Spring Update
Happy Spring Ward 8!
This is my Spring newsletter, which follows the paper newsletter I sent out to all residents in Ward 8. (If you live in Ward 8 and didn’t receive a copy of that newsletter in mid-Dec, please let me know.) The focus of this communication will be to update you about some reports that will be coming to Council soon as well as what I’ve been up to lately and my current priorities on Council.

(You are receiving this because you have signed up for Ward 8 e-newsletters. Unsubscribe info can be found at the bottom of this email.)  

Shanon Zachidniak
Ward 8 Councillor
Upcoming Virtual Meeting
I’m hosting a virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 22 at 7 p.m. to give a general overview of the Energy and Sustainability Framework, a summary of my role with the Community Advisory Group and answer any questions folks may have. You can join the Facebook Live meeting
Virtual Meeting
Facebook Live Meeting

03/22/22 7:00pm - 03/22/22 8:00pm

Join the meeting here: https://fb.me/e/2ecfA33sc
I'll be there!
I can't make it
Upcoming Major Policies
Energy & Sustainability Framework
The long-awaited Energy & Sustainability Framework (ESF) has been released. The ESF will guide our community’s plans to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. We will be discussing the proposed framework at a Special Executive Committee meeting on March 24 and then at Council. I was honoured to serve as the Co-Chair of the Community Advisory Group, tasked with leading community engagement and ensuring the resulting feedback was incorporated into the framework. Our framework was developed in partnership with Sustainability Solutions Group (SSG). I’m proud to say that in the development of our framework, we’ve had among the most community engagement that SSG has experienced. For more information about our framework, visit Regina.ca.
Transit Master Plan
Another large policy document that will be released soon is the Transit Master Plan (TMP), which was developed over the past year. The TMP will guide the improvement and expansion of transit in our community for the next 25 years. It’s scheduled to be discussed first at the April 13 Executive meeting and then sent to Council for final approval. To learn more about the creation of the TMP, visit Regina.ca.
My Recent Initiatives
Update on Food Security Motion

As mentioned in my last newsletter, I had brought forward a food security Notice of Motion late last year. Shortly after I first introduced this motion, we approved the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, which is divided into six main areas. Food security is the first focus area. In December, the city hosted a food summit. I attended, as well as representatives from community organizations whose work is focused on food security.

There was also a follow up to the food summit in early March that many of us from the December meeting attended, as well as representatives from some additional community organizations. With my background and passion for community food security, I’m committed to remaining engaged in this process as we connect with the community to determine the current capacity and community food security needs. As a result, I have tabled my food security motion to see which of those priorities may emerge from the work of the food security action table.
Community Meetings

Since the election, I’ve hosted 7 community meetings. Most recently, I held a virtual meeting in Westerra to discuss current and future city objectives for improved winter maintenance in Westerra specifically due to the lack of natural wind barriers in the community and the fields and farmland that surround the community. The goal of this meeting was to facilitate communication about the city’s plans and feedback from residents about their priorities and ideas for what city staff could do differently in this area. During the meeting, city staff committed to several next steps for continuing to work on winter maintenance issues specific to Westerra.

Polar Plunge
In February, I participated in the 2022 Polar Plunge for Special Olympics SK by jumping into cold water as part of a fundraiser. I received a donation prize for being one of the top ten individual fundraisers. My kids have indicated they’d like to join me next year so we may end up with a family fundraising team in 2023!
Hamilton and London tour
Earlier this month, I was in both Hamilton and London, Ontario and I had the opportunity to tour their downtown areas and some of their facilities to gather information about what is and isn’t working well in other communities. Hamilton has made significant progress in adaptive reuse, involving repurposing buildings for new uses. Both cities have been successful in revitalizing their downtowns. Additionally, there were some helpful best practices from both communities that we could consider incorporating into our Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. I look forward to exploring further how these practices might be able to be utilized within our community.
Imminent Priorities
Yard Signs

I have some signs that I purchased (with my Council budget) to discourage speeding in school zones. If you live in a school zone and would like a free sign, please let me know. Or, if you have any ideas for areas that could benefit from these signs, please pass along that feedback. I can be reached via call/text at 306-552-5932 or email at szachidn@regina.ca.

Winter Maintenance

As a result of significant community feedback, I’m working with some other Councillors to identify improvements that can be made with the city’s winter maintenance policies. We’ve been discussing our concerns with city administration. Any identified improvements that can’t be incorporated into existing policy could be considered in the future as an amendment/Notice of Motion.
Your Ward 8 Councillor
Shanon Zachidniak

Mailing Address:
c/o Shanon Zachidniak
City of Regina
PO Box 1790
2476 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3C8
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