God is faithful and we are prepared for greater opportunities
Dear Friend,              
“Be prepared!” is the respected Boy Scout motto! This has been our motto also as we have navigated changes this past year that affected our engagement with the many communities we have served. The new government’s policy required all delivery of public health be transitioned back to the Honduran Ministry of Health. While this brought disappointment to our service area, our staff is aware that God is always at work. We are excited to tell you that our amazing staff, along with the loyalty of friends and partners, has ensured that we continue our mission to be ambassadors of God’s grace and holistic healing to the people of Olancho, Honduras.
Predisan has pivoted to focus intentionally on what we call our Community Transformation Program. The longtime relationship among rural communities continues to thrive. The staff host events and are present to join them in kingdom work, including collaboration to meet evolving necessities for education, spiritual formation, the use of appropriate technology to build capacity and dignity, as well as, increase levels of holistic healthcare. 
One story that captures my heart and illustrates some strategic changes is the story of Omar, a twelve-year-old boy who came with his Dad from a distant village to the newly established medical clinic in Las Delicias, Cuyamel. He arrived in miserable pain. The medical team diagnosed probable appendicitis and quickly communicated with our Good Samaritan Medical Center in the city of Catacamas to send the ambulance to transport Omar and Dad to the hospital.  He received a successful surgery! We praise God for this provision and timing that saved his life.

Enjoy Omar’s smile!

Omar’s medical care is more than a story of healing. It is about compassionate and skilled staff, equipped clinics, teamwork, good community relationships, demonstrating God’s love, fostering empowerment and dignity to those on the margins, and helping to give a better future for families and especially our youth.  

In closing this year, we ask you to consider life for Omar and his family in a mountain village. What is their good news?
They now know there is a good medical clinic with a physician not too far away. They know the Good Samaritan Medical Center (GSMC) is open 24/7 and provides emergency care, specialty care, hospitalization, ambulance and auxiliary services, as well as, scheduled weekly surgeries with Honduran surgeons. All these services have increased patient demand (and costs) but offer greater opportunity to impact the communities and clients with God’s love and spiritual care.
Our changes benefit our people, families like Omar’s. These changes offer You the opportunity to prepare and partner in sustaining quality healthcare and the programs to promote community transformation.
We know you believe in this mission and hear “the great things He has done.” We have seen God’s hand of mercy over many “changes” during 36 years.

We ask you to share once again to meet our goal of
for the specific needs to close out this year and prepare for a strong launch into 2023.
Your gift to Predisan USA, is the gift of health, the gift of education and the gift of love and opportunity for young people like Omar and hundreds more. Help us share these gifts! 
May God’s incalculable generosity and the Good News of salvation move us to give cheerfully!
With warmest regards and heartfelt thanks,
Amanda Madrid, CEO