Washington Water Watch 
November 2019

In This Issue
Chum Run in Trouble
CELP In Your Community
We want to hear your Voice
Winter CLE
Keep Our Rivers Flowing!
Help ensure clean and flowing waters in Washington State by making a gift to CELP!

You Can Also Give to CELP Through Planned Gifts!
You can make a donation to the Center for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) through your will or living trust.

You can also name Center for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) as the beneficiary of your IRA, SEP-IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement plan assets, which can have significant estate tax advantages. 

Upcoming Events
#GivingTuesday with CELP
Tuesday, December 3rd
Help us reach our goal of $5,000 and make a gift today.

Thursday, December 5th
The Mountaineers
Join us for our Winter CLE.  Program Announcement
Stay Connected
Follow us on social media to stay updated on our work!

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Letter from the Executive Director

Photo by Kayla Jo Media

Dear friends of CELP,

As the year winds down, th e state drought declaration for 27 watersheds remains in effect, expiring April 4th 2020.  As winter approaches, snow pack levels continue to be less than average. These levels are critical to water supplies and replenishing aquifers.Our rivers and streams are already struggling to meet minimum instream flows, and climate change is further impacting our water supplies.

That's why CELP has been working to protect and restore stream flows in watersheds around the state - work that is now more critical than ever. But we can't do it alone. We rely on generous donations from our members and supporters to hold our lawmakers and agencies accountable for protecting Washington's rivers and streams. Please consider helping us continue this important work by making a donation today!

In this issue you will find information about CELP in the community, #GivingTuesday, and our Winter Continuing Legal Education workshop.
Trish Rolfe
Executive Director

Chum Run in Trouble

Chum Salmon in Kennedy Creek: Northwest Treaty Tribes

Chum salmon finally returned to Kennedy Creek late this fall but in lower numbers than expected.  Kennedy Creek is usually known for its robust chum run and  The Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail provides a popular salmon-viewing experience, with over 5,000 visitors every November. 

Unfortunately, the chum run in South Sound was much lower than forecast. After test fisheries found far fewer chum, sport and tribal fishing was shut down early for South Sound. The forecast for the chum run has been downgraded to about 252,000 for all of South Sound.

Salmon are in trouble; our rivers are in trouble. Your support helps us ensure sustainable stream flows for salmon. Our work to establish and enforce instream flow rules is critical to salmon habitats, fishers, businesses, boaters, and everyday people. 

CELP in the Community!

CELP at Emerald Water Anglers: Get to Know your NGO
CELP's Water Policy Coordinator,  Nick Manning spent the fall giving  presentations to several different organizations and leading entity meetings (Coastal Salmon Partnership, Dungeness River Management team, WSU, etc.) to build a community around preserving streamflow and water resources.

As the end of the year approaches, Nick continues to bring people together to organize our 2020 lobby day. He is working closely with Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and other partners across the state to put together a priority list and increase the turn out for lobby day.

Nick is also working on an educational outreach campaign on the Elwha River, partnering with League of Women Voters in Port Angeles and the  Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, to educate the community about the watershed planning process and why an instream flow should be established for the Elwha.

For questions or volunteer opportunities, please reach out to  Nick  Manning at    nmanning@celp.org  to learn how you can get involved with protecting our rivers and streams.

We want to hear your voice!

We are happy to introduce CELP's new Communications and Development Coordinator Ka yla Magers . She comes to us with a background in social media management, an interest in law, and a passion for environmental conservation and justice. She is an alumnus of the University of Washington and is currently pursuing a certificate in Nonprofit Management. She enjoys c amping, hiking,  days at the lake, and floating rivers. She believes in the importance of water as a source of life, a resource, and a spiritual connection.

Kayla wants to hear why water is important to you and/or why you support CELP. What is your favorite river or water source? What is your river story?

If you have a story, a passion, or anything you want to share let her know. We can use our voices together to create awareness, educate each other, inspire our communities, and protect our rivers and streams.

Send her your thoughts at  development@celp.org  and let her know if we can use your name for a quote or if you want what you share to be anonymous.

#GivingTuesday with CELP

We are excited to participate once again in the growing #GivingTuesday movement, Tuesday, December 3rd.

Giving Tuesday is an international campaign that encourages charity and generosity throughout the holiday season. It takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving; after a long weekend of eating, visiting, and shopping, Tuesday is dedicated to GIVING.
We hope you will consider making a  contribution to CELP as part of your participation.

Your gift will support CELP's work to protect, preserve, and restore Washington's water.  

This year loyal donors have given us a challenge; if we raise $5,000 in donations by December 31st this year they will match that donation dollar for dollar!

Make a gift today and help us reach our goal of $5,000 this holiday season!


Upcoming Event: 

This year's focus will be Protecting the Public's Interest in Washington's Water.

Doors open at
8:30 am  
Our program runs from
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

7700 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA. 98115
Room: Goodman B

Ticket Prices:
Nonprofit/Student - $80
Attorney/Professional/Agency - $180*
*10% discount available for CELP Members - select the Member Discount option

Lunch is included in ticket price.
*Approved for 6 CLE Credits: 5 Legal 1 Ethics

Space is limited! REGISTER now!

Thanks for taking the time to read Washington Water Watch!  Thanks to your help, CELP has accomplished much but, as you can see, more needs to be done. You can support our work by making a donation online here, or mailing a check to: 

85 S Washington St #301, Seattle, WA 98104 

The Center for Environmental Law & Policy is a statewide organization whose mission is to protect, preserve and restore Washington's waters through education, policy reform, agency advocacy, and public interest litigation.

If you care about a future with water, please become a CELP member today!
You can reach us at ( 206) 829-8299 or  email us .