Ward 11 E-Newsletter - November 2019
Councillor's Message

Welcome to the November 2019 issue of my Ward 11 E-Newsletter!  I hope you find this newsletter informative.  

As always, I am pleased to assist you and your family with any municipal issue that you may have.  Please don't hesitate to contact my office directly at any time at 905-896-5011 or  george.carlson@mississauga.ca
In This Issue...
2019 Christmas Celebrations

Fall is now upon us, and Christmas will soon be here! If you and your family and friends are looking for some fabulous Christmas celebrations, look no further than our vibrant "Village in the City"!
Santa Claus is coming to town, so mark your calendars now, and come down to the heart of downtown Streetsville for the 2019 Streetsville Santa Claus Parade! The details of the Parade are as follows:
2019 Streetsville Santa Claus Parade
Sunday, November 24, 2019
at 1pm
Queen St. S. & Ontario St.
The 2019 parade will begin at Queen St. S. and Ontario St., at 1pm and proceed south on Queen St. S., ending at Church St.
The theme of this year's Parade is "Getting Ready for Christmas"! The 2019 Parade will feature many amazing bands, groups, and floats, including the Top Hat Marching Orchestra, Humes Horse & Carriage, Streetsville Legion Colour Guard, Avro Arrow Air Cadets float, City of Mississauga Parks float, Newbeaver Shriners Train float, Silver Elvis, Streetsville Pipes & Drums, Toronto Scottish Regiment, Frosty the Snowman, and Mrs. Claus in her very own float, all leading up to a very special appearance by the big guy himself - Santa Claus! Don't forget to bring your special letters for Santa Claus!
Get into the Christmas spirit before the Parade arrives, and bring your friends and family over to Streetsville Village Square, at Queen Street South and Main Street, for some great live entertainment, vendors, and food vendors. Please note, as part of the Parade, the following road closures will be in effect on Sunday, November, 24th as follows:
  • Queen St S, from Britannia Rd W to Erin Centre Blvd, closed 12pm-3pm
  • Church St, from Ontario St to Main St, closed 10:30am-3pm
  • Ontario St, east of Queen St S, closed 10:30am-3pm
  • Kerr St, from Queen St S to Church St, closed 10:30am-3pm
  • Water St, from Queen St S to Church St, closed 10:30am-3pm
  • Main St, from Queen St S to Church St, closed until 3pm
  • Bristol Rd W at Durie Rd, closed 12pm-3pm
  • All parking lots and parking spots along Church St, between Ontario St to Maiden Lane
Public parking for the Streetsville Santa Claus Parade will be available at:
  • Centre Plaza parking lot                                 128 Queen St S
  • Streetsville GO Station parking lot                  45 Thomas St
Accessible parking for the Streetsville Santa Claus Parade will be available at:
  • Centre Plaza parking lot                                 128 Queen St S
As in previous years, the Streetsville Santa Claus Parade will be held during the same weekend as the Streetsville BIA's fabulous Christmas in the Village festival, which will take place on Friday, November 22nd and Saturday, November 23rd. Be sure to stop by this great celebration, which will feature the traditional tree lighting ceremony, a special visit from Santa, family activities, live-music, horse and carriage rides, and an amazing Christmas Market! The Christmas Market will remain open during the Santa Claus Parade, on Sunday, November 24th. For more information about this festival, please visit www.streetsvillechristmasinthevillage.com . For more information about the Streetsville Santa Claus Parade, please visit the Parade website and social media sites:
I look forward to seeing you and your family at the Christmas in the Village festival and the Streetsville Santa Claus Parade! As always, if you need assistance with municipal matters, please contact my office at 905-896-5011 or george.carlson@mississauga.ca .   Top  
Streetsville Historical Society General Meeting

If you are interested in learning about the rich history of Streetsville, Mississauga, or local history in general, be sure to check out the upcoming general meeting of the Streetsville Historical Society. The details of this event are as follows:
Streetsville Historical Society General Meeting
November 21st
Streetsville Canadian Legion
101 Church Street
The guest speaker will be Ted Barris, and he will be speaking about his new book entitled Rush to Danger. This book chronicles the lives and experiences of the medics during wartime. For more information about the Streetsville Historical Society, please visit www.streetsvillehistoricalsociety.ca .   Top  
Slower Residential Street Speed Limits

I am pleased to report that City Council recently passed amendments to the City's Traffic By-law that will lower speed limits in many residential areas across the city, including Ward 11 neighbourhoods, from 50 to 40 kilometres per hour (km/h).
The City will be lowering speed limits on residential streets as the Government of Ontario has passed new legislation under the  Safer School Zones Act (Bill 65)  that amended the  Highway Traffic Act , allowing municipalities to designate areas where speed limits can be lower than 50 km/h.
As a Vision Zero city, the City of Mississauga is committed to providing safe travel conditions for everyone and striving to achieve the Vision Zero goal of zero fatalities on our roads in Mississauga. As you may know, Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe mobility for all. First implemented in Sweden, Vision Zero has proved successful across Europe and is now gaining momentum in major cities across the world.
Lowering speed limits in our local neighbourhoods is integral to achieving Vision Zero and ensuring safe travel conditions for everyone, as it is widely known that higher vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of collisions and the severity of their effects. Lowering speed limits will promote and encourage active transportation by making it safer for everyone to walk, ride, and commute around the city. Lowering speed limits, along with speed enforcement, will also help to address speeding in our neighbourhoods and keep pedestrians and cyclists safe.
Roadways that are eligible for 40 km/h speed limits include single lane local roadways and minor collector roadways. Specialized area speed limit signs will be installed at all entry and exit points of neighbourhoods with 40 km/h speed limits.
I am also pleased to report that, as part of this program, 40 km/h speed limits will be implemented in several Ward 11 neighbourhoods this year, including neighbourhoods in Streetsville. The neighbourhoods where 40 km/h speed limits will be implemented include the area bounded by:
  • Britannia Rd W to the north, the Credit River to the east, Eglinton Ave W to the south, and Mississauga Rd/Queen St S to the west
As this program expands over the coming months, I will provide more details as to the locations and timing of each project. For more information about this program, please visit the City of Mississauga's Road Safety webpage at www.mississauga.ca/roadsafety .
2019 Snow Clearing Information

Colder temperatures and morning frosts have already made their mark in Mississauga and snow won't be far behind. The City will be clearing 5,600 lane kilometres of roads and on-street bike lanes, 1,600 linear kilometres of priority sidewalks, 3,400 bus stops, 95 kilometres of roadside multi-use trails and over 1,000 pedestrian crossings.   Residential roads and priority sidewalks are not cleared to bare pavement, but are made passable and safe.
On-street Parking
Parked vehicles reduce the City staff's ability to efficiently and safely clear roads. Any parked vehicles on residential roads should be removed during snow clearing. On-street parking restrictions remain in effect from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., year-round.
Temporary parking permits can be suspended at any time during winter operations and new permits will not be issued. Vehicles parked on City streets will be enforced according to the Traffic By-law and will be issued a penalty notice and be subject to towing at the owner's expense.
Significant Weather Event
During severe winter events, the City may declare a Significant Weather Event under the Ontario Municipal Act ( Regulation 239/02 ). This allows the City's works operations more time to deploy winter equipment to address a significant winter storm.
Snow Clearing Updates and Temporary Parking Permit Cancellations
  • Follow @MississaugaSnow on Twitter.
  • Visit the online Snow Plow Tracker.
  • Call 3-1-1 (905-615-4311 if outside city limits) for concerns about road conditions after snow clearing is complete.
For more information about snow clearing in the city, visit mississauga.ca/snow Top  
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program

The federal government is providing $33 billion through the Government of Canada's Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to cost-share projects under four streams: 1. Public Transit; 2. Community, Culture and Recreation; 3. Green Infrastructure and 4. Rural and Northern Communities.
The ICIP is a ten-year federal infrastructure program designed to create long-term economic growth, build inclusive, sustainable and resilient communities and support a low-carbon economy.
Under the Public Transit stream, a total of $339 million in federal funding and $282.5 million in provincial funding has been allocated to the City of Mississauga over the next 10 years. The primary focus is for new transit projects and active transportation infrastructure directly connected to the public transit system. The City has put forward a list of transit projects totaling $847.5 million. These projects include Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lanes along Lakeshore and Dundas corridors, as well as the purchase of 409 new hybrid-electric buses to green the transit fleet and help achieve GHG reduction targets.
The Community, Culture and Recreation stream is different as it is application based with no guarantee that projects will be approved. The program will provide approximately $407 million in federal funding and $320 million in provincial funding to support projects across Ontario that improve access to and quality of community, cultural and recreation infrastructure. The City will be applying for almost $133 million for community and recreational infrastructure projects such as the rehabilitation of the Public Marina and Waterfront Park development, and the South Common Community Centre and Library.
Projects for both streams were selected based on the program criteria and knowing they could not begin until after ICIP approval is received and that they must be substantially complete by March 2027. Please find below a list of proposed City projects:
ICIP - Public Transit Stream Projects
Total Cost
Bus replacement program
$359.7 M
Dundas BRT lanes - Confederation to Etobicoke
Lakeshore BRT lanes - Deta Rd. to East Ave.
Express Corridors
Bus Maintenance/Rehab
Cycle Tracks
Bus Shelters
Farebox Refurbishment
Bus Terminals
Bus stops/pads
Enhanced Partitions
Mini Terminals/Bays
MiWay Signs
Transit Vehicles (non-buses)
Revenue Equipment Replacement
Total Cost
ICIP - Community, Culture and Recreation Stream Projects
South Common Community Centre and Library
Public Marina and Waterfront Park
Total Cost
All projects were approved by Council on November 6th and submitted by the deadline of November 12, 2019.   Top  
MiWay's Next-Generation Hybrid Buses

I am very pleased to report that MiWay has added 10 new, next-generation hybrid-electric buses that are convertible to full battery power. These buses are unique in the MiWay fleet and help to advance the City of Mississauga's commitment to address climate change.  Greening our transit fleet is one way that our city is taking meaningful action to reduce our carbon footprint to achieve an 80 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050.
Features of MiWay's next-generation hybrid buses:
  • Start-stop engine technology that shuts down the engine while stopped at bus stops and automatically restarts when the brake is released - achieving up to 25 per cent fuel savings
  • All-drive control mechanisms and battery storage systems that are mounted on the roof
  • "Plug and play" components, helping to simplify the maintenance process 
  • Reduced number of drive belts from four to one, reducing the potential of breakdowns on the road and lowering overall maintenance costs  
These new buses are a key step on the road to electrification for the MiWay fleet.  They are more fuel-efficient and can be converted to run on full battery power, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The draft  Climate Change Action Plan  includes a number of actions related to low emissions mobility including:
  • Replacing the transit bus fleet with low or zero-emission vehicles
  • Assessing charging infrastructure options for future electrification of transit
  • Developing a strategy for zero-emissions vehicles
For more information on the draft plan, please visit theclimatechangeproject.ca; for more information on the hybrid-electric buses, visit miway.ca/nextgenhybrid.  
Recycling Makes a Difference

If you've ever wondered whether blue box recycling makes a difference, I can certainly tell you that it does, and every little bit helps! Here are some common statements that we often hear about recycling and facts to address those statements:
Statement: "Only 9% of plastics is recycled."
FACT: This number accounts for all plastics produced - including recyclable and non-recyclable items - across the following sectors: packaging, automotive, construction, electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, home appliances and agriculture. In Peel, over 90% of recyclable plastics that residents put in the blue bin are recovered and sent to be turned into new products.
Statement: "A third of what we put in the Blue Box ends up in landfills."
FACT: In Peel, less than 20% of what residents place in the blue bin goes to landfill. This is called residue.   The majority of the residue is garbage that should not have been placed in the blue bin.
Statement: "Paper, plastic and glass often go on international excursions."
FACT: In Peel, our recovered containers and plastics go to processing facilities in North America including three located in Ontario. Peel's paper continues to go to responsible international markets, as no local market exists.
Statement: "75% of recyclables produced in apartments go straight to landfill without touching the Blue Box."
FACT: Peel's waste audits show that residents who receive curbside collection put 76% of their recyclables in the blue bin. The remaining 24% of recyclables is disposed of mostly in the garbage. Peel's multi-residential sector, including residents who live in apartments and condominiums, put approximately 36%of their recyclables in the blue bin and the remaining 64% in the garbage. Multi-residential buildings need to increase how much is being recycled. Peel is improving its infrastructure to collect more recycling, updating building design standards and development review processes to make recycling easier for residents. The Province also recognizes this challenge and is committed to updating its 3Rs regulations to improve diversion in multi-residential buildings and in other Industrial, Commercial and Institutional establishments.
Statement: "Who's the culprit...not the citizen."

FACT: Everyone has a role to play.
For example, government can set policies that support environmental responsibility, producers can work to eliminate problematic packaging, and residents can inform themselves on how to recycle right. The Province is in the process of updating its policy framework to improve environmental outcomes and reduce confusion. The Region of Peel is engaged in the provincial process to transition the Blue Box recycling program to full producer responsibility. We are also continuously improving our education material and piloting education and enforcement approaches.
Statement: "Environmentally, recycling is not a good idea."

FACT: Recycling is good for the environment. It saves energy and reduces the need to draw raw material from the earth to make new items. Through residents' recycling efforts, Peel has saved:
  • 15 million trees
  • 18 million gigajoules of energy (or 500 million litres of gasoline)
  • 3 million tonnes of CO2 emissions
  • 21 billion litres of water
For more information about recycling in Peel, please visit the Region of Peel's Waste Management website at www.peelregion.ca/waste/recycling/ .   Top  
Councillor George Carlson| | george.carlson@mississauga.ca | 300 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON   L5B 3C1