Warrior Weekly
A Message from the Principal
Meeting the needs of all learners is central to the mission of our school. Ongoing professional development is key to the understanding of how students learn as well as developing strategies to assist students with learning differences. It also helps us to understand the impact of mental health on learning. This Friday, March 6th teachers from throughout the diocese of Fall River will gather together to attend workshops and discuss strategies to best meet the needs of our students. Also, on March 18th, Julie Love, RN, from the MacClean School Nurse Project will present a workshop on anxiety to our faculty here at Coyle and Cassidy. Please also see the link below regarding an upcoming presentation on neurodiversity by Richared Solomon, Ph.D. Dr. Solomon is a well respected speaker on this topic.
The days will be getting longer and spring is almost here! Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour this weekend!
Kathleen St.Laurent
For Your Advance Planning
- Wednesday, March 18 – Early Release at 1:10 – Professional Development
- ESP Pick-Up by Foyer Doors Near Former Main Office
- Thursday, April 9 – Early Release 11:15 AM – Holy Thursday – NO ESP – NO Bus Transportation Home
- Friday, April 10 – NO School – Good Friday
- Monday, April 13 – NO School – Easter Monday
- Friday, April 17 – NO ESP – Vacation begins at the end of the day.
- Week of Monday April 20 – Spring Vacation Week
- Tuesday, April 28 – Early Release at 1:10 – Professional Development
- ESP Pick-Up by Foyer Doors Near Former Main Office
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health continues to stress that exposure to the FLU is still high in Massachusetts and very low for the COVID-19 virus. I’m including the DPH COVID-19 fact sheet, for your convenience.
Everyone should continue proper hand washing, covering coughs and avoiding touching your mouth and eyes with your hands. Please continue to inform us if your child is diagnosed with influenza so that we can track cases in school.
you plan to travel overseas, please refer to the CDC and WHO websites for travel advice:
To all Parents/Guardians, students and staff,
I thought this would be an enlightening podcast for all of you regarding the Covid-19 virus.
While this virus continues to slowly spread, we need to keep in mind that most people who have contracted it have mild symptoms much like a cold. The podcast link explains this virus in greater detail.
Here is the link to an additional excellent resource for families.
Jo'Ann Allen RN BSN MEd
Lenten Morning Prayer Service
Once a week during the season of Lent, we will be having a short prayer service in the Chapel. Throughout the entire season of Lent there will be a cross and post-it notes in the high school foyer for students, faculty, and staff to leave their prayer intentions. The prayer intentions will be included each week during our prayer service. Reconciliation services for all students will also be held during the season of Lent.
Grade Level Breakfast Meeting
Breakfast meetings have resumed. Students may purchase food in the cafeteria beginning at 7:45 AM. During the meeting, class moderators will update students on upcoming events and opportunities.
- Monday, March 9 – Freshman Breakfast
- Tuesday, March 10 – Sophomore Breakfast
- Tuesday, March 17 – MS (5-7) Breakfast
- Thursday, March 19 – 8th Grade Breakfast
Jeans Day for RISE Rwanda
Wednesday, March 11
we will have a $2.00 jeans day to come together as a community during this Lenten season and raise money to support RISE Rwanda. RISE-Rwanda is a faith-based, charitable organization that strives to help the Rwandan community prosper in many capacities! RISE Rwanda’s vision is to establish relationships with the people of Rwanda and all missionaries through service, which is inspired by God. With that vision in mind, the RISE Rwanda Board has partnered with the Fransican Sisters in Kabgayi, Rwanda and has attained some of the ongoing needs the community and locals struggle to meet every day. Again, the cost to support this worthy cause is $2.00. Regular jeans day rules as outlined in the handbook apply.
Providence Bruins Faith Night with Bobby Robins
Providence Bruins is offering a special opportunity on March 28
at 7:05 PM. On this night there will be a Providence Bruins Game and a special conversation with former Providence and Boston Bruins Player Bobby Robins! Bobby Robins has a special message of faith, motivation, and perserverance that needs to be heard. There will be a post game talk, meet and greet, and autographs. For more information or tickets for this event, contact the Providence Bruins.
Opportunities for Summer College Study
- Bridgewater State University is accepting applications for their Summer Science Academy. This program offers one-week science courses for students entering grades 6 - 12. There is an early registration discount of $50 off if you register by March 20, 2020 as well as sibling 5% discounts by using the code "Multi." Information - ttps://microsites.bridgew.edu/case/summer-science-programs
- The Boston University Summer Journalism Institute is now accepting applications. High school students are taught to follow facts and get to the heart of stories affecting communities. Not only will students learn practical skills, but they will also get a taste of campus and city life, meet with BU representatives to discuss the college admissions process, and explore museums and historical sites. The two-week sessions begin on June 22, July 6, and July 20. Learn more by visiting https://combeyond.bu.edu/summerjournalism and apply soon, as spots are limited. If students are accepted to the program and pay the registration fee by April 30, 2020, they will receive a special discount of $500 off the tuition, by using the discount code: BUSUMMER20.
- Babson College is also offering an Entrepreneurial summer study from July 6-August 2 where students can earn four college credits. Students will have the chance to live on campus, learn entrepreneurial skills, develop venture ideas, and explore Boston. Mornings are spent in the Introduction to the Entrepreneurial Experience course and afternoons in a variety of workshops and visit organizations giving them the ability to apply their learning and find inspiration in real-world examples of how great problem-solvers turn ideas into profitable ventures. Apply by March 9, 2020 at www.babson.edu/summerstudy.
High School Announcements
Applications for the Neville Scholarship are available in guidance. Students in grades 9-11 are eligible to apply for this scholarship that provides tuition assistance. The deadline to apply is April 27, 2020. For criterion information, contact Mrs. Chaves at
Effective February 28, 2020, Massachusetts is a hands free driving state. Regulations for drivers 18 and over are different than for drivers under the age of 18. Device used (even hands free) is illegal for drivers under the age of 18. Please review this important law with your son/daughter. The attached link has information about the law and penalties for non-compliance.
Student Council with the help of the American Red Cross is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Friday, March 20
. The drive will start at 8AM and the final donations will begin at 1:00 PM. Parents who would like to donate may register online at
. The drive will be held in the school gymnasium. If you have any questions, email Mrs. Boissonneau at
. All are welcome and we hope you consider giving to this great cause.
Students who are 16 or over may donate blood. A parent permission form is required for any student who chooses to donate blood. Forms will be given to students who sign-up for the drive. Students should not use the online registration to sign-up for the drive.
On March 19 our sophomores will have their sophomore retreat. Completed forms are due to sophomore theology teachers by Wednesday, March 12. Please keep the members of our sophomore class in your prayers.
Freshman/Sophomore Semi-Formal
SAVE THE DATE! The Freshman/Sophomore Semi-Formal will be held on Saturday, March 21
from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. The dance is open to CC 9
and 10
grade students and their pre-approved outside guests from grades 9 and 10 (no middle school, junior, or senior students allowed.) Outside guest approval forms will be available beginning Tuesday, February 25
and will be due by 8:00 AM on Friday, March 13
. The administration will determine whether or not a guest is approved. Tickets will be available for CC students from Monday, March 9
thru Friday, March 13
The cost of the ticket is $18.00 per person. We look forward to seeing our freshman and sophomores at this event! If you have any questions contact Ms. Sampson, Sophomore Class Moderator (
) or Mr. Phillips, Freshman Class Moderator (
On Thursday, May 21, 2020 the Junior/Senior Prom will be held at the Hillside Country Club. The cost of the prom is $80.00 per person: $40.00 payable on Wednesday, March 11 and $40.00 payable on Friday, April 3. Any payment received late will be subject to a $10.00 late fee –
This is for each payment date listed above!
Late fees will be required even if the payment is one day late. No guest information is due at the time of the first payment. Make the first payment even if you are not sure with whom you will be attending. We will adjust the payments if you overpay. We need to have an accurate count – so sign up early!
Outside guest forms for the prom will be available on Thursday, March 12. Completed forms and guest payment are due no later than 8:00 am on Friday, April 3. Please pay attention to the deadline so you will not be disappointed. The administration will determine whether or not the guest is approved.
Parents must attend a mandatory parent pre-prom meeting in order for their son/daughter to attend the prom. The meeting will be held on
Tuesday, April 7 at 6:30 pm
. This meeting is for the parents of all juniors and the parents of any seniors who did not attend last year’s Junior/Senior Prom. Seniors who attended last year’s prom will receive a form for parents to verify review of the content from the meeting
If a parent does not attend the mandatory pre-prom meeting, the student will not be allowed to attend the prom.
Please mark this important date on your calendar.
In-School SAT Day for Juniors
Juniors who have signed up for the April 14 SATs, please take advantage of what the College Board can offer you for SAT prep. If you link your scores to KHAN Academy, you will be able to get a personalized set of lessons to help you improve your scores for the April testing. Visit CollegeBoard.org to see all of their test preparation resources.
Middle School Announcements
After school on Monday, March 9
there will be a meeting for anyone interested in the Middle School Yearbook. The meeting will be held in room 211 from 2:15 to 2:45 PM. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Norwood or Ms. Rogier.
and 6
Grade Ice Cream Social
All grade 5 and 6 students are invited to attend the Ice Cream Social on Friday, March 27
from 2:30 to 3:45 PM. Their will be ice cream and a variety of different toppings all at no charge thanks to the generosity of Ms. Gracia! We will have games and legos available for student use, and there will be music for your enjoyment. Students who are attending the social are welcome to dress down that day according to usual jeans day rules. Permission slips will go home in Friday Folders. Please sign and return the permission slip by Friday, March 20
This Week's News and Updates
We have slightly worn skorts, pants, sweaters, vests, and shirts available for purchase in our CC Swap Shop. The Swap Shop is open the first Friday of every month, located in front of the Library.
The School Store Hours are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:15-7:45 am. Stop by to get your Warrior gear!
Click the link down below to see the School Master Calendar:
Have a great weekend everyone!