In This Issue
Upcoming Events

This is a FREE drop in program for kids ages 6-12 this summer.  The program runs week days starting July 4 to September 2 at Lake Aquitaine in Ward 9. Click above for details.
Riders Against Hunger is a motorcycle charity ride held on the third Saturday in August each year in support of Eden Food for Change. This year the ride takes place in August 20, 2016.  Click above for details.
Annual Seniors' Fair

Please hold Tuesday September 13, 2016 from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon in your calendars and watch for details about my annual Seniors' Fair in future newsletters.
Union Park Grand Opening

Mark your calendars for the official opening taking place on September 24, 2016 and watch for news here and on my website at
Meadowvale Community Centre

Mark your calendars for the official opening taking place on October 22, 2016 and watch for news here and on my website at
Lisgar GO Station Farmers Markets
The farmers markets at Lisgar GO station were such a success last year that they are coming back!
Eden Food for Change and Many Feathers  will run the farmers markets every Sunday to October 16 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The Backyard Farm & Market at the northeast corner of Erin Mills at Eglinton is open Saturdays until October 1st from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Mississauga is the official host city for the 2016 Ontario Summer Games taking place August 11 to 14.   Click here for information about the games.  Click here to view a video about our local athletes.

St. Mary and Saint Athansious Church at  
1245 Eglinton Ave West at Creditview Rd is running a summer camp starting 
July 4th. Click above for info.
Quick Links and Updates
Miway Logo
A reminder that the senior $1 cash fare is valid Weekdays (from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and after 7:00 pm) and all day on Saturdays, Sunday and Holidays.

Click above to download and print your schedule. You can also update your electronic calendar.  
Youth ages 12 to 14 can get unlimited free rides within Mississauga on MiWay and unlimited free public swimming at City of Mississauga heated indoor and outdoor pools during July and August.
Click above and enjoy this special pass for over 2 months of fun at our indoor and outdoor pools!
There is funding available for eligible organizations with less than 99 full time employees for projects that improve accessibility and safety for people with disabilities.
City fire crews will be 
door-knocking this spring and summer to talk about fire safety.  Click above for more information.
Please remember to help those in need.
  The Dam
Please support the Dam Youth Drop-In by making a donation. 
Meadowvale Residents' Association - MRA

For information or to  get involved in the residents' association, please click here to send an email. 

You can also visit their website and like their Facebook page.

With members of the MRA
   Be A Donor
Help save the life of someone waiting for an organ. One donor could save 8 lives! 
returntotopJune 29  2016

Dear Neighbour:
Happy Canada Day!!

Summer has arrived and there is much to do in Ward 9 and throughout the city.  I hope you take the time to enjoy our many parks and trails or have a swim at Erin Meadows pool.

The Play in the Park program is once again at Lake Aquitaine Park and there are many festivals and events at Celebration Square. Join us on the square on July 1 and help celebrate our wonderful country of Canada. Have a safe and happy summer!

Many thanks to the Meadowvale Residents Association for a successful fresh food drive on June 4.  I was pleased to partner with them to host the drive for Eden Food for Change at the Argentia Real Canadian Superstore. It brought in over 2000 lbs of fresh food, 610 lbs of non-perishable food and $985.87 cash donations plus $270 from the BBQ!!!
Many thanks to our wonderful community and to Peter Lloyd, Manager of the Superstore for hosting us.  

The Meadowvale Community Centre is almost finished and will open in September!! The splash pad will not be open this summer as we received federal funding to help us completely rebuild it.  

Our new Union Park at Tenth Line and Aquitaine will be completed by the end of August.  The opening celebration is tentatively planned for September 24. 
In the event that you are unable to view this 
e-newsletter please note that there is always a link on the front page of my website to the newsletter.

As always, my staff and I are here to help you with any City or Regional issues.  Just send me an email to or call  905-896-5900 and check the Ward 9 website at for ongoing updates.

Regional Governance

Last week, Regional Council debated a motion put by Brampton and Caledon that council be expanded by 8 representatives.   They proposed that Brampton would have 11 Councillors, Caledon would keep their 5 and Mississauga would add 4 to have 16.  Needless to say Mississauga voted against this but the motion passed as they had more votes than we do.

However Mississauga can and will veto the vote under a rule called triple majority that protects the municipality with the largest population from these type of votes.  So the end result for now will be status quo.

I have stated that I think it is well beyond time for Caledon's representation to be reduced from 5 to a maximum of 3.  If you apply representation by population, they would have 1. Having 5 votes allows them to have the deciding votes on all issues yet they pay the least taxes and have the fewest residents.

Mississauga has fought for years to have better representation but have been blocked by provincial decisions.  We managed to get 50% in our last battle and will fight to retain that.  But we will NOT add more councillors that we do not need at a huge cost to our taxpayers.  I will continue to fight this with my colleagues.
Meadowvale Library Update
This is a reminder that the Meadowvale Library in the Meadowvale Town Centre will close on Saturday, August 6, 2016. The Library will re-open in its new location at the Meadowvale Community Centre on Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
A small celebration will be held at the Library on August 6 to thank customers for their support. I will post details in my newsletter and on my website at closer to the date.  I am very excited to finally have the Library in the same location as the Community Centre after more than 30 years!
Pets and Hot Weather

This is a reminder that in hot summer weather, please be careful with your pets.  Do NOT leave pets in hot cars and do NOT walk pets during the hot part of the day.  Hot pavement will burn their pads and the heat can cause heat exhaustion which can be fatal.  Click here for information from Animal Services.
Meadowvale Community Police Station Closing

This is a final reminder that the Meadowvale Community Police station is being closed this week on  June 30, 2016 . This was the first sub station to open in the region in 2003 and has served our community well. 
The Police Services Board made the decision to close our station after a review of the service and the use. I want to thank all the officers who have worked at the Meadowvale station serving our community for all of these years.
Protect against Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus

I am running this article once more as it is important that everyone know how to protect your pets and family against Lyme disease which is spread by deer ticks.
Please remember to be cautious in wooded and grassy areas and check yourselves and your pets for ticks which are a concern this year and can cause Lyme Disease.  Vets in Mississauga report increased numbers of ticks on pets this spring. 

Mississauga's Animal Services website has now posted information about protecting your pets so check it out.

To find out how to prevent ticks and what to do if you do find them, click  here.  

Click here for info on West Nile virus.
Transit Bus Message Survey

I want to thank the residents who took the time on Facebook to respond to my question about whether or not we should continue with messages on the front of our Transit buses.

These generally say Merry Christmas, Lest We Forget and even Go Jays or Leafs.

Over 100 people told me they want to see the messages, that they make you smile and make you reflect.  I took the comments to Council and we all agree the messages are a positive thing.  

The issue has been sent to the Diversity committee for their input also and then we will make a final decision.  Watch for some buses to wish you a Happy Canada Day this week.
Miway Logo
Council Launches Discounted Affordable Transit

Applications will be received until August 1, 2016 for our new Affordable Transit pilot program for low income riders. The pilot program is limited this year to 2500 people. The program will run until Feb 28, 2017. Click here for more info on how to apply.
"Please Slow Down" Lawn Sign Campaign

I am very pleased our Transportation staff are supporting our requests for the Please Slow Down lawn sign campaign. 
Each Councillor will have several hundred signs that we will be able to hand out on request.  I have asked for a blitz to take place in September to get the message out on pedestrian safety so watch for more details.
Bike Safety Signs on Meadowvale Trails

In my December 
e-newsletter I announced that new bike warning signs that I supplied were installed in our local trails around Lake Aquitaine. This is a Ward 9 pilot project and I hope to see the signs throughout the ward and city in the future.
I get many complaints about cyclists in the parks not sounding a horn or ringing their bells especially when coming up behind pedestrians. I hope that the signage will be a reminder to cyclists.
Under the Highway Traffic Act, all bikes must be equipped with a horn or bell and cyclists are required to sound them. I urge all riders to be courteous and alert pedestrians and other cyclists when you approach from behind.
Please follow these rules:
  • Keep to the right of the trail
  • Yield to pedestrians
  • Advise when passing
  • Avoid speeding
Please be careful and courteous and let people know you are approaching.  This simple action can prevent injury.
Peel Regional Police Crime Mapping

Click  here to visit the Peel Regional Police interactive crime map where you find out exactly what kind of crime is happening on your street and in your neighbourhood.  

The map allows residents to search by street name, police division, municipal ward or type of crime.
Gymnasium with new shiny floor
Meadowvale Community Centre Update

I took one more tour of the Community Centre on June 27th.   Here are a few of the photos I took - you can really see the progress made and I can't wait until it opens to the public on September 6th. The official opening will be on October 22nd. 
Pool viewed from upper level
Walking track
Lake Aquitaine Splash Pad Update

Construction has started on the new splash pad at Lake Aquitaine.  The splash pad will therefore not be open this summer. 

The closest splash pads are located at Quenippenon Park, 2625 Erin Centre Blvd. and Churchill Meadows Community Common, 3370 McDowell.
Stoop and Scoop

Dog owners should always clean up after their pets.  When heading out for a walk, remember to place a waste bag in your pocket.   Take a minute to stoop and scoop.

Repair Work starting at Erin Mills Pkwy and 403 Underpass
This is a reminder that the Ministry of Transportation has started repair work is being done on the underpass of Erin Mills Parkway at the 403. 

The work will go until fall. During this time Erin Mills will be reduced to 2 lanes in this area and there will be lane closures on the 403 at times as well as ramp closures at night both north and southbound. 

Please click here for road closure dates.
2016 Road Resurfacing
This is a reminder that Glen Erin Drive (between Middlebury Dr and Britannia Rd) will be resurfaced this year. The work is scheduled to be completed by November 2016.
City Rolls out SaugaBusks
The city has rolled out the SaugaBusk pilot project and Buskers will be performing throughout the city until September.  Ward 9 was the first to have a busker, entertaining the crowds at the Lake Wabukayne event on May 14th. Below is the busking schedule for the summer months for Ward 9:
Lake Aquitaine     
Sept 17 - 18               12 noon - 4:00 pm
Lisgar GO Farmers Market
Aug 7, 14 and 21        9:00 am - 11:00 am
New Community Recognition
Pilot Program 

Community organizations can request recognition either through a flag raising or lighting of the Civic Centre clock tower.  Click here to learn more.
Anniversary/Birthday Congratulations

If you know someone who is celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary please contact me at 905-896-5900 or at and I would be pleased to send a letter of congratulations and a small gift to commemorate the special event.
Meadowvale Seniors' Social Club Canada Day Lunch 

I was pleased to join the Meadowvale Seniors' Social Club on June 28th at their annual Canada Day luncheon at Heritage Glen.  
St. Teresa of Avila Grade 8 Graduation 

I was delighted to attend the Grade 8 graduation ceremony at St. Teresa of Avila Separate School on June 28th.  I t is always inspiring to see the eager faces as they move on to the next phase of their lives. Congratulations to all students graduating this month!
Argentia Road extension is now open 

I was excited to cut the ribbon on June 27th and  officially open the extension of Argentia Road between Tenth Line and Ninth Line. Click here to view a video of the ribbon cutting.
The long awaited extension will provide access from Ninth Line to Hwy 401 at Winston Churchill and will alleviate traffic on Tenth Line.  It will also give much needed access to the industries along Argentia Road and allow development of more employment opportunities west of Tenth Line.
I was joined by representatives of the Meadowvale Residents' Association, Erin Mills Development Corporation, Prologis, Condrain Group, Varcon Construction and City of Mississauga Transportation and Works department
New Pollinator Garden

I attended the unveiling of the new pollinator garden on June 27th at Erin Meadows Community Centre/St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School
The garden was built with funds of $1500 from the Scotts GRO1000 Grassroots Garden Grant which promotes creation of a pollinator-friendly garden that contains perennial flowers and plants to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators.
Congratulations to the students of Gonzaga for their work.  This is an excellent partnership between the school and the community centre youth committee. 
Starrs on the Credit

Ron and I attended Starr's on the Credit on June 23rd. 
Each year Ward 6 Councillor Ron Starr opens his home in support of local charities.  This year funds went to the ErinoakKids multi-million dollar 'In My Dreams' campaign that will provide specialized medical equipment for ErinoakKids three new sites and provide critical unfunded programs such as respite, the Independent Living Program and sports therapy services. 
Long Service Recognition

I was proud to recognize my Assistant Michelle on June 22nd on her ten years with the city.

I know that many residents have dealt with Michelle over the years and will agree s he is a great asset to the Ward 9 office.  
About Seniors Rogers TV Taping

I was pleased to join Victor Oliveira on his talk show About Seniors on Cable 10. 

We taped the show on June 21st and it will be broadcast on Rogers TV on Friday, August 26, 2016 8:00 p.m.

This is a great show with lots of information for seniors of all ages. 
Milk Fundraiser

Ron and I wore our disco clothes to Carolyn Parrish's milk fundraiser held on June 16th. 

Over $100,000 was raised that will go to the food banks in our city to purchase milk for clients. 

Our community will benefit as Eden Food for Change is one of the recipients. 

Many thanks to the sponsors, Jack Rabba, Rabba Foods and Mario Toyotoshi, Meadowvale Toyota which are both great Ward 9 businesses.  
Shaping Ninth Line Visioning Session 

There was an excellent turnout on June 6th at the "Shaping Ninth Line" meeting where residents shared their ideas as we move towards a plan for the Ninth Line lands.  

In 2002, I was proud to spearhead the city purchasing from the province 195 acres of land on the west side of Ninth Line between Eglinton and Hwy 401.  The lands were bought mainly to provide the major sports facilities for the new Churchill Meadows Community that was in Ward 9 at that time.  The lands were in Milton until we were successful in having the boundary changed in 2010 and they became part of Mississauga.  

There is an existing Official Plan from Halton Region on the lands and a portion along the 407 is a planned transit corridor that I have been advocating for since it was proposed in 1998.  

Now the City has an opportunity to put our own Official Plan on the lands and determine what they will look like along with the transit corridor.  Resident input is important as we move to shape the future of these lands, not only those owned by the city but also the privately owned parcels.
Prayers for Peace and Vegetarian Fair

I was pleased to bring greetings for at the 2016 World Religion Prayers for Peace Ceremony at the  Vegetarian Fair at Fo Guang Shan temple on Millcreek Drive on June 5th.
Inside of the food truck
Community Fresh Food Drive 

I would like to thank the Meadowvale Residents' Association, Real Canadian Superstore and our amazing and numerous volunteers for making the Fresh Food Drive for Eden Food for Change held on June 4, 2016 a huge success. 
The Eden refrigerated truck was filled to the brim and even ran out of containers for the food. Superstore staff came to the rescue with large boxes. 
I would also like to thank Manager Peter Lloyd for also running a barbecue with proceeds going to Eden. 
Seeing all the eggs, cheese, yogurt, meat and juice that people bought for the food bank was amazing.   I am very proud of our caring and generous community!

With Bev Klatt & Liz Christison of the MRA and Peter Lloyd Manager of the Superstore
With Ward 9 residents Genieve and Michele Compagnion
Councillor Pat Saito | 905-896-5900 | |
Mississauga Civic Centre
300 City Centre Drive
3rd Floor
Mississauga, L5B 3C1