re serious about fiscal oversight and prudent investment practices. 

If you have.a particular cause or initiative you would like to support, or if you are interested in establishing a scholarship or award in memory of someone f(or example), we are here to help. Please feel free to email us at or call 902-490-9916.
Fund Update
We Rise Again Fund
The We Rise Again Fund was established in May in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Truro, the United Way, Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation, and the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia. The funds raised will focus on a “Community Build Up” that will see the existing 150-year-old Portapique Community Hall transformed into a space that will enable the community to come together in a positive way.

The goal is to raise $500,000 in cash and in-kind donations by March 31, 2021, and CFNS hopes that Nova Scotians will see this project as one that can help with the healing process and bring comfort across the province, as one community.
Portapique Community Hall
Remembering those that were lost
Community Clean Up
Yarmouth Area Community Fund
The Yarmouth Area Community Fund has just put out their annual newsletter featuring highlights from an amazing year. To date, $470,000 have been administered through 89 grants. We invite you to read their newsletter and learn more about the impact this fund has made in their community.
North Shore Area Community Fund
Giving to the Greater Good

Recently, David Stevenson, chairman of the North Shore Area Community Fund, was interviewed by the Colchestor Wire encouraging people to make financial contributions to a community fund as a way to foster a better future for the area.

With 2020 coming to a close this month, there are some tips for donating in this article.

A truth-telling. A call to action. A case for supporting women & gender-diverse serving orgs. The #VitalSigns2020 reports from Community Foundations of Canada are here.

Each report corresponds to a theme from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and Women and Gender Equality Canada's Gender Results Framework: Power, Peace and Planet.

Vital Signs reflects the integration of the economic, social and environmental elements that are key to sustainable development, analyzed through the lens of gender equality. Learn more about the state of gender equality & CDA, & what it will take for a truly just recovery:
Members of Community Foundations of Canada

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