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December 2023

WSEA Newsletter

Download the December WSEA Newsletter Here

Mid-Winter WSEA Convention Registration is Open

The Washington State Elks Association will conduct its Winter Convention at the Double Tree by Hilton, Seattle Airport, starting Thursday, January 18th, 2024.

The registration form and preliminary agenda are available in this issue and on the Washington Elks Webpage.

The hotel is going to set up a Breakfast Buffet as well as a Soup and Sandwich Luncheon Special to help expedite eating times. You can also order directly off the menu.

Thursday night Welcome Reception was quite a success last year, so we are bringing back a Taco Bar with complimentary beer and wine.

Friday Night Dinner menu includes a Choice of Sirloin Steak, Blackened Cod or a NEW Vegan option – Cauliflower Steak.

Spouse and Guests attending with a member will be $20.00 each and listed on the Elk Member Registration form. If postmarked after December 5th the cost is $60.00 and any balance will be due upon your check-in at WSEA registration table. Please understand: After December 5th, there is no guarantee hotel rooms will be available.

Download the Registration Packet Here!

Message from our President

Bob Walker, Burien 2143

Once again, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. Halloween and Thanksgiving have passed us by, the temperatures have certainly dropped as “the light of day sink heedlessly in the west” earlier each day. The month of December is upon us, and as always it is a busy month. December is especially busy for me, as I have my wedding anniversary this month (48 years), my son’s birthday, and my Grand-Daughter’s birthday, and then we get to the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. I am sure everyone else is just as busy with their families.


Message from our Newest Vice President

Lana Davick, Yakima 318

Happy Holidays! This is the time of year I love seeing the Elks shine! Just look at all the lodge Facebook pages, state calendar, My Elks notifications, or newsletters and you will see that our lodges are doing amazing things for their members as well as communities.

In November we had several charitable Purple Bubble Balls, Community Thanksgiving dinners where lodges served hundreds of free dinners, and Veteran’s Day ceremonies or dinners honoring our Veterans.


Our Kids!

Your State Major Project

The WSEA Therapy Program for Children

Charlie is feeling pretty excited about finally being taller than his therapist. He is finally able to use a very special wheelchair to come to standing any time he needs to! This is a huge life change for Charlie, and it is the result of many hours of advocacy by his therapist. Over a year ago, Charlie’s team determined that having a standing function on his wheelchair was medically necessary and would make a big impact on his independence with daily living skills. Being able to stand throughout his day helps to stretch his legs, improves his breathing capacity, helps his stomach and bladder work better, and relieves pressure and pain. In his daily life, it allows him to reach up into his closet to pick clothing, reach into the refrigerator, and even make his own food in the microwave- and his favorite, being able to talk to people at eye level! As a young adult, not relying on caregivers is incredibly empowering.

However, Charlie’s medical insurance denied the initial request, noting the chair was “un-necessary” and “too expensive”. Charlie and his therapist appealed the denial, but the chair was again refused. The issue was finally taken to a what is called a “fair hearing”, where Charlie and his representative and the insurance company and all their legal team present their cases to a Judge. After 3 court hearings, 4 long letters of medical justification, and submission of countless research articles, the Judge agreed—it was medically necessary! This process required MANY hours that would be considered unbillable by a traditional therapy clinic, and would likely not have been pursued, Charlie would not have gotten the chair he needed. Having a therapist through the WA Elks Therapy Program has allowed Charlie to continue to grow and become a more independent young man. He is currently taking computer courses in college, playing power soccer, and loving his new wheels.

Donate to our Therapy Program Today

Our Monthly Newsletter has tons of Information!

Download the December Newsletter!

Please take the time to download and read the Newsletter from the Washington State Elks Association.

Our Public Relations Committee is doing an amazing job of putting together relevant articles and information that will both inform our membership and help our lodges succeed - please take the time to view their efforts and help your lodge succeed.

Download the December Newsletter!

All of our past and upcoming newsletters can be found on the Washington State Elks Association Website in our News Section. Enjoy!

Click here to go directly to our Newsletter Section

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