August 6, 2019
Dear Resident:

Its hard to believe we are into August. I hope you will still find time to get out and enjoy our great parks and trails in this lovely weather. Please be careful in the heat and take caution especially with children and pets. Never leave either in a parked car in the heat - this can have deadly results.Walk your pets in early morning or evening - sidewalks can get extremely hot and burn paws.

There is still time to take the kids to one of the free movies or to the Play in the Park both at Union Park. See information below.

You will see in this newsletter I am looking for input on what the community needs added to our parks. I have some infrastructure funds to enable me to get some things that are not in the City budget. Read the article in this newsletter and drop me an email with your suggestions. All will be reviewed and I hope to be able to get as much as possible.

As always you can contact me for assistance on any city or region issue at pat.saito@mississauga,ca, by phone to 905-896-5900 at any time and my staff and I will be pleased to help you.

Ward and City News
Mississauga Pops at Meadowvale Community Centre
FREE Pops Summer Concert Series 
Wed. August 7, 2019
7:30PM - ~8:30PM 
Meadowvale Community Centre

Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a delightful variety of popular music at the Meadowvale Community Centre.
Movies at Union Park
There are only two more showings this summer! Bring a chair or a blanket, and come enjoy a movie in the park!

Union Park is on the northeast corner of Aquitaine and Tenth Line. Parking is available on Aquitaine or at St. John of the Cross school or Plum Tree Park School.
Huge THANKS to all the volunteers from Renew Church who make these movie nights a success. We appreciate their time and effort in putting on these events for our community!

I am proud to partner with Renew Church to bring this to you this year. They have been a great group to work with and do a wonderful job each night. 
Windwood Woods Update
Starting this week, a contractor is on site to remove vegetation along the fenceline between the woodland and the park path at Windwood Park.

This work is being completed to allow for the chainlink fence to be shortened and modified to farm fencing as per the plan that we have been working on the allow the forest to regenerate.

Vegetation removal will take place first, followed by the installation of the new fending. In between these two phases, a temporary orange snowfence will be in place.
Road Noise Complaints
Each summer we receive multiple complaints about noise from motorcycles and other vehicles. These complaints are dealt with by Peel Regional Police at their non-emergency number 905-453-3311. I recently asked staff to get the results from the City of Toronto that did a summer pilot with Toronto Police to crack down on these vehicles. The pilot required a dedicated effort by the police and once we have the results we can speak with Peel Police about future projects here.
Repaving at Winston Churchill/Britannia Intersection
This summer, you may have noticed that work was being done at the intersections of Britannia and Glen Erin and at Churchill Boulevard. The intersections were repaved as a result of contractor deficiencies. Now that the work is done, staff will be installing green paint in the cross ride at Britannia and Winston Churchill for better visibility. Please be sure to stop before reaching the bike crossing and check for crossing cyclists or pedestrians before making your right turns at this location.
Neighbourhood Basketball on the roads?
This summer, I dealt with an issue regarding basketball nets overhanging the road on a residential street. The basketball net provides an opportunity for kids in the neighbourhood to be outside and to engage in activity, however, the placement of the net has caused issues with vehicles using the road.

Current bylaws  forbid obstructing highways, which includes city sidewalks and boulevards, with sports equipment like basketball, hockey and soccer nets. City By-law staff are required to enforce all bylaws and no Member of Council can over ride this. However I was able to reach a compromise this summer as long as the nets did not overhang the road. I have also asked staff to bring a report this fall to review the bylaw to see if it requires any changes.

What are your thoughts on this issue? I would like to get as much resident input as possible so please send me an email to
Broken utility cables during construction
Each year as construction takes place on residential streets, I get calls about utility lines being cut. This is a huge inconvenience and the City has been working to try to find a way to resolve the problem..
Our contractors find quite often that the placement of the cables are often too shallow and are installed slightly below the surface (but not visible) and immediately adjacent to the sidewalk or curbs. Once the contractor orders locates as required, these telecommunication cables are not identified on the locate sheets. Staff also note that when cables are broken, they are unable to determine if the cables are “live” or not until a resident informs us and reference which property was affected.
Staff have in the past tried to inform Rogers and Bell of upcoming work on a street where they expect multiple breaks, but were told that they need to have addresses for creating a work order to repair them. Therefore, until either the Contractor or the Inspector is informed of an actual service interruption by a resident (or they call it in themselves), staff are unable to contact Rogers or Bell to initiate repair services to that resident until reported.
Our staff will do their utmost to minimize damage and contact either Rogers or Bell to schedule a repair at the earliest convenience but unless we get more cooperation from the utilities, there will continue to be occurrences.
Heat Warnings
Just a reminder to be careful during these very hot days - the City of Mississauga has issued a few heat warnings this summer. Please be sure to drink lots of water, stay in a cool place if possible, keep your pets hydrated, and check on loved ones and those who are in need of assistance.

I post heat warnings on my social media pages, but you can always click here for more information.
Community Ride - Meadowvale
September 7th, 2019 at 10am.
Meet at Windwood Park.
FREE for all!
For more information:
Ward 9 Park Improvements
As you may have seen on my Facebook page, I have been soliciting park improvement ideas from my residents. I have some infrastructure funds to spend on small park improvements. Many of you have reached out to me already, with ideas like benches and shade for seating. I would like to spread the funds across the ward and I am unable to do any big ticket items like washrooms. Not all suggestions may be doable but I will do my best to get as much done as possible.

I will be meeting with staff in the coming weeks to discuss the feasibility of the suggestions that I've collected, so if you haven't sent me your ideas yet, be sure to do that soon!

Email me at with the name of the park and your suggestion.
Etiquette when using our parks
Our parks are a place for everyone to enjoy and to do so safely. I continue to get complaints about dog owners walking their dogs off leash in woods and parks. This is against City bylaws but it is also inconsiderate of others and can be dangerous.

I recently received a call about an off leash dogs attacking a resident in Sugar Maple Woods - this is simply unacceptable, as off-leash dogs are only permitted in designated areas. If you want to exercise your dog please do so in the off leash parks. For more information on Leash-Free parks in Mississauga, please visit

To read more about Mississauga Park Etiquette, click here .

Let's Play in the Park

Kids ages six to 12
Weekdays - Monday to Friday from July 2 to August 30, 2019 (exception date August 5, 2019)

Ward 9 Location is Union Park . See website for other locations.
Free – registration is required. 
Keep Cool This Summer at our Splash Pads
The City of Mississauga’s outdoor pools and spray pads are open so pull out those beach towels, find those flip-flops and get ready for a splashing good time in Mississauga this summer .

Ward 9 Splash Pad Locations:
Quenippenon Meadows
2625 Erin Centre Blvd 
Lake Aquitane Park
2750 Aquitaine Ave
Union Park (spray pad only)
northeast corner Tenth Line/Aquitaine
Lake Wabukayne Stewardship Day will be held on Saturday September 21st - mark your calendars!

More details to come.
Around the Ward
Peel Police Pride Flag Raising
On July 5th, I joined Peel Police at their headquarters in Meadowvale for the Pride Flag raising.
Showing Pride!
Meadowvale Town Centre McDonald's Re-opening
I had the pleasure of attending the re-opening of McDonald's at the Meadowvale Town Centre on July 6th. The renovations are great and brings fresh new life to this spot!
STIHL Timbersports at Celebration Square
Oh July 24th, I had such a great time at the STIHL Timbersports Canadian Championship at Celebration Square. I even got a chance to swing an axe - boy, are those things heavy! Watching these athletes was very impressive and I commend them all on their achievements.
Ward 9 Volunteer Awards
It was my pleasure to visit Kobe and Kaia Singh to deliver their Ward 9 Volunteer Award certificates and pins. They have been raising money for charity through their lemonade and hot chocolate stands for the past few years and have shown a passion for giving back. Congratulations again, you two!
Councillor Pat Saito | City of Mississauga | 905-896-5900 | |