"Gen Silent"  

now streaming  free  through January 8th 

LGBT older man playing the violin
The critically-acclaimed LGBT aging documentary,

Gen Silent is streaming now through
 Sunday, January 8th.  

Older Lesbian couple in the film Gen Silent
Rather than making you rent Gen Silent on Netflix or Amazon,
we offer free home viewing events like this one so that price or geographic region doesn't stop individuals around the world from hearing this important message.

We  will let you know about other free home viewing events throughout 2012 and hope will consider making a small donation using the link on the viewer page.

Happy New Year!

The Gen Silent Team

"The generation that fought hardest to come out,
is going back in- to survive."

* Why during special times only?  Unfortunately it is necessary to reduce misuse and piracy that is a serious threat to small organizations like ours.  We appreciate your understanding.   
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