School Bus
January 2020

BUILD your child's CHARACTER.

Each month, you can check here for short videos about how to focus on encouraging nine positive character traits in your child. The videos come from the Greater Good Science Center and are shared through Nebraska Department of Education.

PTO Hosts Science Assembly
Dr. Oxygen joined our elementary in November for an afternoon of fun and learning. Special thanks to PTO for hosting the event! Check out the full article here .

Weather & Recess

Be sure your children are appropriately dressed for the weather. Recess and morning clubs will be held outdoors unless there is substantial rain or the temperature, considering windchill drops below
15 degrees Farenheit!

 Check out our Elementary Art
on Instagram!

"ALL for ONE" means we're all here for one reason; to help your child do his/her very best!

I encourage you to take an active role in your child's education and to have a working relationship with us at Wahoo Elementary! Please feel free to call, stop in during school hours, or shoot an email my way!
School Bus