Introducing Our New Local Donation Form
Happy New Year, WUA! Makers! We can't believe it's already 2022! We wanted to send you some new updates and reminders as we head into another year of making for those in need.

The first update is that we have created a local donation form that you can fill out to let us know when you donate items in your local community. We created this form to cut down on the amount of emails we receive with local donation counts and to help streamline this information so we can more easily keep track of it.

Please click on this link to view the local donation form. Anytime you donate items locally, please use this form to let us know what you've donated and where you've donated your items! This form can also be found on the Current Needs page of our website.
New Saber Requests
Since we introduced the Saber campaign in early 2020, we've donated hundreds of shawls and lap blankets to senior facilities in the northeast! We've been able to meet a lot of those needs and recently, we added more facilities and item needs to the list because of your great generosity!

The new item needs are veteran lap blankets, hats and scarves. The facilities are still requesting regular lap blankets and shawls as well.

Going forward, any time you donate items to a Saber facility, please use this form to report the items you donated and which facility you donated to. We have also created a new facility needs document. Please click this link to view the new document to see the needs for each facility.

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated items to Saber Healthcare and we're excited to keep partnering with this wonderful organization to provide warmth and love to their residents!
New Current Needs
It's a new year and that means new needs! We have updated the Current Needs page on our website to reflect our most up-to-date needs. You'll see that some campaigns have been taken off, some have been changed to year-round needs, and we've added new categories that encompass a growing list of requests we receive from organizations around the country.

If you ever want to know what items we need the most, when we need certain items, or what we're currently working on, head to the Current Needs page to get ideas on what to make!
Reminder: Include Our New Donation Form in Packages You Send to the Office!
We wanted to remind you that we have created a new donation form that you can fill out and include with the donations you send to our office.

Please click this link to view and print the form. If you do not have access to a printer, we suggest that you write this information on a piece of paper and include it with your package(s)! This form is also now available on our website on the Current Needs page and on the FAQs page.

Including this form with your donations helps us email more thank you notes instead of mailing them out and also helps our volunteers process your donations more efficiently!
Donate $30 or More to Get Access to 90
Knit & Crochet Section Patterns!
Each week we are still sending out our 30th anniversary section patterns to people who donate $30 or more to Warm Up America! If you haven't made a donation yet, there's still plenty of time! We'll be promoting our 30th anniversary through the end of May, so make a donation whenever you can to get the patterns and help us reach our goals of $90,000 raised and 199,130 sections donated!
Thank you!
Thank you for all you do for Warm Up America! If you have any questions about the things we've talked about in this email, feel free to reach out to us at!
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