News & Updates
July 2022
George Washington featured in new Visitor Center
“George Washington -- Famous Visitor to Early Franklin, PA”

submitted by Marilyn Black

The Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry and Tourism recently dedicated its newest free year-round Visitor Center in the Oil Region National Heritage Area. Young George Washington is featured in the permanent exhibit portion of this new Visitor Center.
This Visitor Center is situated inside the main first floor office of the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce, 1255 Liberty Street, in downtown Franklin, PA in Venango County. Guests are welcome to drop in at the Visitor Center during the Chamber’s weekday open hours, plus when open on select weekends during in-town festivals. Call ahead to (814) 432-5823, see the Chamber’s website, or check their Facebook page to verify current office schedule.
One of the exhibit themes is the depiction of famous historic visitors to and residents of Franklin, PA, ranging from its inclusion in the territory of the Iroquois Confederacy (when the spot was called Venango) through the mid-20th century. During his mission in the winter of 1753-54 to transport in person letters to the French military at Fort LeBoeuf in what is now Erie County, Washington was on site during both his north-bound and south-bound journey. 
As shown in the photograph accompanying this announcement, on the same panel which explains Franklin’s distinctive municipal flag there is a paragraph about Washington’s mission and its significance. Also included on the panel is a photograph of the statue of Washington wearing his Virginia militia/British uniform while hand-delivering Gov. Dinwiddie’s letter; this statue today stands in downtown Waterford, PA.
Washington Trail 1753 founder Martin O'Brien honored by Butler Tourism Office
Retired Senior Judge Martin O'Brien founded Washington's Trail 1753 over 20 years ago, and he remains the backbone behind the non-profit organization today. For his efforts he was recognized as Butler County's 2022 Tourism Ambassador of the Year during the Tourism Office's annual banquet and awards ceremony held in early May. View the video where several of Marty's WT1753 colleagues offer their congratulations on his award.
Annual Seminar returns!
Seminar held on April 7, 2022
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, over 70 people gathered at Butler Country Club to attend the Washington’s Trail 1753 Summit with the theme of “Cultural Contrasts Along the Trail." Speakers included Dr. Susan Sleeper-Smith; Stephen Clark, Superintendent for National Parks of Western Pennsylvania, National Park Service; Perry Ground, member of the Onondaga Nation, Turtle Clan; Alan Fitzpatrick; Leon Briggs, Tonawanda Seneca; and Donald Pearce, Fort LeBoeuf.

The day also included lunch and opportunity to visit the vendors who set up tables to display and sell their wares.
Stephen Clark, NPS
Perry Ground
Viewing the Logstown diarama
Donald Pearce,
Fort LeBoeuf
Leon Briggs
Martin O'Brien (L) and John Wunderlick (R)
Save the Date!
2023 Summit will be held on
April 20, 2023 at Butler Country Club.
More details to follow!
WT1753 Board of Directors holds meeting
WT1753 Board of Directors - (L to R) Debbie Corll, Jack Oris, Rodney Gasch, Brenda Applegate, Martin O'Brien
The Board met via Zoom on Monday, June 27, 2022 and elected the Board and Officers of the Corporation.

Board of Directors: Martin O'Brien, Brenda Applegate, Jack Oris, Rodney Gasch, and Debbie Corll.

Officers: Martin O'Brien, President;
Brenda Applegate, Vice President; Debbie Corll, Secretary; Jack Cohen, Treasurer.
Fort LeBoeuf plans Washington Statue Centennial Celebration
note: The above pdf was provided by the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society. Click on it to view, download and print.
Fort LeBoeuf will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the George Washington statue with a rededication ceremony at
2 p.m. on August 27, 2022. 
Dedicated in 1922, the George Washington statue has flanked the South end of Waterford for 100 years. Follow the updates on their Facebook page Washington Statue Centennial & Rededication. Along with the re-dedication, the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society Campus will be full of living history! Throughout the day there will be several speakers including Matt Gault (Fort Ligonier), Brian Reedy (Fort Necessity), and George Deutsch. There will also be screenings of the new movie “Washington’s Armor.” The Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society looks forward to seeing you in August!
George Washington's Rules of Civility &
Decent Behavior in Company & Conversation
Rule 4. In the presence of others, sing not to yourself with a humming noise, nor drum with your fingers or feet.

It is annoying and distracting to have someone near you humming or making a continuous sound.  This rule also applies to loud music blaring from your car window or house/apartment window.  There are exceptions to this rule, as cheering and clapping are generally acceptable at sports-oriented activities.  Those comments should be socially appropriate for both the fans and the teams playing. 
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