July 8 2020

Hey guys, With the slow downs and shutdowns and inventory supply chain issues that we have been facing lately it is no secret. It has been a little slow the last couple of days. Honestly it is a little spooky. Dont get me wrong, we are probably in the best shape we have ever been in as far as the store goes due to the flood of orders in the first half of the year, thanks for that. We have had some time though to get in one of the warehouses and clean some stuff out. We have found tons of Brand new Icom Accessories. We have tons of this stuff that had been forgotten about. There is everything from Mounting brackets, speaker mics, roofing filters, programming software, headsets, battery packs and lots more. Some of these items are discontinued from Icom and are really hard to find. We looked up original dealer cost and have it marked well below that. Some items we just have one or two of and some we have lots of. I have been busy the last couple of nights getting it all on the site. If you have a need for any of these brand new accessories you can save big. Hurry though, I will move it over to ebay next week and it will sell for way more than we have it listed for here.

I do want to mention something else. Yes I am on social media and I watch the news. It looks like to me society is crumbling. Our country is so divided. God has been pushed out. People are so angry and on edge. If you even mention anything political or anything about wearing a mask to help prevent transmission of covid 19 you will get a flaming. It is like our country is on fire and there is no compassion or love for our fellow man. I am pretty stressed and depressed about it tonight.

I dont know why I am surprised about it though. It talks about this in the Bible. Matthew 24 and lots of other places. Could this be the end times? I think it could. Lawlessness will abound, the love for our fellow man will not be there, wars and rumors of wars and on and on.

Social media is now full of hate. I am so tired of it but it seems that we have digressed to lashing out at strangers and even our friends in bitterness and hatred. Maybe I am wrong and it is just me. Hopefully I am wrong.

I know , as usual, if I mention God that I and we as a company lose followers and customers. At this point I dont care. It's my company. Please join me and lets pray for this country. I feel like we may be past the point of no return. I am really sorry to sound down and full of gloom and doom but I think we need to think about it

  Pray for our Country 

Free Shipping on most orders over $100

 No Back Orders or Rain Checks, If it is not on the site, it is probably gone
 Free Ship on Most orders over $100

 Free Shipping on Most orders over $100

MTC takes trades, we do Layaways, we are not the big corporate store. We are like buying from family according to many of our customers. Friendly, familiar voices and people. It's no wonder MTC is becoming America's favorite place to buy radio gear. Thank you all for your business

Free Shipping on Most orders over $100

Sale could end at any minute. No back orders or rain checks.  

We Love this Ham Radio Business! We have been spreading the Ham Radio Love since 2009.  11 Years in Business! Can you believe it?

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