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Volume 3 Issue 13

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all. The Washburn Review will not be releasing a newsletter next Thursday as we will be on Thanksgiving break, but we encourage everyone to visit our website for some exciting content. Our staff has provided some Thanksgiving recipes for your enjoyment as well as some inspiring stories on Washburn veterans.


Cultural shock: the frustration and fascination of a foreign country

by Smera Shrestha

Cultural shock, as a concept itself, is a compelling topic. However, the feelings of confusion, uncertainty, intrigue and/or anxiety are some of the first that international students experience after arriving in the United States. Variables ranging from small changes (such as the difference in power outlets) to big ones (such as the difference in languages) make the experience unique to every individual

Hinata Isobe, international student from Japan and sophomore in finance, mentioned that one of her biggest cultural shocks was how people wore outside shoes in their own room as opposed to leaving them at the entrance like in Japan. She also expressed her shock to see how informal Americans were towards their elders and authority figures.

“In Japan, we cannot call our elders by their first name. We use their last names or first names plus mister, miss or other positions of respect,” Isobe said.

Isobe hinted at how difficult it is for her – even now – to call professors by their names and usually just addresses them as a professor or teacher. She then further elaborates her take on the informality of Americans.


Check out these ads!

Nov. 18


Student Volunteer Registration: 

The Leadership Institute is looking for fellow Ichabods who are interested in helping with sponsorships, banquets and technology.

If interested email for more information.  

Day of Transformation: Students are given the ability to present their WTE projects.

1 p.m. - 3 p.m. in Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center.

WU Women's Basketball Washburn Classic"

Pittsburg State vs. Rockhurst

4 p.m. in Lee Arena.

Washburn vs. Southern Nazarene

6 p.m. in Lee Arena.

Nov. 19

Brass Day: Local high school brass players and bands directors come together and play in the Music Department's Brass Day.

12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. in White Concert Hall.

WU Women's Basketball Washburn Classic:

Pittsburg State vs. Southern Nazarene

1 p.m. in Lee Arena.

Washburn vs. Rockhurst

3 p.m. in Lee Arena.

For a full calendar of Washburn Sporting events visit WU Sports 

WU Wind Ensemble Concert: Join Washburn Orchestra as they perform various musical pieces using wind instruments.

5 p.m. - 6 p.m. in White Concert Hall.

Nov. 21


WU JV Men's Basketball vs. Baptist Bible College: 7 p.m. in Lee Arena.

Black Student Union Meeting:

7 p.m. - 9 p.m. in LLC - Blaire room.

Nov. 23-27


Thanksgiving Student Recess

(Nov. 23) WU Women's Basketball vs. Central Christian College: 6 p.m. in Lee Arena.

Washburn Student Media celebrates veterans

by MM202 reporters

Academic procrastination can be overcome with guidance

by Sandhya Bhandari

Washburn women’s basketball falls short against Oklahoma

by Jeremy Ford

Dear Readers,

Another week is behind us and we are that much closer to the end of the semester. With fall break just around the corner, now is the time to dig in and stay on track. You are so close!

Last week, we showcased Washburn veterans on Veterans Day. Each of them should be honored for their service and we were proud to help give them a small fraction of the recognition they deserve. We would also like to thank all the contributing authors from Dr. Kristen Grimmer's class for doing such a great job on their spotlight articles. Veterans do not get nearly enough credit for their sacrifices, so please be sure to thank them if you see them around campus.

This week, in recognition of the holidays we are going to begin our recipe series to try and get people in the holiday spirit. Our writers have worked hard all semester and are excited to share some of the meals that remind them of home, so get out your chef hats and get ready to gain a few pounds.

One final note: congratulations to the Washburn women's volleyball team on taking the MIAA title. That is an awesome accomplishment and we are all very proud of you and how you represent the university.

As always, thank you for your continued support and go Ichabods!

Justin Shepard

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