In honor of California Mediation Week, Community Boards along with the JAMS Foundation, Coloured Consultancy, and the Golden Swan, hosted this dynamic international dialogue about mediation and conflict transformation around the world.

If you’d like to keep the dialogue going, you can connect with the Golden Swan

Please enjoy the conversation.
|The Panelists|
Amy Cardamone (Bali, Indonesia) | Aleix Masramon Cruzate (Spain) | Frederic Deycard (Mali) | Fica Djohani (The Netherlands) | Varuna Bhandari Gugnani (India) | Hicham Kantar (Lebanon) | Karolína Miková, PhD (Slovakia) | Keiko Tanaka (Japan) | Professor Brian Williams (South Africa)
|The Moderators|
Cindy Lugten (The Netherlands) | Darlene Weide (United States)
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