Opt-Out K-12 Students From INFOhio
Warning to Parents
Includes Pornography 

Ohio Value Voters has learned that through INFOhio, Ohio students can access pornography very easily. This content is both written and photographic in nature. Ohio Value Voters will not provide the link, or the login instructions to obtain this material since it is very graphic and pornographic. However, this video will explain the problem not only here in Ohio, but throughout the nation.

The mission statement of INFOhio on their website states: “INFOhio transforms student learning by providing equitable access to quality resources and cost-effective instructional and technical support for each student, educator, and parent in Ohio.”

This site also hosts a series of free, online professional development modules for school and public youth services librarians, library administrators, and others interested in improving their knowledge about race and racism, racial equity, and culturally sustaining pedagogy. The primary focus of the Project READY curriculum is on improving relationships with, services to, and resources for youth of color and Native youth.

It is difficult to understand how executive management of INFOhio can claim that its easily-available pornographic material helps to ’transform student learning."

This material is pornography and inappropriate for children to view. I have contacted the news media and state legislators to determine the solution to this critical issue,” states John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters.  

Until further notice, Ohio Value Voters urges parents to prohibit their children from logging into INFOhio.  

Thank you for your prayers and support.

John Stover, President

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