About The Global Citizen Blog Post
TGCI's Global Citizen Blog offers insightful opinions on issues related to global citizenship and global collaboration. The blog provides a forum whereby a variety of people---ranging from well regarded experts to citizen activists will share their views and opinions. We welcome your comments and feedback on this series. Please send it to editor@gcitizen.org
Highlights from This Month's Post
In this issue, we share two op-eds that analyze:
- Wars that are driven by identity-based nationalism and the use of nuclear weapons
- The significance of a multilateral system in facing global crises
"Nuclear weapons are unlikely to be eliminated until the forces driving military competition among nuclear-armed countries are eliminated," writes Andrew Lichterman. But "meaningful progress towards disarmament will require social movements broad and deep enough to address the causes of high-tech militarism and war," he concludes.
Andrew Lichterman is a policy analyst and lawyer with the Oakland, California-based Western States Legal Foundation.
"The complex challenges of a global pandemic, climate emergency, inequality and the risk of nuclear conflict cannot be dealt with by one country or one region alone. Coordinated collective action is required," say Ulrika Modéer and Tsegaye Lemma in The Value of Strong Multilateral Cooperation in a Fractured World.
Ulrika Modéer is UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP; Tsegaye Lemma is Team Leader, Strategic Analysis and Corporate Engagement, Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP.