Winning equal opportunity in college admissions

is just the beginning


WIN 2 battles. We've won the first - equal opportunity in college admissions for our children.

      NOW, THE 2nd BATTLE BEGINS. It is to win the equal opportunity in workplaces for our adults. It is for oAsAm adults to go as far and rise as high as our ability and ambition will take us. Consequently, we must shatter the glass-ceiling.

      To break the GLASS CEILING, 80-20 shall begin with the tech companies, where so many AsAms work. Let's take a look at Mark Zuckerberg's Meta (formerly Facebook) for an instance. Meta has 71,469 employees, about half of whom are Asians.

      Meta publishes an annual "Diversity report ". Click on it and scroll about 2/3 to 3/4 the way down, you will see a chart. If you click on the tab "Tech," the % of Meta's employees in Tech, broken down to gender and race over a period of 5 years are provided. If you click on the "Leadership" tab, the same is provided for leadership percentages.

Eye-Popping Data - The Proof of Glass-Ceiling Over AsAms

      To get an overall picture of how Meta has treated its AsAm employees over a period of 5 years, 80-20 has summarized the data for you. To illustrate what is glass-ceiling, we added the rightmost column looking at the ratio of (% leadership/ % employee). Wow, is the result shocking! That ratio is above one (1) for all other races except for AaAms, whose ratio is 0.5. Now you know

what glass-ceiling means! Remember what the Supreme Court has stated: "race may never be used as a negative"!

      Have friends who work for Meta in the Technical Department? Send this 80-20 e-newsletter to them and ask them to contact S. B. Woo via [email protected]. Confidentiality shall be honored, if requested. 80-20 is in close contact with Ed Blum, the noted legal strategist, who won the case against Harvard for AsAms. Blum is turning his attention to workplaces.

      Soon, 80-20 will be looking at the glass-ceiling problem at universities as well.

Want the Glass-Ceiling Removed from you?

     For those of you who have NEVER donated to 80-20, we hope that, within the next 5 weeks, you shall be one of the

     12,000 AsAms who will each donate $50, OR

     6,000 AsAms who will each donate $100, OR

     1,200 AsAms who will each pledge $100/yr for 5 years, OR

     480 AsAms who will pledge each $250 per year for 5 years, OR

     240 AsAms who will pledge each $500 per year for 5 years.

     Why?  To help 80-30 reach its $1 million mark to hire another staff to fight in the upcoming BIG battle to remove the glass-ceiling above YOU.

      WANT THE UNFAIR GLASS-CEILING ABOVE YOU REMOVED? Click here to send ammo to 80-20.

  Inserting this link ( into your WeChat circle.

Click here to POST.

S. B. Woo

President and a volunteer for the past 22 years

80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,

Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)

80-20 EF Mission Statement

80-20 gratefully acknowledges all donors, including

1) $2,500 per year for 5 years. Edward Chen from Belleair Bluffs, FL,

2) $1,000 per year for 5 years. Bo & Katherine Lin, RICHARDSON, TX,

3) $5,000. Chee-Yee Chong, Walnut Creek, CA,

4) $250 per year for 5 years. PING TIAN, from HOUSTON, TX,

5) $250 per year for 5 years. ZHIDA SONG-JAMES, HENDERSON, NV,

6) $250 per year for 5 years. YEQING BAO from MADISON, AL,

7) $250 per year for 5 years. XUELEI ZENG from DUARTE, CA,

8) $250 per year for 5 years. PETER CHAN from STONEHAM, MA,

9) $250 per year for 5 years. LIMIN GUO from COHOES, NY,

9) $250 per year for 5 years. Kemin Zhou from Baton Rouge, LA, and

9) $200 per year for 5 years. LIDU HUANG from Danville, CA.