It may be raining and the irrigation season is over, but during budget planning, it is important to consider water conservation projects for next year right now. 

Water prices vary widely in Oregon and Washington but all are rising faster than the baseline inflation rate and faster than all other utilities over the past 10 years. In landscape management, Water Conservation is one of the most important services we provide. In order to provide water conservation and savings, changes to the irrigation system and landscape are needed. Through our investment and focus over the past decade, we are able to provide the most comprehensive Water Conservation services in the industry. We have received accolades and have presented on the subject nationally.


·      Lawn and Landscape Magazine July 2023

·      Landscape Management Magazine November 2022

·      National Association of Landscape Professionals January 2022

·      Weathermatic Partner Interview

Water Conservation Projects

Your 2024 budget includes our recommendations for water conservation projects and those are outlined below. 

Pressure Regulated Sprinklers

WATER SAVINGS:  Pressure-regulated sprinklers will use about 20-25 percent less water than non-regulated sprinklers 20-25 percent less water. If the nozzle breaks, pressure regulators are estimated to save 70 percent of the water that might have been spilled if using an older sprinkler system.


Lawn Conversion

With the great sunny weather we've had this past week and many trees beginning to change color, there have been some beautiful sites on many of our landscapes with the red and yellow fall color beginning to occur. We always enjoy this time but know that it is signs of change and significant work for us going into November to pick up all the leaves that are about to fall. We should all enjoy it while we can.

Weather Based Irrigation

We have found that through our experience with water conservation tools over the past decade weather based irrigation control saves 20-30% from traditional manually programmed systems making it a no-brainer with water rates rising so rapidly. Previously, converting to weather-based irrigation required capital cost. Weathermatic developed a subscription based model for their SmartLink Wireless Landscape Network Weather Base Irrigation Control


SmartLink Remote Access Controller Subscription

For properties that have not yet approved Weather Based Control (which we still highly recommend), we have partnered with Weathermatic to offer their remote access controller subscription as a part of our standard service offering and we'll be upgrading all controllers to this technology through our contract renewal going into 2024. It's a very low-cost subscription that replaces existing controllers and provides us access from our desktop, tablet, and cell phones, improving our ability to service and troubleshoot problems with your irrigation system.

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