
The weather is starting to warm up and it is time to get out there for water monitoring!

For those of you that use the test kits, you will notice some new items in the kits.

In the side pocket of the LaMotte kit, you will find a conductivity meter. When you pick up your test kit for the first time this year, I will show you how to use it.

In the milk crate, there is a plastic bag with gloves and goggles. It is a good idea to wear these when handling the test chemicals. Some of the tests have strong acids such as Sulfuric Acid, so it is important to be careful when handling them.

Please read through this newsletter to get all of the newest updates, including a new way to submit data. If you have any questions, or would like to arrange a time to pick up a water test kit you can reach me at


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Options for submitting data
We are using a new program called Landscape for navigation, data collection, and data submission. This will replace the online forms on the Couchiching Conservancy website.

You are still welcome to submit paper monitoring forms, if you prefer.

If you would like to use Landscape but do not have an account or would like help with the app, please email me ( and I will be happy to help!
What is conductivity? Conductivity is the measure of the waters ability to conduct an electrical current. It is influenced by the concentration of charged ions such as nitrates, phosphates, chlorides, calcium, iron.

Why test it? Conductivity is a good indicator of water quality. Once a baseline is established, changes in conductivity can indicate changes in water sources and/or pollution.

The Plan: We will test conductivity in combination with the LaMotte kit tests until a baseline is established. Once a baseline is established, conductivity can replace some of the LaMotte tests (for some sites)
The Water Rangers conductivity probe is placed in the water for a couple of seconds and it will read out the value. It's easy! Learn more about conductivity here.
Useful Links
Coming soon...
I am in the process of updating the laminated instruction booklet with some additional information (safety, conductivity info, etc.). Until that is completed, I will put printed instructions for the conductivity test in the large side pocket of the LaMotte kit.

I am Aiesha Aggarwal, the conservation Analyst at the Couchiching Conservancy. If you have any questions about Landscape, EdApp or the water monitoring program, I would be happy to help you out!

Phone: 705-238-1811
You are receiving this email because you are a Water monitor with The Couchiching Conservancy. Please let us know if things have changed and you can no longer volunteer, or do not wish to receive these emails. 
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