“Sisters, Servants,Soldiers” Worldwide!

Was Satan the First "Dirty Politician?"

Not long ago, a young man asked me, “How can you be in politics? Politics is dirty.”

My immediate response was, “It’s only ‘dirty’ if we elect people who are willing to get dirty."

The meaning of the word politician is: “the activities of the government, members of law-making organizations, or people who try to influence the way a country is governed.”

According to that definition, it looks like Satan was the very first “dirty politician." He knew what was a stake. He knew what God had commanded Adam and Eve. He fully understood that the course of the world that had been put in place by the Creator, Himself.

He also knew that one decision by Eve could change a world of ease, purity and goodness into a world of sin. And he made his "stump speech" to Eve.

Satan was cunning. He obviously appeared trustworthy and likeable. He offered Eve what all politicians do, an opportunity for "something better."

From the time that God created us, He gave us free will. And throughout the ages, it is our choices that have made us a better world, or a more sinister, evil one. Knowing that, there have always been and always will be people who try to influence the way a country is governed.

Think of Moses, Esther, Mordecai, Pilate, the Pharisees, and the list could go on and on. It might not have been called politics in the Bible, but the Bible is replete with politicians. Some dirty some honorable.

At the end of the Book of Esther, we read this about Mordecai, "For Mordecai the Jew was second to king Ahasureus, and was great among the Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen."

These closing words of the Book of Esther have often made me wonder if the Book of Esther is really the story of how God planned for Mordecai to get into a position of power for a time of peace and prosperity for God's people.

Proverbs 29:2 reminds us: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan."

There will always be people who want to influence the way a country is governed. Sadly, the New Testament reminds us that it happens in the body of Christ as well. We are told that Diotrephes "loved to have preeminence" in the Lord's church. (Colossians 1:18) He wanted to be the leader and govern the affairs.

"Politicians" have come and gone throughout History. Until the end of this world, I suppose they will.

But one thing is certain. We still make choices. We are involved whether we choose to be or not. And we bear the consequences of the choices we make (or don't make). Hopefully, God through His Providence, will not let us destroy ourselves!

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan."

Love in Our Dear Lord,


P.S. I am praying daily for those left in Afghanistan, for those dealing with sickness and loss of loved ones, for our leaders and their decisions and for each of us as Christians never to choose the lies of Satan! Please pray with me. There is such power in our collective prayer! 🙏 I love you dear sisters. ❤️

It's not to late to get ready!

Sisters, I know we can get at least 4 people
to knock 25 doors
or 25 people to knock 4 doors!

Door Knocking still works in this country!

Here are some tips to make the most out of it . . .

Eric Lyons gives some wonderful tips for door knocking
in the link below:


Here is also a link to other forms such as a Benevolence Form, etc.

Please join this effort!
You may find a heart behind the door who is longing
for the "peace that passes understanding!"

You also might want to have a fun lunch planned for the door knockers to be able to fellowship together!


This is the second book in the BRAVE BOOKS series. They are writing books addressing cultural issues for children.

This book is about little Mobi, a bear who was born with only one front paw.

Culture the Vulture tries to convince Mobi's mother bear that she should leave him and all the work it takes to care for him and live for herself!

The lessons that Mobi learns from his mother's sacrificial love are priceless!

The book is well written and illustrated. There will be others to come. You may visit www.BRAVE.us to learn more.

Sisters, these are great books to have in your arsenal for your children and grandchildren. They should be used in conjunction with the Bible and all of the great biblical books out for children.

The Dismantling of Roe v. Wade May Have Just Begun with Texas!

"My Prayer has been to see that doctrine of death overturned in my lifetime! Please be praying with me!" Sheila

"God hates hands that shed innocent blood."
Proverbs 6:17

Here is a link to what you might like to know about the law that was recently passed in Texas:


DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: growing spiritually and becoming "Leading Ladies."

I received a note and this picture from Nicki Burleson recently. This is her daughter, Mary Burleson, leading a Devotional for Ladies' Bible Class. This is what "Daughters of the King" is all about!

We want to help raise young women who will bring all glory to God and strengthen and help grow the Body of Christ!

Next year's workshop is slated for July 18-21, 2022. Please be thinking of some spiritually minded young ladies who might benefit from this week of concentrated Bible study . . . with a little fun and fellowship thrown in!

You will want to add FLOODED, an outstanding new book for teens, to your library!

" . . the world that then existed perished, being FLOODED
with water."
(2 Peter 3:6)

A wonderful new book of
Flood Science!

This book is a scientific study of the flood that happened in Noah's lifetime.

It describes the mountains as "a testament to God's judgment on a world of sin that had forgotten Him."

You may click the link below to order. It is a brand new book and we have been selling out of it at every speaking engagement!

2021 Speaking Schedule

Sept. 18      Thompson’s Station, TN.  
Sept. 25         Mechanicsville, VA

October 9          Sanford, NC
October 16        Martin, TN
October 23        Cleveland, TN
October 30 Robertson's Fork

November 6      Double Springs, AL
November 13    Madisonville, KY