A note from Scott...
"After being certified and diving in the blue waters of Cozumel 2 years ago, it was time to prep and get more acquainted with my gear and skills.
A few of my Southern Ohio Diving friends/ supporters came out to the local quarry for skills updates...we worked on finding the right weight combination and placement that has allowed me to be more comfortable in the water. Finally, able to log a couple dives and with each trip around the buoys and rope system I was able to be more confident.
Looking forward to logging more dives early next year and going on the Cayman Brac trip planned for next June. Smiling and diving are a good combination, I'm hoping to do more.”
Yes they are Scott and you make us smile checking in... glad you got some diving in before it gets cold up there :-)
A Huge shout out to Jeff Mueller, (pictured with Scott) Cindy Cline and the other members and friends of SODA for all that you do!