Coming Up:
WTP Design - Hazen completed an alternatives analysis for several critical decisions and is continuing design of the new water treatment plant.
Hydropower Plan - Due to issues with establishing utility connection with Eversource, the Commission has stopped plans for a proposed inline hydropower project on the 42-inch raw water main. We have contracted with Kleinfelder/Stantec to complete an assessment of the Cobble Mountain Hydrostation and make recommendations for plant improvements.
Upper Lagoon Dam #2 - Tighe & Bond is evaluating options for repairing or removing Dam #2, as a result of the slope failures that occurred in August. We are also working with Hazen to determine if the upper lagoon will be needed as part of the new water treatment plant.
42-inch Raw Water Transmission Main - We are continuing to review the options to repair or replace the 42-inch main in order to provide reliable raw water delivery redundancy for years to come.