Speak Your Piece: In a Desert, Any Oasis Will Do

Rural “news deserts” are anything but arid. But the steady stream of information that flows into rural America isn't the kind that waters the roots of democracy.

" Cutting edge communication technologies have brought with them the precision of seeking out the conservatively curious and the politically disinclined to push them toward common political purpose. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and – most of where you go online to express yourself – have you targeted. You are the change they seek. They take what you like and what you hate and prank with you. (Sources say.)"
-Dee Davis, Center for Rural Strategies
Rural Women in the News
In the past weeks, the USDA released the 2017 Census of Agriculture data highlighting the rise in women farmers and ranchers. Women involved in agricultural operations has increased nearly 16% since 2012 and over 500,000 more women are now principal producers. However, the importance of women in leading and shaping resilient rural places expands far beyond agriculture and there is a need to celebrate and recognize all levels of leadership and contribution.

The time is now for a Rural Women's Summit to celebrate the diverse role of women in rural communities. This Summit is designed for rural practitioners, leaders, and advocates to articulate the broad civic, political, and cultural impact of women’s leadership in rural America, to name the ways rural women are agents of change, to call out the barriers rural women face every day, and to proclaim the powerful role rural women play in creating compassionate communities. 

SAVE THE DATE: October 27-29 in Greenville, SC
(Photo by Anna Claussen).
A Flood of Emotion: Across Nebraska and Iowa floodwaters are receding. Downstream future victims are planning, preparing, praying
"I know how quickly they get to work. I also know how short our attention spans are in today’s society. The ripple and magnified effects of disasters are what often go unseen and unaddressed."

In her most recent blog post, Anna Claussen, partner and steering committee member of the Rural Assembly and founder and leader of Voices for Rural Resilience , writes about the long-term trajectory of recovery from the intense natural disasters that have struck the Midwest this year.
Rural Matters Podcast covers diverse rural issues including healthcare, education, and economic development
Rural Matters is a "biweekly, 30-minute podcast about rural education, business, and health. The podcast’s mission is to increase awareness, inform discussion, and expand the dialogue on the most important issues facing rural stakeholders every day."

The podcast is hosted by Michelle Rathman: strategist, speaker, facilitator, and thought partner. Michelle brings a strong background in rural advocacy to the podcast to make for powerful, informative conversations on complex rural issues.
Remember to check out our new "All Things Rural" calendar of events here and submit your events to be featured on the calendar here !