News Along the Severn

March 2024

Annapolis Junior Rowing removed 7,500lbs of trash on Weems Creek!

This newsletter is made possible in part thanks to the generous support of Diamond Sponsor Boatyard Bar & Grill

Restoration Manager's Corner

As temperatures turn up, so has SRA’s restoration work! The enthusiasm of our Severn River communities is remarkable, and SRA strategically places community engagement at the core of our restoration program. Throughout the watershed I’m inspired by community members doing their part for the Severn, especially when it comes to stormwater management and preventing erosion.

We have two restoration projects nearing design and permitting completion–a living shoreline and a step-pool stormwater conveyance in the Wardour neighborhood and a series of three micro-bioretention cells in the common areas of Georgetown East Townhouse Community. We have submitted two pending grant proposals for construction funding for these projects. 

Thank you so much to the Wardour and Georgetown East communities for their support and coordination. These two projects, engineered by BayLand Consultants and Designers, Inc., are generously funded by grants from the Chesapeake Bay Trust Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program and the City of Annapolis.

We are also excited to announce that SRA won $47,299 for design and permitting of two micro-bioretention retrofits to treat impervious area runoff at the Giant Food/Bay Forest Shopping Center on Bay Ridge Road in Annapolis. Micro-bioretention facilities capture and treat runoff from impervious areas by passing it through a mixture of sand, soil, and organic matter before infiltrating into underlying soils. Bioretention facilities are more robust than rain gardens and handle greater volumes of runoff. (This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement C2-96389001 to Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and/or C2-95306601 to Maryland Department of Environment (MDE). The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document. SRA gratefully acknowledges all project partners, including Chesapeake Bay Trust, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Department of the Environment, and the Chesapeake Bay Program.)

While I’ve focused this newsletter on stormwater, SRA continues to develop many other restoration projects including removing invasive species, addressing septic system pollution, and accelerating oyster restoration. Keep an eye on our social media pages for updates and photos as projects unfold.

As always, thank you for all you do for the Severn River!

Ben Fertig, PhD

Restoration Manager

[email protected]

John Wright Speaker Series

Date: March 18th 7-8:30pm

Location: Cafe Mezzanotte

Speaker: Elizabeth Elliott

Solution Gardening with Native Plants

Presentation Summary: Are you passionate about contributing to environmental sustainability?

Do you want to provide habitat for bees, butterflies, and songbirds in your own backyard? 

Are you curious about the ways your gardening choices support healthy waterways?

 Elizabeth will address some common gardening problems and how native plants can provide a solution. Attendees will also learn how their gardening choices can contribute to a better, healthier, and more beautiful world!

Speaker Bio: Elizabeth Elliott bought Himmel’s landscape and garden center in 2018, but worked there as a young woman 20+ years before. In between she enjoyed a career in higher education, and traveled the world as a fundraiser for nonprofits. In her spare time she is a singer in a rock band, and loves kayaking and traveling.

Register Here

Weems Creek Clean Up

On March 9th the Annapolis Junior Rowing team removed 7,500 pounds of trash from Weems Creek! This included 3 trucks loads of tires, a mattress, and various other debris. A total of 58 people showed up to show some love to the Severn River watershed, and we are so impressed with the results of their hard work.

Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy

Team SRA was well represented at the 2024 Watershed Stewards Academy conference this past weekend. Executive Director Jesse Iliff and Restoration Manager Ben Fertig were able to grab a picture with Board member Bryan Gomes toward the end, just missing the chance to include Board member Jack Turner, who was also in attendance. The conference is a great opportunity to learn from experts in a variety of fields related to watershed health and restoration, as well as network with colleagues in the field and is always a lot of fun. Thank you Watershed Stewards Academy for another great event!

Business Sponsors

Thank you to our Diamond and Gold Sponsors for their investment in the Severn River. Please join us in thanking them for making the watershed a priority!



More Information

In case you missed it...

Restoration Site Visit

SRA’s Restoration Manager, Ben Fertig, checks out a potential living shoreline site in Admiral Heights along Weems Creek with Shivaugn Ahern, president of Admiral Heights Improvement Association and chair of its Weems Creek Committee. Did you know that Weems Creek is SRA’s #1 priority subwatershed for restoration according to our new Severn River Action Plan? We are currently assessing potential restoration sites with our project partner, Center for Watershed Protection, and will be crunching the numbers to determine a prioritized ranking. Thank you to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for funding this important project!

Our important work is only possible due to the generous support of people like you. If you are a current donor - THANK YOU! We welcome your support any time of the year. If you are not yet a member, please consider joining the movement today. Any size donation makes you a member.


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