CONTACT: Stephanie Wuorenma
Phone: (202) 446-2138
Office: Terrebonne, OR (Pacific Time Zone)

—Greg Newhall of Windy N Ranch in Ellensburg, WA, celebrates 10 years of certification with Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW—

ELLENSBURG, WA (MARCH 23, 2021)Greg, Laurie, Bradley and Lisha Newhall of Windy N Ranch in Ellensburg, WA, are celebrating 10 years of certification with Certified Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World (AGW), the leading animal welfare and sustainability label across North America.

The Newhall family achieved Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW certification for their cattle, pigs, meat sheep, meat goats, chickens and chicken eggs in 2011. As one of the most diverse farms in the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW program, Windy N Ranch has continued to add species to the farm to pursue their vision of the ranch as a one-stop operation that would allow their customers to get all their animal products in one place. In spring 2015, Windy N Ranch became the first farm in Washington state to become Certified Grassfed by AGW for its sheep and goats. This is the only certification and logo that guarantees food products come from animals fed a 100% grass and forage diet, raised outdoors on pasture or range for their entire lives, and managed according to the highest welfare and environmental standards on an independent farm. Windy N Ranch has received a commemorative metal farm sign to acknowledge the decade of certification—and ongoing commitment to high-welfare, sustainable farming.

The Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW label lets consumers know farm animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range in accordance with the highest animal welfare standards in the U.S. and Canada, using sustainable agriculture methods on an independent farm. Consumer Reports has rated Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW as the only “highly meaningful” label for farm animal welfare, outdoor access and sustainability—and the only animal welfare certification in which they have confidence. A recent report from the influential Hartman Group, a leading food and beverage market research company, reveals the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW label has the highest impact on consumer purchasing behavior of any food label.

Greg Newhall of Windy N Ranch says,

“A Greener World has been wonderfully supportive over the years. They have provided us with abundant technical information and guidance on how to provide the best life possible for all the animals we raise under the AGW umbrella. We proudly display our Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW signage, and it has been invaluable in connecting us with a discerning clientele that cares a great deal about where their meat comes from. We appreciate their continued support and expertise.”

AGW Executive Director Emily Moose says,

“We’re so proud to celebrate 10 years with Windy N Ranch, and we applaud their commitment to good stewardship, community values and transparency. The Newhall family has consistently been at the forefront of the growing market for verified sustainable products. As this market continues to expand, AGW farmers are leading—offering trusted and verified products to a public hungry for honestly labeled meat, dairy and eggs. We celebrate our shared successes over the last decade—and look forward to the next.”

For more information about Windy N Ranch, visit, stay connected with the farm’s Facebook and Instagram pages, contact Greg Newhall at or Bradley Newhall at, or call 509-260-2008.
A Greener World (AGW) identifies, audits, certifies and promotes practical, sustainable farming systems by supporting farmers and ranchers and informing consumers. AGW's growing family of trusted certifications includes Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW, Salmon Welfare Certified by AGWCertified Grassfed by AGW, Certified Regenerative by AGW, and Certified Non-GMO by AGW. Each program is designed to have positive and measurable impacts on the environment, society and animals, and to encourage truly sustainable farming practices. AGW's standards and procedures are robust, transparent and achievable.
A nonprofit funded by public donations, AGW offers a range of resources to help people make informed food choices, including an Online Directory of certified farms and products and Food Labels Exposed--a definitive guide to food label claims (available in print and online). For more information visit
