Schedule a Time to Meet with our Compliance Experts
We all know how hard it is to talk in the conference exhibit hall. Now you can schedule a time to meet with HEAG's
Executive Director, Colleen King during the off times at NASFAA 2016. From Title IV compliance concerns to remote verification and staffing and processing needs, our compliance experts can help.
Click below on your preferred date/time of day to generate an email request to be confirmed by an HEAG representative.
Sunday, July 10th
Monday, July 11th
See you in July! #nasfaa2016
The Higher Education Assistance Group, Inc. is heading to Washington, DC to exhibit at the NASFAA 2016 conference.
Date: July 10-13, 2016
Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC
Stop by our booth #424 in the exhibit hall:
- Talk with Colleen King, HEAG's Executive Director, about how our compliance experts can assist your school
- Meet the engineer behind VERIFY and see how easy it is to get started
- Schedule a demo of VERIFY, HEAG's premiere remote verification service
- Pick up our giveaway!
Higher Education Assistance Group
, Inc.
60 Walnut Street
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481